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Je m'inscris!

lasting erections, chemical P.E.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
The yellow roots contain a number of indole alkaloids, the most active of which is probably ibogaine, which is found in the highest concentration in the root-bark. The root material, bitter in taste, causes an anaesthetic sensation in the mouth as well as a systemic numbness of the skin.

The root bark is used as a magical plant in initiatory rights of secret cults such as the Bwiti of Western central Africa. Ibogaine, the chief alkaloid in this plant is a MAO inhibitor, has psychedelic properties, and in low doses is capable of producing aphrodisiac effects.

- The Bwiti Religion and the psychoactive plant Tabernanthe iboga by Giorgio Samorini

Nicotinic agonists, antagonists, and modulators from natural sources.
1. Acetylcholine receptors were initially defined as nicotinic or muscarinic, based on selective activation by two natural products, nicotine and muscarine. Several further nicotinic agonists have been discovered from natural sources, including cytisine, anatoxin, ferruginine, anabaseine, epibatidine, and epiquinamide. These have provided lead structures for the design of a wide range of synthetic agents. 2. Natural sources have also provided competitive nicotinic antagonists, such as the Erythrina alkaloids, the tubocurarines, and methyllycaconitine. Noncompetitive antagonists, such as the histrionicotoxins, various izidines, decahydroquinolines, spiropyrrolizidine oximes, pseudophrynamines, ibogaine, strychnine, cocaine, and sparteine have come from natural sources. Finally, galanthamine, codeine, and ivermectin represent positive modulators of nicotinic function, derived from natural sources. 3. Clearly, research on acetylcholine receptors and functions has been dependent on key natural products and the synthetic agents that they inspired.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov:80/entrez/q ... t=Abstract

Here's the obvious route, and evidently not the only aphrodisiac known to man.

Acetylcholine plays a major role in sexual arousal :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Umm ok ! Penis qigong maybe, but these practices are bound to deteriorate the very sensitive nerves in there, do not try this at home !



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
" you're quick to judge. "

I did not judge . You just did though . Perhaps you should learn to ASK and stop judging ?

The video was made by homosexuals and is ment as advice for people who come to quick .

The more one does it the less pleasure one has . I have said before that if one has sex during 2 weeks and then takes a two week pause its realy realy nice . Why not try it and see ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Mmmmmmmmm... Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamine B6. ZMA Testosterone enhancement. *drools* Mmmmmmmmm... garlic, mustard, onion, olives, basilicum, nutmeg, spinach, lemon, nuts, fishoil, banana's, asparagus and protein and more protein.

All daily. Save a budget for nutrition. This dream is real.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Ah dude !

That fruit ! I tasted that while I was on a low dose MDMA, coca leaf tea and a little mushrooms ; that is truely the king of fruit ! If I could buy some here I definately would... but it's impossible to find, even in asiatic groceries...

Thanks because I didn't even know what it was called, I just know it was all open and the guy said ; eat as much as you want, it was gigantic lol, maybe 5 kilograms !

Ok maybe it wasn't a judgement bro, but I hoped it was, because if not it's sarcasm "wanker corner" and you laughing about it was a bad joke. I have not had sex in 6 years and I don't think it's funny. You didn't really leave room for a question, it was just a comment like some woman say sometimes, that you know it's right but it can hurt you if you're sensitive at the moment.

Music that isn't completely accoustic always have double meanings, I learned that the hard way ; I think maybe you should listen to the words again... see what I mean. Besides I didn't judge, I just corroborated with your comment, which now dosen't make much sense in the light of what you said, I dunno why you would do that however ; to catch me ?

I produce way too much testosterone to stop having any sex for 2 weeks ; I need to ejaculate every 3 days tops, and you should at least once a week. After even one week the sperm in there coagulates and begins to form kind of stones, which eventually harden, which is the secret of the buddhist monks to resist sexual temptation. It reminds me of the shaolin monks.

