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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Hyperion1980

    Resistant against salvia?

    Okay, 2 tokes from the 30X and I didn't know who I was, where I was or what I was, I don't have en explication, but the force coming from the East (as confirmed by the mazatec indians, you need to face the east). The force was much stronger then yesterday it blew me away. I think the problem was...
  2. Hyperion1980

    Resistant against salvia?

    Y have doing salvia years ago without any breakthrough experience, some energy feeling moods, but nothing more. Yesterday My 10X 20X and 30X arrived, I took 2 large hits 10X, then 1 hit 20X then 1 hit 30X, I didn't know what happening, but no breakthrough experience. I vaped some weed afterwards...
  3. Hyperion1980

    Tripknollen, al uitgeprobeerd ?

    Ik had de tampanensis (zeer visueel), eerst een halve portie vers geprobeerd (5 gram) dat was goed te doen. 2e keer een volledige portie geprobeerd, in het begin zeer tof, het was in de Ardennen en de bergen zagen er uit als 1 grote Farao. Toen begon het minder plezante deel. Mijn maag was...
  4. Hyperion1980

    Are we all just playing a game?

    We are playing the "game of life". In Far journeys of "Monroe" I found the following. There exists an "entry station" before starting your human life. You can choose some parameters such as place, sex, ... before you start playing the game There is another planet or another energy system...
  5. Hyperion1980

    DMT trip - what happens in the brain?

    one Answer: Rick Strassman: DMT: the spirit molecule. For me consiousnous is projected out of the body must read: Monroe: Journeys out of the body, far journeys, Ultimate Journey. OOB experiences are much like DMT, the same as ALIEN ABDUCTIONS
  6. Hyperion1980

    I believe plants are spiritual beings...

    It is true, plants do have a spirit. To solve this problem you have to apology load and clear before you "kill the plant". If your ego has a problem with "talking load to plants". You'll probably have a bad trip... review the books of Carlos Castaneda for more info on the subject
  7. Hyperion1980

    DMT creatures, real or not?

    I've never done DMT but read the book "DMT, the spirit Molecule" from Strassman. In this books many people describe the experience as "more real then real" Quote from Terence McKenna
  8. Hyperion1980

    LSA pour LE premier ?

    Dontneedsociety: I have felt something from salvia, but I never experienced other "worlds" and so on. One time I saw the energy in my house, but nothing more, no visuals. Even after 3 big tooks of 15X salvia... j'ai oublié que le forum est en francais: donc, je suis dans le même group de toi...
  9. Hyperion1980

    Almost had a lucid dream...

    For experiencing lucid dreams and so on. Use Hemi-sync from Robert Monroe Institute. tip: do some search on some torrentz sites, you can download many cd's and even dvd's from him. Plz keep a dreamnightbook. I write down most of my dreams every night. I'm doing this now several years...
  10. Hyperion1980

    Liquid LSD -> DMT trip?

    DMT can be released by the pineal gland. The pineal gland is most active around 5 - 6 AM in the morning. It is endogenous DMT(every brain on earth can make it). According to Dr. Strassmans book "DMT - The spirit molecule". Perhaps your LSD experience initiated the release of endogenous DMT. What...
  11. Hyperion1980

    Can YOU eff your ineffable trip?

    I took 15 grams of fresh truffels (tampanensis). I tried a small amount (5 gram the week before lift of. It was at a camping. We had really good music and so on... The final thought I remembered is: "If I'm dead, what will happen with me". Afterwards it was a real mind fuck. I didn't remember...
  12. Hyperion1980

    LSD op groot bruin papiertje?

    Ik ben van België, normaal gezien is de gangbare prijs 1 a 2 euro per blotter. Dus neem 2 * 4 = 8 € zou het ongeveer mogen kosten. Het is wel raar dat er geen logo opstaat.
  13. Hyperion1980

    sleep paralysis

    Als kind (5 jaar) had ik een gelijkaardige ervaring. Maar met dat verschil dat ik allemaal monsters en andere wezens in mijn kamer zag rondvliegen. Ik was doodsbang en probeerde te schreeuwen, maar er kwam geen geluid. Ik wilde bewegen en kon mij niet bewegen... Vermoedelijk na een halve minuut...
  14. Hyperion1980

    Hoeveelheid LSD in blotter

    Ik ben van tegen Aalst. Ik en ne maat hebben van t weekend getript. Ik heb ne halven hofman genomen (zo ne groenen blotter, waar hij op zijn fiets rijdt) voor den eerste keer en ik ben er stevig tegen aan gegaan voor een uur of 10... Mijne maat had ne volledige "maya" binnen. Die was ook neig...
  15. Hyperion1980

    Politiek links georienteerd?

    Ik ben niet links en niet rechts, ik dien een partij te kiezen die ik niet haat, al de andere haat ik. Alhoewel ik in love ben met de natuur, haat ik de groen! partij in België omdat die te radicaal is. (je zou zelfs niet meer op reis mogen gaan met de vlieger) De socialisten (SP.A) in belgië...
  16. Hyperion1980

    Antibiotica & LSD

    No it definitely is my first time LSD, but I was already planning to start with 1/4th and wait 1 hour and see... If I'm fine I'll take another quarter, and so on. The LSD is around 250 mics probably...
  17. Hyperion1980

    Antibiotica & LSD

    Yow yesterday, so thursday-evening at 6 PM, I took my last pill of Antibiotics (Cefuroxime from Sandoz industries). We planned to take a double-hoffman on Saterday in the afternoon (for my first time, my friends 4th time). Is this a problem? How long stays the antibiotics in your system? and...
  18. Hyperion1980

    Salvia in Literature? did C. Castaneda try it?

    I must disagree with you. I only read the 3 first books of C. Castaneda and the smoke is definitely explained in one of his 3 first books (I think in the second one). In the begining I also thought humito was salvia divinorum. But later he explains that it is a mixture of dried P. Cubensis (one...
  19. Hyperion1980

    What was it?

    I have bought some MDMA recently, but it was something else, it was just the same like you describe. After 4 hours I was kinda trippin'. I had close eyes visuals (like passing through a tunnel of black and green spots...) I think it was MDEA or PMA when I looked at the experiences at erowid...
  20. Hyperion1980


    I finally found a "Hofman" blotter (the green one when he is riding his bicycle). Any ideas how much micrograms it contains? I like to try it but I have to wait till after the exams