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Résultats de la recherche

  1. E

    Do you know about "The Elite" ?

    Do you know that most governments and most well known institutions are puppets for other puppet masters? Do you know that money is created from private hands - which means they have the power? I am not paranoid and I am not afraid. Im just sayin' :) The solution is to create money equally for...
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    Gods Goal for us?

    I've never believed in God until 3 years ago. And I didn't start to believe right away, it took almost 3 years before I could believe after really asking the question: "Does God exist?". And yes, it does. Its not a he nor she, and its infinite. Its the very words you read, the very eyes you...
  3. E

    Do you ever wonder about reality?

    There are so many worlds and dimensions we visit while on drugs and experiences that are extraordinary. Do you ever wonder why we always come back to this reality? Where we must work, follow laws or we end up in jail, and pay for our housing and food? I can answer that, but everytime I do it...
  4. E

    Everything is real. Reality is now/oneness

    Reality is what is. And what is is reality. We are reality. What you see in drugs is real. The reason why it doesn't seem real is because its not as firm as here and now, well, only when you think about it. Being in a lucid dream or tripping is real as long as you're there. There is a war...
  5. E

    Ego - Soul - God ???

    From all my research into mysticism, ockultism, gnostic information, quantum physics, string theory, general relativity, time, space, torsion fields, and my own life (observing myself and my experience) I've come to understand that we're all one. Now, I've tried to understand that from my...
  6. E

    A very deep insight.

    Time is God.
  7. E

    What can we do?

    I sit here, stoned, but still. While stoned I see things different, well, not really different. I tend to think different and I become different, I become stoned. When sober I find it easier to interract with real-life, and when high I tend to dwell internally. What can we do about life? I...
  8. E

    We are not the brain but a mind (a soul)

    I read a book that was about the Toltec teachings and how to go beyond fear and find happiness and freedom. It was about Don Miguel Ruiz a toltec master and he said we live in a dream. He called our reality the Earth Dream. This book made my dreams very lucid and it wen't so far that I started...
  9. E

    The sum of all of information.

    What is Infinity..? 8) I say: Ungraspable. But still graspable. The sum of all information literally means a copy of all perspectives put togheter is one. It would mean ALOT of time to PROGRESS that information. We EXPERIENCE (experience points ANYONE? :P) life. Its hella fun. Why...
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    The Real Life Matrix - A very controversial thread

    WARNING! This is the RED PILL It will question reality and if you're not ready you might get angry and just call it all bullshit, you always have free will, but maybe its better to spend the time reading a book or watching a movie instead of trying to read this text that is truly controversial...
  11. E

    I know this fella, you can call him God

    The experiences aren't in the drug, they're in us. ^ I read that article and I can relate to all experiences. We are one, and when you see all as one, that is you. You are this oneness and all is part of you, its your experience. What would you do if you wherer god? What would you do? This...
  12. E

    My reality

    Hello (again) fellow psychonauts. After several months of contemplation with a period of almost 3 months of no smoking cannabis (and do any drugs including caffeine) I came to a quite logical (for me) conclusion. The conclusion is that that we all are one. That means only I exist, or only you...
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    2012 Enigma

    Hi all fellow psychonauts! I would like to recommend this movie for all of you: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 3711060908 I've seen it a couple of times and from my resarch I'm 100% convinced on David Wilcoks positive view of our future, so I would like to share this amazing...
  14. E

    Please tell me about your...

    What's your thoughts on Life in general? What do you think about space and time? And what do you think about drugs? How do you think life will change? Where are you going? What's your deal in this life? Tell me a little about what you think of UFO's, 2012, time travel, free energy and where the...
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    What I found in science

    Hi I would like to share what science has done for me. Since being a kid I've always been looking at problems with solutions, or with a big question of why it even is a problem. Today Im mid-twenties, and I'm a stoner, lazy but not really, but really.. :) I've studied cannabis alot cause I've...
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    The Now

    Right now its 2008, and the 11th of July. This is now, as of now when I type theese letters on this forum. The now is all there is, life is just a moment, a flash in eternity. What we do can only echo in eternity and we - with the help of history - created ourselves an identity of who we are...
  17. E

    Have u guys seen...

    This guy: Derek Brown.. I like him, he's sort of nice :)
  18. E

    Programming the brain

    Jill Bolte on the brain: www.TED.com For the programmers out there: The right the is parallall processor, and the left is the seriell processor.. ;) have fun!
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    Since my birth I've had migraine, and ache in my neck. And I've mostly used a pharmacy pill.. And I always got migraine after drinking alchohol. So I woke up in pain and took theese pharmacy pills.. When I discovered cannabis and that it cured migraine I started to test this. I've lived my life...
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    Cannabis and N2O: Acceleration to Zero Point Unity

    Warning: I make a case out of what I've come to understand. I've lived my life as a test, and I never realised it until know. I sit on information that could make you high by talking about it. It sounds wicked right? So of you laugh now and think Im stupid, don't read more, cause it gets worse...