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Permanent Hallucinations


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juil 2008
Once(probably on DXM) I had a possibility to control my CEV's. Whatever I thought about showed up:monkeys,cars,soliders etc. but I never thought that I can imagine myself a naked chick :?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
BrainEater a dit:
whate are you on Nomada?? :D self-hypnosis is the best !!! i do it everyday :D

I'm on myself locked alone in my house for the past few days and nothing but too much caffeine, cannafbis, apples and beans suffering the consequences of acknowledging that there are no rules whatsoever. I'll post a trip report on this later since I believe is worthh sharing. How hgih are you wen yu post?

You can self-hypnose yourself into becoming an a moeba and be a vegetable for the rest of your life.

hey Mikey_Massacre was the cat water like? the spider from earlier was transparent but in the way that water is transparent: you can see through it but you you know is there because of light refraction.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Mikey_Massacre a dit:
Today I had that too.When I was walking home this evening I noticed a semi-visiable white cat running across the street. I'm sure it was my hallucination,not a ghost though :lol:

I had this once when very stoned. In the space of 3 minutes, I saw three black/gray cats running to hide. I was with a friend and at the second cat, I asked him if he saw it, he said no. Then at the third one I pointed it and almost shouted 2did you see that one?" (was very funny, I sometimes have very funny strong reactions when I'm stoned and something out of the ordinary happens :P ) He didn't see it either.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
sometimes an object outside my vision's focus on my computer screen will creep away a bit for a second. Sometimes it bubbles out like that distortion effect in photoshop called punch.


31 Août 2008
i think the whole "flashback" full-blown acid trip thing that people like to talk about is totally bogus. but i do have some residing trippy effects from my experiences with psychedelics like you're talking about

i always notice those worm-like objects that drop from the sky. they sort of float around and if i actually try to follow them they fall out into my peripherial (?) vision

also, sometimes when i'm completely sober but listening to some really trippy music like some dark side or maybe the beatles and a part comes out that is truly mind blowing while tripping i have this overwhelming intense euphoria like feeling that crawls up my spine and feels like my neck and head is buzzing.

i love it, though.. i think all of my voyages with substances have been for the better, whether they have actually changed the way that my mind works or not.

i feel like if i ever quit psychedelics for a while that these would probably fade.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
for a year i only had a black and white television, but after 5 mins i was watching it in color. it would go back to B/W when i thought about it, then color again


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
playing with ones imagination, one of my favorite things to do when bored for an instant, not like in my spare time, but in between any random activity. i can make things sort of breathe by focusing on them and what i want it to do, i have also noticed the "world dissappearing" effect when staring at something in the dark. and peripheral hallucinations, as well as visual snow, moreso the snow when it is dark out, sober or not (although weed makes it vividly noticeable). the intersting thing about the snow was it intensifyied while on my first acid trip and my friend who did acid with me vividly described the exact same phenomena of "seeing the air". it was almost like percieving something infinitely small, like watching a sub-quantum explosion, except an infinite number of them, essentially making up my vision, creating it? so small, yet so large at the same time... anyways, now through meditation, harnessing my mind, i can command any one of these phenomena, somedays better than others, i think it is best when my mind is properly rested after a good nights sleep


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
HPPD doesnt exist its a fantasy condition and the idea that it exists is spread by anti drug people and people who havent bothered to do any research . The snow your are all talking about is seen by people who dont take drugs . The same goes for seeing squigely lines that look like psychedelic worms . Another effect is like when you watch TV or look at something to bright and turn away and can still see it or its outline . If you close your eyes and press them with your thumbs and then open them you can get similar effects .The halo effect some people have is caused by the muscles in your eyes relaxing and either to much water or not enough in your eyes . It all has a reason and a sensible explenation .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
ive never had a flasback. all the effects described here are normal without drugs


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
"hppd" is what happens after psychedelics teach people how to fall into a trance.. without them even knowing what it is


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Psychedelics just make some people aware of effects that are already there .