It's not a real secret because if they would clear their ejaculation duct as they should, they would be able to generate twice as much "chi" for their practice. And seeing them eat cooked white rice truely shows that even if they were weary enough to preserve their martial knowledge, the cook and the sexual teacher or medicine man had not been taken seriously.

This is extremely sad to witness for me... here are some people at least 5 times more physically fit than me ; yet I know ways to make them 10 times fitter and they would probably not even allow me to enter the temple.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
" you laughing about it was a bad joke. I have not had sex in 6 years and I don't think it's funny. "

Ask . Dont jump to conclusions please . I am dissabled and cant have "sex" like you havent had for only 6 years . ( Does your statement mean you are you sugesting that having a wank isnt sex ? Or proper sex ? ) .

"if they would clear their ejaculation duct as they should"

Are you sugesting that men who have had a vasectomy arent real men ? And that they shouldnt have done it , or its in some way negative . If you are i think that that is way more than objectionable . Things like that are often reversable , what i have isnt .

"And seeing them eat cooked white rice truely shows that even if they were weary enough to preserve their martial knowledge, the cook and the sexual teacher or medicine man had not been taken seriously."

A very very large number of men in asia only eat white rice every day , for every meal . Are you critisising them ?

You seem to me often to think you are the only one in the world that has a few problems and seem to me to feel very sorry for yourself . Life isnt a big dick contest but you should thank GOD that you havent got the physical problems that i have . And i , unlike you seem to be doing to me , dont boast about my problems .

Also if you see , or keep searching for , double meanings in what i say i think you should write about it here :- http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... t=&lang=en

I must admit i feel realy hurt by your statements .

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
GOD a dit:
And that they shouldnt have done it , or its in some way negative .
I would say they shouldn't have done it. But they too need to clear the ejaculation duct regularly. The only thing that's closed is the vas deferens.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Well it's reciprocal ! I'm hurt as well... You're just waving the red flag !

Of course having a wank isn't sex, proper I don't know what you mean by that...

Of course I'm against vasectomy we talked about this already ; or weren't you paying attention again ? People that have vasectomy still ejaculate, you're just bringing this up in some kind of twisted distorted way ; AGAIN.

You should roll your tongue 7 times before writting.

What do you have that isn't reversible ? You say you aint boasting because you're righteous, stop turning around the pot and tell us. You can be sure I won't judge you for speaking the truth.

Yes I'm critisising them ; happy ? They should not cook the rice, they should eat it raw dipped in water with the bran and all the enzyme goodness.

I don't have petty problems, I have more responsibility than you can ever imagine, and not only I have lived total deprivation for many years, but I could not realise I have lived total spiritual deprivation for all my life ; with mercury destroying my neurons at the same time.

However I keep on creating ; what the freak have I done to you for you to push all your problems on me !

Now if you tell me you can be sure I'll assume my responsibilities about it.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
GOD a dit:
A very very large number of men in asia only eat white rice every day , for every meal . Are you critisising them ?
If you want to hear my take on it: I'm not criticizing anyone, but it's a bad cultural habit. In fact many Asian people suffer from diabetes.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
If they ate it raw with bran it would be totally fine...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Caduceus they do it not out of habit but because they have no choice . Have you or anyone else here tried eating white rice every day for every meal with no salt and no other aditives ? Its not nice . Their moms and dads cant support them or let them live in their cellars like wotsits do . They are forced by poverty and nesecity .

Have any of you been to poor areas of asia and africa and seen how much sugar those people eat ? , because its cheep and its often the only way they have of making their diaet interesting . I think that that and genetic issues are the main cause of diabetes in asia / the third world and not eating white rice . Plus if you compaire the physical health and their skin it seems to me to be much better than the average westerner . If you dont believe me maybe you should try having sex with an asian or african girl .

wotsit please get off my back , please dont PM me anymore and i will do my best to ignore you and your in my opinion deliberately insulting , negatively provokative posts and not to reply to them .

