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Permanent Hallucinations


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
everyone has persisting hallucinations, it's just that we (psychonuts) realize we do.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
???????? a dit:
everyone has persisting hallucinations, it's just what we (psychonuts) realize we do.
True, after doing psychedelics!
I am more aware of those hallucinations, esp when i do THC!

Sometimes (When sober), i see colors more brightly!
Sometimes, things actually change shape for a second....(its not annoying, its more fun actually)
Oh and, after doing various psychedelics, i also can focus on an object much better! Visually!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
neat topic. i think it is a difficult but much needed discussion. if we want people to take psychedelics seriously we have to be honest with their effects.

I wonder how much of the visual aftereffects of psychedelics is based on pattern regocnition. i mean, you've seen fractals, you've seen tracers, moving textures and patterns, it is now a part of your memory, your visual repertoire. your mind will expect to see these things again.

i can definitely say that psychedelics and thc permanently changed my visual and sensual awareness. i started doing them in my mid/late 20's, unlike many who start dropping in their teens and don't have as much of a before/after period. as an artist/musician who actively closed his eyes and explored his senses for hours per day for years without psychedelics i was very, very fucking aware of the changes afterwards. and overall very happy with them :D

+increased awareness of how my senses affect each other, i'm not synesthesic but definitely tend to feel visual art and music in an almost tactile way now

+psychedelics taught me how to go into a trance with eyes open, i can do that now easily without substances to the point i see objects shimmer, move

+also i always got visuals from listening to music esp minimalist meditative music, that isn't new. psychedelics of course just amplify this effect by 100x ;) during the trip.. and for a couple days after I often get increased CEV while relaxed, falling asleep, not to mention the wonderful afterglow

+definitely increased emotional and self awareness overall

as for some visual changes:

-while i wouldn't say i have palinopsia ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Afterimage#Medical_conditions ) I do tend to see afterimages longer than i did before. i specifically remember when this started on my 4th or 5th acid trip and never really stopped afterwards. it isn't really a big deal, we are talking like a split second, and it never got worse/better. it of course, only increases mildly while tripping :p

-visual snow, i definitely get more visual snow than I used to, and my heavy THC experiences had much more of a role in this for me than acid I think. those little shimmering neurons firing in different directions when you look at the sky, how long have people on this board who mentioned them had them? because i never had them before i took psychedelics, and as a person who grew up in big sky country i guarantee i spent countless days laying in the grass looking at the sky. also if i don't do psychedelics for a long while the effect tends to go away..

overall i'm happy with the effects of psychedelics, i think they have been a positive, creative and healing force in my life, (not to mention pretty fun). as for the side effects i mentioned, i really only tend to notice them occasionally, it certainly doesn't interfere with my life, and generally i kind of enjoy them actually, it tends to give the world a sort of visual lushness and richness.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
I didn't believed in hallucinations until on lady psy temple

I can see now from the window a filthy fairies's trance festival
and a crystal dodecahedron in the heavens stating that everything is because it must be beautiful.


19 Juin 2008
Meduzz a dit:

AH HA! it DOES have a name...

like seeing stars, but they are without color, and happen at the foci of the eye not the perifial..

After reading that article, and looking at that image, yup, i do have the snow, the fast moving dots, and the increased awareness of floaters( had them since birth, always was distracted with them).

Also, every once in a while, a bright flash, or change in something in my perifial vision.

Its not life-altering, but it can be annoying, or, can be pleasant, like CEVs and just being creative with it. I wonder if I don't use anything for a while all this will decrease and fade away.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
When they become intense I've seen them moving around the edges of coherent geometrical forms.
I like to see them the way you would look at a far away object; you want to come closer and look at all its little details and immensity. Like traces, echos of the phantasmagoric world of hallucinations.
I've got them on a severe asthma attack. They become bigger and they are triangles. But that's just oxygen not getting to my brain. :wasted:


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juil 2008
After a while I noticed that when I enter a dark room(with no light) and I only see a window there after few secs staring at the window the whole room turns pitch black,like there is nothing there


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
After long-term psychedelic use. Natural imagination becomes more powerful if sober.

You can change environments on mescaline and shrooms. Meditation techniques may help you to forget that that you're intoxinated, and you'll be sucked through your CEV's to another dimension. You'll be temporarly unconsciousness as in coma, but just as present as in the natural world. As for mescaline, the biggest obstacle is getting enough in your system. With shrooms that's much easier.

Of course, inhaling lots of DMT will pretty much do this on it's own. There are only micro fractions of control in which you can choose direction. But not the 1st time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
Right at this moment I can see a weird semi-transparent spider in the wall behind my monitor that I know is a hallucination.
Sometimes if I stare at my own reflection on the illuminated side of glassed windows slowly my reflection will fade and only two smiling eyes will endure, like the cat on Carroll.
The spider just reached the ceiling and disappeared...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
self hypnosis. its a great programming tool if you learn how to wield it. its a runaway lawnmower if you let it control you

practice keeping your eyes in sharp focus if you feel them glaze :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
druglessdouglas a dit:
its a runaway lawnmower if you let it control you

I am paying some consequences and I think its because I'm going places I'm not supposed to go yet because I'm not ready. These last three days have been very destructive, just this morning at dawn I resurfaced again.
I have been practicing unfocused my eyes to actually make them glaze and see haze...
This is very confusing. I'm going to got sit on the floor and don't move for a while.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
remember to leave a trail of brain crumbs so you can find your way home
(a joke without meaning)

the "sharp focus" thing is the antidote


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
4 Juil 2008
1 374
I know, I know. I'm just a bit fiend fond of getting lost in the forests.

Sharp focus produces compass, it is real because is right know, a real space, and you can navigate deeper into the black jungle. If I dance all over the place I get nowhere, like I am right know, just where I started four days ago.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
whate are you on Nomada?? :D self-hypnosis is the best !!! i do it everyday :D


Glandeuse pinéale
10 Juil 2008
Today I had that too.When I was walking home this evening I noticed a semi-visiable white cat running across the street. I'm sure it was my hallucination,not a ghost though :lol:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I`ve spent years trying to see naked women with and without drugs.........