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Résultats de la recherche

  1. S

    Hello :D

    I'm pretty sure those two are ad bots. Google their quotes and you'll see them plastered all over the web.
  2. S

    Current Acidhead, taking alot frequently, have some q's

    there's more truth to that than you know.. for example, long-term periods of being high while deprived of sleep WILL catch up with you, it's just a matter of when. but i'm talking about people who use psychedelics frequently, over lengthy periods, not occasional binges I would substitute...
  3. S

    Schools urge action on legal drug mephedrone

    yep... people will continue to use drugs as they always have anyway if you ever try it let us know how it goes.. afaik i'm the only 'regular' here whose tried it a few times it's still quite easily available here locally. i'm a bit hesitant to do it again though, as much as i liked the trip..
  4. S

    Schools urge action on legal drug mephedrone

    perhaps like what happened in mexico... where personal use is decriminalized. in other words, when the drug war becomes so messy and violent that the people actually cry for change... because the pain of staying the same couldn't possibly be worse sort of like what happened with prohibition.
  5. S

    Schools urge action on legal drug mephedrone

    haha.. no doubt. this would actually be a difficult one to even just give a warning about. you can tell someone 'don't do more than a few hundred mg in a night' but once you hit a certain threshold it becomes very fiendish. plus after you've used it a few times it's incredibly addictive.. or...
  6. S

    RFID for Passport Tracking: The Real Results

    gradualism. one little thing at a time. some things in particular bother me more than others.. too many people are perfectly willing to throw their freedoms and privacy away for an almost negligible increase in security, and governments are perfectly happy to go along with it to make it look...
  7. S

    RFID for Passport Tracking: The Real Results

    simple physics, energy source. unless the government has discovered some new invisible everlasting battery those rfid chips will never be capable of tracking anyone from more than a teeny short difference. which means they'd need to install millions of clandestine tracking devices all over the...
  8. S

    Schools urge action on legal drug mephedrone

    i'm not surprised at the deaths, nor that this one has hit the mainstream.. it's a hell of a drug.. but really easy to seriously overdo and hurt yourself with of course banning it will probably just make it even more popular by advertising it.. more money for the black market, wait till the...
  9. S

    Happy New Year!!!!

    A happy 2010 to all!
  10. S

    Psychonautic Sex...

    ^likewise maybe guys just tend to seek out web forums like this more?
  11. S

    Another anxiety.

    ^I agree with much that IJC can share my experiences in response to your post.. of course I can't 100% recommend anything as a solution for you. I've had periods of my life where I've dealt with anxiety, and even had panic attacks on and off for a short while, so while I really don't...
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    Pot and social anxiety

    for me i would call that less what I was talking about, and more the next step in the process that occurs after. you don't realize or accept anything without a lengthy period of self-evaluation first and all the processes involved therein. perhaps i'll try rephrasing my post: one can't...
  13. S

    Alcohol - Spirit or Worst Trip Ever?

    i do like the way it slowly lowers inhibitions as long as it's with the right kind of people. before you know it you are having lengthy and sometimes absurdly intimate conversations. in that context alcohol really only works for me if it's very occasional, like going out for drinks a few times...
  14. S


    ^ nice :)
  15. S

    Merry Christmas everybody!

    it's just a christian reinterpretation of older solstice and sun god celebrations anyway... so merry christmas, or happy solstice, whatever it is you celebrate, have a good one!
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    Pot and social anxiety

    personally i embrace my emotions, that's how I find out where they come from and in that process you can learn a lot about yourself. think about what is causing them, challenge those perceptions, see the world from different perspectives.
  17. S


    i like that word, why. whatever answer you get you can continuously ask it of the answers, pretty much for ever. when i was a kid the answer i got from the religulous was "god made everything of course". so i asked where did god come from, why does 'he' exist. i got some jargon about how god...
  18. S

    The Taste of the Color Blue

    not really, they were on a label called schematic (schematic.net) i believe, lots of tripped out music on that label but nothing quite like them. i tend to think of them as more of a mix of glitch and trip hop, especially their first short album. phoenecia on that label might be the most...
  19. S

    Pot and social anxiety

    agreed with a lot of the above. weed just amplifies what's already there. i used to be incredibly introverted and smoking pot only made me more introverted so i avoided it at parties. then one day i decided to actually stop and think about what was going on. why was i clamping up whenever i...
  20. S


    Right, in that context i totally see what you mean and agree. It is absolutely a defensive mechanism gone berserk. when you feel that the pain of death is less than the perceived pain of staying alive. Thanks for explaining. In that sense we are all selfish to some degree or another at some...