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Résultats de la recherche

  1. U

    Cutting San Pedro

    Hello all, Just wondering if anyone could give me some more information and/or tips on this. I plan on cutting the top of my San Pedro and bringing it home. I have moved away from my parents home, and I wanted to bring my San Pedro but it got to big, so I plan on cutting the top part which is...
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    Johns Hopkins studies ...

    The header wouldn't let me fit the entire title, "Johns Hopkins studies of psilocybin-based mystical experience" Enjoy, http://tedxmidatlantic.com/live/#RolandGriffiths peace, love, light & unity!
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    Sad day!

    So I was just going to touch my little 3 year old peyote, and a very gentle touch turned into me squashing the little peyote, and spilling its guts. Something was wrong with the cactus. It was way to fragile to be bursting from such a gentle touch. The roots were pretty much drained of all...
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    New Forum Rules

    I guess I shall start the thread, anyone and everyone post what you think is acceptable for this forum. Try to be reasonable and open minded to what others want. Only rule I would like to see if that EVERYONE is treated equally, with respect and love for one another. This is all I ask...
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    TAMS- Traditional Amazonian Medicine Society

    Hello, Wondering if anyone has heard of this organization? I met some people at the beach last Friday who told me about them but they didn't have any information on them. I believe they hold Ayahuasca ceremonies on Vancouver island. They have a website but it is not working. I need to contact...
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    New World Order is here!

    Obama himself saying New World Order is the best for our current economic state. Not sure how much more proof is needed to convince our close-minded society. peace & love
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    Hello, My friend picked some psilocybin cyanescens a while back. He was wondering about how potent they are. Near the start of the season he took 1 gram of the mushrooms that were dried in a drying chamber using a drying agent. He was blown away. Once the season started to get bigger,the drying...
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    Hello all, I just have a question. My friend picked up some LSD yesterday. He took 2 tabs and a friend took 1. His buddy did not feel strong effects and ended up passing out. As for my other friend, that took 2 tabs, he had a 6 hour come up, and a 12 hour peak, and then came down finally this...
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    Amsterdam to close many brothels, marijuana cafes

    AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) — Amsterdam unveiled plans Saturday to close up to half of the famed brothels and marijuana cafes in its ancient city center as part of a major cleanup operation. The city says it wants to drive organized crime out of the district, and is targeting businesses that...
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    One of many patches!

    Hello all, I found a beautiful patch of some Psilocybin Cyanencens today and thought I should share the pictures with you. Enjoy!
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    Who do you think will win? And will they stay alive, or be shot afterwards? peace & love
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    How potent are Psilocybin Cyanescens?

    Anyone? Dose? Same as Cubensis?
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    The Risk

    Hello, I am wondering, truthfully, how dangerous is it to consume a mushroom from the wild if you know what you are doing. I am not sure how to differentiate between an expert and beginner mycologist, and not sure what I would classify myself. I have found some cyanescens growing, and have...
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    Ayahuasca Seminar Today!

    Hello everyone, I just thought that I should share with you that I am attending an Ayahuasca Seminar today. I am very excited about this. The person talking is from my University; University of British Columbia, and his name is Kenneth Tupper...
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    Preparation method

    Hello, Just if you have not seen in my other thread, "Preparation of San Pedro with limited Resources", I have figured out a really good way to prepare and consume San Pedro. What you need to do is grind up the Pedro to a powder, and then add some lemon juice, until the Pedro turns to dough...
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    Preparation of San Pedro with limited resources

    Hello all, As you may know, I am living in a dorm at UBC. I do not have access to a stove or anything else to cook San Pedro. Me and a friend this weekend plan on taking 30 grams each of San Pedro that we will buy from a shop today. The pedro is dried already and is just the 'green' layer. I am...
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    Poisonous Mushrooms

    Hello all, As the mushrooms hunting season is coming up, I thought it would be appropriate to compile a topic on just poisonous mushrooms, with photos and descriptions. I believe there is not a very big list of poisonous mushrooms, but rather a few that we should focus on. I am no expert on...
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    Hello, I just have a question for you people who have went through University, lived in a dorm, and used psychoactive substances; where did you dose? When did you dose? Partying and dosing is not an option for me. Also loud noises really bother me during an experience. I have the weekends off...
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    Planter Warts

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone has had these bastards before? I have developed a few on the bottom of my foot. Right now I am using duct tape to treat them. Apparently it will kill them in six days, we will see about that. Also, apparently doctors only make it worse, so I was wondering if...
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    Street boughten mushrooms

    Do you buy mushrooms off the street? Grow them yourself? Pick them? Do you agree with street boughten mushrooms? I feel like it is not right. All these people selling mushrooms only want to sell them to make money. They treat the mushrooms as just a drug that fucks you up, and will sell the...