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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Z

    Questions about magic truffles

    I have never ever ordered any magic truffles. I have never even had them. So I am hoping to ask questions about them: With liberty caps, I have always picked them and then dried and stored them in little plastic bags I try and get as much air out as possible. And I have had success with this...
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    This insane world...

    I find more and more a sense of being in a very increasingly insane world. let me tell you though what I mean by 'world'. I do not mean the Earth, and the wonderful sacred natural world, but rather the toxic fucked up world of business, and profit, and exploitation of all beings and the earth...
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    NEWS about the shooting down of MH17

    Was horrified to hear and see of the shooting down of that plane MH17 killing all those people, including 80 children!!! I also am aware many Dutch people were on it and killed. Straightaway next day, I suspected something was not right with the official narrative because a mainstream 'left'...
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    What is the Matrix? reborn thread

    Owing to the original thread by the title 'what is the matrix?' being deleted at these forums by an ex- moderator who misused his power, I have decided to ask the question again: Why do I feel the question is important to explore, and keep alive? Because I am aware that the matrix (and I...
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    Why is no one interested that threads disappear from these forums?

    I am just fuking amazed at what is going on here at these forums. A thread titled 'what is the matrix?' which had been around for ages suddenly disappears. Seeing it was my thread (and I think another thread has disappeared to but cannot remember title), of COURSE I also am concerned doubly. But...
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    Where has my/our thread titled What is the Matrix? gone??!

    I am at a loss to know where the thread I began quite and while ago, and have been very recently participating in has gone. It's title is What is the Matrix? it has totally disappeared!! I also feel another thread has also, but cannot remember it. What has happened please?
  7. Z

    how do you all feel post anti-climax '2012'?

    HI, hope you are all doing well. I am wondering how you all are feeling now we are in 2013 and '2012' that much hyped DATE is receeding behind us as we continue on regardless in this strange world?
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    About http://dopecast.libsyn.com/psychonautica088 The Secret Life of Mushrooms

    I have just been listening to the Dopecast podcast The Secret Life of Mushrooms, and was looking around at a forum at the podcast to give views but there isn't anything. The only feeback possibility is the 'join the conversation' which is Twitter and you can only type about a few characters. Did...
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    Why was my post not admitted?

    yesterday I spent a lot of time composing a post to another member, drizzit. I notice that now this forum does not allow people directly posting, and it has to go through moderation. I already was not to happy with that, and don't understand why that has to happen? But to put all your heart and...
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    Spam is getting into the forums. I think you should install the Capcha thingy to deal with it. I HATE spam
  11. Z

    Holland banning tourists from buying cannabis from the cafes

    In our mainstream news yesterday there was a little article about how the Holland government is going to ban tourists from buying cannabis from cafes. This is a follow on from their banning of the selling of magic mushrooms. It doesn't bother me because I have given up smoking altogether, and...
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    Psychedelics, Memory, Healing and Independence

    Often when you hear of psychedelic healing, you hear that someone remembered something and then this simple experience of remembering--inspired with psychedelics--has a dramatic therapeutic effect on them. Here is an example of this: Addiction, Despair, and the Soul: Successful Psychedelic...
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    John Allegro's "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" - a Gnost

    This is a must-see video John Allegro's "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" - a Gnostic Media exclusive video
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    This video about Julian Assange and the Wiki Rebels is a very moving and inspiring MUST SEE video--Please watch and share WikiRebels - The Documentary (1/4)
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    Columbian Ayahuescero has been arrested!!

    I was shocked and outraged to find out last night that a Columbian Ayahuescero has been arrested on 'drugs possession' in America. I am trying to contact as many people as I can about this. PLEASE do the same. We all need to let these depraved fuckers know that they cannot get away with this...
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    film--'The New American Century'

    have any of you seen this film? The New American Century Part 1 of 7 --It has completely shocked me. I hope that you will watch it and post your reviews about it here (I chose this forum because it seems to be the most frequented)
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    about the Illuminati psychedelic conspiracy theory

    HI I am thick into composing my blog now which is exploring how psychedelics can help us see through propaganda. Now I am sure your aware that some conspiracy theorists like Iona Miller, James Whale, Alan Watt (are there any others?) argue that: The whole of the 1960s Counterculture, along...
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    can psychedelics help us see through propaganda?

    I am planning on doing a blog about this subject, and thought I would ask at various forums dedicated to psychedelics and experience about this to deepen the research: I am going to think of 4 significant set and settings for psychedelic experience. IF you can think of any others please don't...
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    Must Watch video about Drug War Caste System Made in America

    Hi all, I so much would really love you to watch this very important video, Yes it is over an hour, but it is SO worth the effort to watch and listen to. It is about how the Drug War --which has been the 'baby' of America has created the highest prison population in the world where the highest...
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    The Insane so-called 'war on drugs' please view all links

    I don't have to tell people here--I hope?--how insane this so-called war on drugs is. It has caused SO much destruction, and continues to. I want to link you to some very vital links--PLEASE check them out? OK the first one is very direct, and one of the speakers who used to be part of the 'war...