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Does L-Tryptophan really helps the brain after doing MDMA ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Do you think it can be bad to take 5-htp regularly? Cause I had been a mildly depressed since my MDMA abuse last winter, and after a few months I was still not enjoying life as much as I could. The only reason for this could be low serotonin I thought, and I read 5-htp was used to treat mild depressions, so I decided to give it a try... I've been taking it regularly (100mg when I get up, 50 mg in the middle of the day and 150-200mg before I go to bed) for like two weeks now, and I can tell it had a very positive effect on me... the first days I had a little nausea after taking them and it made me sleepy and even more lunatic than I usually am. But after a few days the nausea stopped to occur, and now in the last 3 days I barely felt them... Is there tolerance with 5-htp? Is it bad to use 5-htp the way I do? Would it mean that 5-htp has done its job and I don't need it anymore? (I really feel more happy and stable, I don't get ultra-frustrated for peanuts anymore...). And another thought I had... by taking 5-htp regularly like this, could it make the body stop making it on its own, making me even more depressed when I stop taking it? And is it likely that the positive effects I had will disapear if I stop taking it?

Lol, yeah, lots of questions, sorry ^^


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I think its something to take a cource of and then stop . Not take it always .


Glandeuse pinéale
27 Nov 2006
Brugmansia a dit:
A hang over or mental down after E?

I welcome an undefinable after glow for a week with a deep and fresh state of relaxtion and a true appreciation of just being around people. Feeling free and loaded with solid inner freedom.

Only want to sleep more and there's a need to take short naps during the days after.

Well usually the next day I feel very relaxed and tired and just wanting to relax more, and listen to some nice music.
But the next day or two I feel really empty in my head, with no nice thoughts, nothing to look forward to, and just a bit down, if not depressed.

But somehow after some good sports workout, preferably playing some squash as well, the 2 day after Mdma.
Then I get some sort of endorphins boost, which really gives me my joy back in my head, I feel really relaxed, yet energetic and I seem to carry this on, the days coming.

It seems as if Endorphins overlap the functions of Serotonine in some degree. :?:

It really works!
And now I really have to force myself to do some sports, because no matter how tired I feel now, and not wanting to sport at all, I know I will feel a lot better after. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
exercise stimulates serotonin production ;)

That's why I like to take my mid-day dose before doing something physical like running or swimming. After I'm always in a very very good mood, I'm very happy for no reason, feel really good physically and mentally and feel more open (a bit like MDMA, but way way way very much less intense, no buzz, just well-being and enjoying very much to communicate :P)

GOD, I know it's not something to take always, but now after 2 weeks do you think I'd better stop now or would there be no harm in continuing for a week or two? Maybe I could diminish the dose though if I do?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I dont know . But it doesnt sound like youve been taking it for to long to me . Is there a info paper in or on the tablet box to look at ?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
GOD a dit:
I think its something to take a cource of and then stop . Not take it always .

I have the same feeling intuitively, but would it be physically harmful to take 5htp everyday for a longer stretch?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Well on the first bottle it said to take 50-100mg three times per day. Then I bought a bigger bottle with more pills in it and on this one it says to take one before going to bed, and never take more than 2 per day (both bottles have 50mg pills). I read some info on the net and it seems the first bottle was right, at several places it said that taking less than 200-300 mg per day wasn't gonna be effective. The pills from the first bottle seemed of better quality too, cause since I finished it and started with the other bottle I saw a difference, it seems to affect me less. First ones were enteric coated, and the ones I'm currently taking are powder in capsules.

First ones were from "Webber naturals"
Second were from "Vivitas"

First one:


I trust my first source more as the second gives bad advices, like not taking more than 100 mg per day and taking it on an empty stomach.
I'm gonna take the Webber Naturals ones next time I buy a bottle...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
If you feel OK i wouldnt worry about taking them . I can get them here from my doctor . I will go and get some and tell you what the recomended dose / time is . I`ll look tomorow .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
Oh thanks man! It's always good that have a doctor's advice :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Thanks for the head's up God.

I think 1 question that should be brought up is, will taking 5-htp/ ltryptophan
replace the naturally occuring seratonin? I may not be making much sense cause they got me on lots of good pain pills, but basically, taking steroids will make it so your body won't produce them, same effect?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Its an urban legend .You would have to eat kilos of it to have an effect . Before you ate enough you would puke your guts up .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
GOD a dit:
Its an urban legend .You would have to eat kilos of it to have an effect . Before you ate enough you would puke your guts up .
Not even organic chocolate?

So the effects of it, is long term?
Well the urban legend told me that it brings u some chemicals that your brain needs after mdma!
So it was completely wrong? :( Damn it!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Sport will do your seratonin production good . Chocolate contains seratonin in very small amounts . It contains the drug theobromine wich has similar effects as coffee but not as speedy , but more nervous . I`ve also read somewhere that oral seratonin doesnt work .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
[oral] seratonin cant cross the blood/brain barrier because the molecule is too large, i think


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
500 mg pills? You sure it's 5-HTP and not L-tryptophan? oO


5 Mai 2008
Is now a good time to mention that all of these precautions are unnecessary, assuming you only do MDxx once in awhile?

A recent (this past summer) german study showed that serotonin production in humans was not afected in the least by casual use of MDMA, and even heavy use (considered as once per week) only showed a 5% drop in serotonin levels, and that recovered after more than a week of abstinence. Its only when you give yourself no time to recover that you start seeing actual damage, as in the lab cases where rats and so on were dosed every day at huge levels.

In the real world, occasional use does NOT affect you adversely, as long as you don't use other drugs along with it. The "tuesday blues" as a result of MDMA use has more to do with exhaustion and lack of sleep. If you rest the day after, you never have the blues.

If you want the goods on MDMA, go to http://maps.org


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
I've done MDMA two days in a row a few times, maybe 4 or 5, often a bigger dose the second day so I'd feel something... would that have led to permanent damage?

And is it bad to mix cannabis with it?