2 Sept 2008
Ive got hppd...sounds like some of you have it aswell =)
its not the same as seeing the bright outlines after looking into a lamp..its similar but much more intence...i see the visual snow always and its neverending, you just gotta get used to it, its alot "worse" in a dark room or if you smoke some herb or take other substances..and its very hard to ignore.
alot of colour confusion..white walls will change from red to purple green and blue, objects appear to move around alot more than they really should :)
its quite enjoyable imo..


31 Août 2008
peeniwalli a dit:
Ive got hppd...sounds like some of you have it aswell =)
its not the same as seeing the bright outlines after looking into a lamp..its similar but much more intence...i see the visual snow always and its neverending, you just gotta get used to it, its alot "worse" in a dark room or if you smoke some herb or take other substances..and its very hard to ignore.
alot of colour confusion..white walls will change from red to purple green and blue, objects appear to move around alot more than they really should :)
its quite enjoyable imo..

see a post like this... this is fucking ridiculous

this is like a kid i went to highschool with who would always talk about how he drank the end of a vial of acid and then tripped for 5 days straight...........

its not fucking possible for walls to be changing color on you while you're sober unless you are completely fucking insane at baseline.

i dont want to sound mean, but its shit like this that puts a bad name on drugs.


2 Sept 2008
haha damn i didnt expect that...i came here to share, not to get attention...
well believe what you want, i would hate it if people used hppd as a way to drag psychedelics in the dirt...however its also a very bad thing to go around saying that it doesnt exist, because there is a risk in taking psychedelics..you might get hppd...and its not fair to people who concider taking it and dont know about all the "risks"
i have nothing to gain by going online posting lies, and im sure as time goes on more people will say they expirience similar things...
adrianhaffner and i have alot of similar symtoms..i know exactly what he means with the world dissapearing for him, when i watch tv i often experience this...when i focus on the tv everything around me goes black..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
You are posting lies but you aren't aware of it.

What you are describing are normal effects that normal people who have never taken any drug and are mentally sane experience too. Most people never notice it. Psychedelics make us aware of those things, and then sometimes we can have the impression that the substance was the cause, but that's not the case.
adrianhaffner and i have alot of similar symtoms..i know exactly what he means with the world dissapearing for him, when i watch tv i often experience this...when i focus on the tv everything around me goes black..

I had this when sober before I tried any psychedelic... it's called tunnel vision = you're so focused on something in particular that nothing elses exists.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
HPPD does not exist . Who told you you have it ? Wich doctor diagnosed it ?

If you see things change colour you should go and see a doctor and tell us what happens. It has nothing to do with drugs . How can drugs make you see things when you havent taken any ? Or are you saying drugs cause brain damage ?

No one is saying you dont get the colour effects you say but please stop spreading anti drug propoganda . And no one wants to have a go at you . We want you to stay here and contribute so please dont feel atacked .


2 Sept 2008
no doctors no diagnose, from reading what other people describe and comparing it to what i expirience 24/7 (exept when im asleep) i came to the conclution that it was what they said, hppd...ive not been sure if its a disorder as they say, or caused by something else..like brain damage, but i doubt it.
it might be like you say, that its just that the psychedelics made me notice what was always there...And sure i've had visuals before this, floaters in the eyefluid and visual snow, but now i have it always..it wont go away, like ive lost my ability to stop noticing it, as seems to be the case with alot of people with "hppd" and for whatever reason i do notice it evey waking minute im pretty sure it has something to do with the mushrooms i took, or the cacti i ate..
And when i say the colour of the wall change its not like full on green, blue and red, but light whiteish red slowly changing to light white green and so on...


2 Sept 2008
and i realize that you all feel strongly about this subject, i never concidered myself spreading anti drug propaganda and i hope im not putting anyone off by writing this, i would never change my choices, even if i got this from psychedelics i would still do it again, they are great and have given my life more meaning.
i just think that all possible effects should be available to read by whoever wants to try it...