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Je m'inscris!

Datura stramonium


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Why are you wasting your life doing such dangerous experiments , are you a masochist or just mentaly confused ? The results you describe are not nice , beautifull , enlightening or in any way positive , you describe self induced mental illness . You have obviously not done any research at all on the subject before you started to risk your life and you havent even read this thread . I hope you wake up soon , before you kill yourself . Please give a friend your entry details to this forum so he can post the details of your death as a warning to other childish , naive fools who might think off waisting their lives with Datura .


Matrice périnatale
28 Juil 2006
Lol.... ^ look at your sig. U hypocritical bastard. You dont know me I don't know you. I'm just posting my experience and and what i did to achieve that "hallucinogenic dose". And btw i have done research I've read most of the experiences on erowid, talked to people with previous knowledge/ experience with datura and i know that most of the experiences mostly end up in a bad trip. People have difference in opinion on what is a bad trip and what is not. Trust me I will not kill myself. My experiment lasted a good 3-4 months with a couple weeks in between each trail. I maybe be a novice to the world of entheogens but not when it comes to precaution. I knew that datura has a toxic property so i did in fact inform my friends of the danger. If you read peoples' experiences, most bad trips happen since they ingest too much at once, probably their first run in with datura, I knew most of the dangers and with that knowledge i did this regiment.

People are different and they have different reasons of doing entheogens.I have my reasons and you have yours. I'm sure you're the same. Sounds like to me u had a bad run-in with datura. So stop jumping to conclusions when other people try for themselves.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
As i said you obviously havent done any research about Datura . Datura is imposible to dose because it contains diferent amounts of scopolomine at diferent times and the effects of the same dose are not always the same . Thats why people poison themselves , its imposible to judge how mutch scopolomine is in any amount unless you are a chemist and extract it . You say you have done research and you havent even looked in google , you havent read any books , you didnt even read all of the reports in erowid , you didnt read this thread or any of the other threads about Datura on this site and you didnt listen to your friends about most experiences ending up in bad trips . You dont even know the diference between a bad trip , a chemical psychosis and a good trip .

" I maybe be a novice to the world of entheogens "

You said it , you prove it and you are the one over estimating yourself and jumping to conclusions . Maybe you should learn to speak english then you would know what hypocrit means and that you are one . RIP .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
Lol.... ^ look at your sig. U hypocritical bastard.
I believe that quote is about psychedelics, not about deleriants. Please don't make this categorial mistake, it can lead to a whole bunch of poisons being classed psychedelic.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
His signature is true about psychedelics. Most of the time anyway.


Matrice périnatale
28 Juil 2006
You know what. whatever. i just wanted to post wat i had experienced but ill just be further flamed about what a dumb ass i am. I never suggested anything about dosage or of how "fckin cool" it was to do datura. I never said those things. Since I already knew that datura didnt have a definite dosage, i used that experiment. I tried to give some tip on how a datura experience might feel like. Im not condoning this kind of experiment but I am also not saying that datura is "bad omg its gonna kill you". If handled correctly datura can produce those desired effects or whatever an individual is expecting.

Like I said before, people have different reasons for using entheogens.
I'm not here to prove anything. That first post is just what i had experienced.
Sorry if people cant handle datura, but i had an ok experience.

and to God, (no pun intended) think we got off the wrong foot. I guess you just tried to give me precautions and i just interpreted it the wrong way. No hard feelings.

I'm done with this thread, hope my experience has let some people realize that datura isnt as bad/ dangerous when treated with caution. I still have some of the datura left and if i do go through with another trial, since i know what dosage for me produces those effects, i will post another experience...

until then,


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
krnjason, why datura in stead of other psychedelics? as you are aware of the dangers, you must have some kind of reason to experiment with it?

i would have some interest in a report of a good datura experience, as to my knowledge, few exist.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Datura is not a psychedelic its a deleriant , and maybe you should look up the meaning of the word entheogen . Datura is not an entheogen .

" but i had an ok experience. "

It didnt sound nice to me . I have never heard of anyone ever having a nice experience abusing Datura . Why are you risking your life trying it , cant you get good drugs like MDMA , LSD , DMT , cacti or mushrooms ? No one is burning you , its concern that you dont harm yourself .

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
It's been 16 years since I've done Datura. It certainly generates strong visual and mental distortions of reality, and if you want to experience a bad trip, this is the plant for you.

Maybe I'll one day experiment again with a very small amount added to a safe psychedelic (mushrooms!) but never again a full dose.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
GOD a dit:
Datura is not a psychedelic its a deleriant ,

it's a matter of interpretation
take a look at the word psychedelic: mind manifesting

in my opinion, its both a psychedelic and a deleriant


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Meduzz a dit:
GOD a dit:
Datura is not a psychedelic its a deleriant ,

it's a matter of interpretation
take a look at the word psychedelic: mind manifesting

in my opinion, its both a psychedelic and a deleriant

Fasting until you almost die can also be mind manifesting but it still isn't a psychedelic.