When i had very big stress problems i took the advice of people who were trying to help me and went to a psychiatrist . Would you please do the same and go and at least try to get profesional help .

Please stop looking for double meanings , sarcasm and irony in my posts . I might have done that a few times but i dont do it all the time . When i do it i dont deliberately try to hurt people like you seem to me to do . I do it to get people to think and examin why the think . talk or act like they do . If you , or people with the intelligence of a caravan site read a telephone book i`m sure that they could find things that they could missunderstand and blame others for it .

That was my last post in this thread as it seems to me you are trying to cause trouble again .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
GOD a dit:
A very very large number of men in asia only eat white rice every day , for every meal . Are you critisising them ?
If you want to hear my take on it: I'm not criticizing anyone, but it's a bad cultural habit. In fact many Asian people suffer from diabetes.

Insensitive for insulin. The body loses the ability to produce it and it can no longer synthesize protein, fats and other compounds properly for it's function, since there is no reduction in the level of carbohydrates. And carbohydrates are the fuel of many processes in your interior. Processes that are making up your hormone balance.

I realised how important it is to consume various carbohydrate sources at the right time (even sugars out of natural sources) in order to prevent this as the time of getting older goes by. As well as nutrition in general. It makes or breaks your potency.

Blood pressure is essential for having a satifisfying sex life. Cortisol is a sex killer. Not particulary adrenaline or dopamine, they even can bring a lot pleasure if rised with intention. Although you should deplete these if your intention is to fall into a deep trance, as Ahua pointed out.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724

I'm going to abstain as well then, so freakin easy it is to go over the fact of dipping the freakin grains in water for 24 hours before eating them...

That would change their life, they can put seasoning in it still.

I'm freakin refraining from any further comments either.


Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
GOD a dit:
Caduceus they do it not out of habit but because they have no choice .
No, the aristocracy eats white rice too. And because you don't really need to chew on white rice, they eat way too much of it.

dipping the freakin grains in water for 24 hours before eating them...
Thanks, I already wanted to ask you how to prepare them.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
No one should stick to one complexity of a carb source. Bread, brown rice, white rice, fruits like banana's, pasta, potato's, it are all different kinds of carbs.



If you manage it to get these levels right, your body metabolizes every other compounds (such as vitamines/minerals) much more efficient. Especially if getting older it is important that you start with it during a younger age.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Yup, thats why I suggest a mix, with nuts and fruits and honey :)

4 parts oat full groats with bran (good for freeing testosterone)
2 parts buckwheat (good for arterial flexibility)
1 part raw sesame (good for alot of things)
1 part Chia or Salba (good for also alot of things)
1 part soft Kamut (it's all very good so I'll stop saying it :lol: )
1 part spelt
and others too as long as they're not like hard grains (that would take way too long to soften) they're all dried grains but you can still chew them if you have good teeth, thats the kind you want, dry but fresh.

You put that in a ceramic pot (better chi if you beleive in that 8) ) and with a little more spring water (maybe 1-2 inches over, shake a little to make sure all is soaked) depends on the grains you use, some absorb more some less.

Then you leave that be for at least 12 hours, at that point it's chewable but it will be more carbohydrates and a little less enzyme goodness, then if you take a bowl (usually you put about enough so you can have 3 bowls) you rinse them with some fresh water to clear the bran decomposition enzymes, then later they'll be even better, the second and third bowl are the best and the grain feels filling yet is very digestable.

You can add dried or fresh fruits, hemp nuts and other raw nuts, and some honey to taste... it's MUCH better than premade cereals... it dosen't even compare :)

That gives a tremendous boost to the system after only one week wating a BIG bowl day and night, I truely cannot insist enough, this is cheap easy to do and it truely does more than any supplement will ever do.

Thats what I call the basis of nutrition ; everyone should eat that and lots of fresh veggies, then the rest they eat is pretty much their business and wont make that much difference if you got those bases covered.

Then once your got this, you will find your supplements work so much better.