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Résultats de la recherche

  1. izmar

    I'm looking for a financial & creative genius in Amsterd

    Hi, I recently started working on my own. I'm looking for someone with a good eye for how the tax system works and who knows about VAT/BTW and all the other things that you need for freelancing/working on your own. The person I'm looking for is creative and also interested in things that don't...
  2. izmar

    I'm looking for a financial & creative genius in Amsterd

    Hi, I recently started working on my own. I'm looking for someone with a good eye for how the tax system works and who knows about VAT/BTW and all the other things that you need for freelancing/working on your own. The person I'm looking for is creative and also interested in things that don't...
  3. izmar

    New ayahuasca information website

    Hi there, I just finished making a website about ayahuasca: http://www.ayahuasca-info.com Features interviews with Dr. Mark Plotkin of the Amazon Conservation Team, Arno Adelaars (co-author of Ayahuasca - Zaubertranke... together with C. Raetsch/C. Mueller-Ebeling) and Jeremy Narby (working on...
  4. izmar

    New ayahuasca website

    Hello everyone, I just finished making a website about ayahuasca: http://www.ayahuasca-info.com General description: Besides detailed information about ayahuasca, the visionary, healing vine, this website is an overview of the global use of this sacred medicine from the Amazon. Includes...
  5. izmar

    Oproep aan iedereen met ervaring met extraheren

    Hoi allemaal, Dit is een oproep aan iedereen die ervaring heeft met het extraheren van de tryptramines uit Mimosa hostils wortelbast e.d. Ik ben een website aan het maken over ayahuasca, waarin ook een stuk over DMT staat en een voorbeeld extractie-methode. Ik heb hiervoor de Marsofold techniek...
  6. izmar

    Phalaris arundicea cultivation pics

    I've posted some pictures of my first attempt to grow P. arundinacea. They're in the Cultivation > Other plants section. I hope I'll be as successful with it as I am so far, because it seems to be an extremely easy, rewarding, fast-growing plant and I'm not taking extreme good care of it. I just...
  7. izmar

    Ott: Mimosa hostilis is active by itself

    Did anyone ever try a Mimosa hostilis cold water infusion, as proposed by Ott? It's a preparation that involves no other plants. The exact psychopharmacology is not yet clear. We know 5-MeO-DMT is an MAOI, but in the amounts present it is simply too weak to potentiate all the N,N-DMT in the...
  8. izmar

    '06 recreational drug toxicity research

    This American research, of which the results have been publish mid 2006, has some positive conclusions on the use of the classic, visionary psychedelics and several popular shamanistic and medicinal plants and other kinds of drugs. "Ranking psychoactive substances by their ratios of lethal dose...
  9. izmar

    LSD purity

    There's a nice article on LSD purity newly published on Erowid, check it out here: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_article2.shtml
  10. izmar

    Onderzoek naar pijnappelklier bij mystieke ervaringen

    Interessant onderzoek, inclusief verwijzingen naar n,n-DMT, 5-MeO-DMT, boeken uit de psychedelica subcultuur, etc. http://www.spiralsofevolution.nl/nl/onderzoek.shtml
  11. izmar

    Interesting book being written

    ... by James Kent: Psychedelic Information Theory. Seems interesting enough to take a look at, check out: http://www.tripzine.com/pit/
  12. izmar

    Southpark creators on LSD

    Art or pulp, trillions of people have thoroughly enjoyed Southpark. And the creators are apparently openminded enough to consider the use of hallucinogens. http://www.tripzine.com/listing.php?smlid=843
  13. izmar

    Beautiful San Pedro flower

    Although probably no news at all for most of us, San Pedros produce beautiful flowers, when given the right circumstances. A recent contribution to the Erowid image archive shows just how magnificent these flowers can be: http://www.erowid.org/plants/show_image ... 1_disp.jpg I thought it...
  14. izmar

    Scientific drug research going strong

    Thanks to MAPS, proper research into the realms of the mind is finally being conducted again, after 3 decades of practically no research: http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v16n2- ... sreal.html http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v16n2- ... swiss.html http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v16n2- ...
  15. izmar

    More Ayahuasca freedom in the U.S.A!

    News from February 2006, but still interesting enough for the ones who might have missed it, like me: http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/ayahuas ... aw22.shtml
  16. izmar

    No THC in cannabis flowers... just yet

    This might be news for many psychonauts: there is no THC in marijuana and most hashish. "Marijuana produces THCA, an acid with the carboxylic group (COOH) attached. In its acid form, THC is not very active. It is only when the carboxyl group is removed that THC becomes psychoactive. When...
  17. izmar


    There are rumours about the Maya having used a certain type of shell for their psychoactive potential. Nowhere on the web can be found any information on this, however. The shell concerned here is the Spondylus, probably the S. pictorum, but there is no certainty, as hardly any investigation has...
  18. izmar


    Balche is an alcoholic beverage consumed by the Maya. Read the first part of the following article to get an impression of this intoxicant and its use: http://www.stirringthecauldron.com/2005 ... d_moon.php Anyone with any knowledge on this uncommon brew, possible analogues and related rituals...
  19. izmar

    Ayahuasca and cancer

    http://www.maps.org/news-letters/v08n3/08322top.html The article tells the story of a man who has gained effects against cancer through the use of Ayahuasca.
  20. izmar

    Use the Shulgin rating scale

    Everyone who's been under the influence of a psychedelic knows how difficult it is to convey your experience, even to the most experienced psychonaut. Perhaps we should make it common sense to use Alexander Shulgin's rating scale, a description of which can be found here...