Datura neither.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
scopolamine is used to rob people since they don't even know what's going on. I agree I don't see the "fun" in it but if the experiments are done safely then to each his own.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Datura's effects are most spectacular when you keep your eyes open, whereas with mushrooms behind closed eyelids is where you find the candy. Datura was amusing but very uncomfortable. Can't focus the eyes, can't pee, everything's messed up and scary. Better rent a good horror movie than drink Datura.

In the middle of my Datura trip my sanity was lost and I took three hits of acid. The combined effect didn't manifest the psyche or generate god, but turned my friend into Jack the Ripper, people in a coffeeshop into lepers, with iron chains around their wrists and ankles, imprisoned in hell. That guy lost his eye. Another wave. Swallow. The Wheel of Time. It can't get any worse than this. Snakes. Blood. Outside, a car is going to hit me, I'm sure. OK, that one didn't but the next one will! Jack the Ripper next to me is going to kill me, but first we're going somewhere. Swallow. Or am I already dead? I see a tribe of Navajos dancing, I hear their music. Snakes.

Sorry for drifting off into recollections, but I think it just manifested fear and ugliness, a very limited and tamasic (dark) part of the psyche. No ecstacy, no tears of joy. Just bodily discomfort and bad decision making. The psyche was drugged, poisoned, not made manifest.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
In the middle of my Datura trip my sanity was lost and I took three hits of acid.

:shock: :shock: :shock:

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Well, actually didn't want to imply that taking three hits of acid would be insane, but rather that it wasn't a good idea to add three hits of strong blotter to the peak of a Datura trip.

But although it was horrifying, man, what an amazing experience it was as well!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
But there must be a way to experience a state of fully flying with an overwheliming mystique journey somehow.

I'm pretty sure there's an aphrodite in it somehow as well.

Datura, she's a feminist.

On erowid the dosages are seriously consumed by idiots. Anyone who already swallows 15 seeds at once is risking suicide. Personally I'd kick off seed by seed with a liter water consumed, with at least 1 hour between each intake. Have medical assistence, anti-substances for IVing. Liters of water, closed house etc. Shower possibility. Datura is useable, but requires a strong discrete behaviour. And having someone who can detect when she hits me.

Everytime I saw a plant I was overcome with exitement, which I can't exactly explain. Like she and I have a spirit.

I once licked the brugmansia twice, my vision became haze, like there was water in it. Walked around for unknown reason, though fully conscious.


26 Juil 2007
mojo78 a dit:
Firstly, I shall start by saying I am an experienced psychonaut who's done about every psychedelic there is. I had great times on them.

There was one time I almost died though. It was the time I tried Datura.

I urge you not to do Datura. It is classified NOT as a psychedlic but as a DELERIANT POISON.

It makes you mad, some people lose themselves forever, some have chronic headaches for years , some lose the plot and kill themselves. I have heard of many cases both in India and the UK.

I urge you NOT to do this drug. Do so but be aware you are risking your life. It is NOT a recreational drug.

So true.

Don't do it man, I have a friend that has been institutionalized since he tried datura. Datura ruins lives.


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
Alright, I just finished the whole 5 pages.

GOD> heck man.

How dare you say "even touching the leaves can be dangerous" while you have this idiotic ultra dangerous quote "If in doubt double the dose" under each post of yours!

The classic psychedelics, to which this quote is refered, has also risks, MENTAL ones. i know of people that have benefited off tropane alkaloids, yeah they're rare, so?? so are psychonauts with REAL INSIGHT and REAL OPEN MIND, whatever their ally!

You are dogmatic, and close-minded. Of course there are ways to use datura in relatively safe ways. Of course you can render material to the same potency. Of COURSE one should be knowing what he is doing, since he is working with a dangerous, lethal agent. Or is the forum adressed to juveniles only???

You pick off many leafs, dry them and powederize. You can then have a bunch of experiements, always slowly & carefully. Smoking is suggested first by the most. Note that smoking dried datura leaves is an ancient medicine against asthma and other illnesses. Atropine and scopolamine have many medical uses BTW. Hyoscyamine also.

Oh, note I haven't yet bioessayed tropanes, but I have read tons of stuff. I once used a Brugmansia flower to try and have more intense dreams. Placebo or not, it kind of worked.

I also grow 2 types of datura, 3 types of brugmansia, two types of Hyoscyamous and Belladonna. None of you is REALLY informed and read up.
We know which parts of the plants are more toxic[atropine rich] and which are more wanted [scopolamine] in each plant. We also know that mandrake and Hyoscyamous are rich in Hyoscyamine also, which is almost absent in the other plants of the family {tropane plants] and is more wanted by those who know what they doing. Hyoscyamus and Mandrake are the most preferable, but they are indeed lethal as well themselves as the rest of the witch's herb!

Of course they were shamans who used Brugmansia {there are no daturas native in South America} in brews or by them selves. These shamans were considered 'evil' by other shamans, and they may even were 'evil', especially when they used these plants to sabotage others shamans, but that doesn't cancell the history of ethnobotany because people are afraid of tropane plants.

I find that I have something for these plants - let alone their beauty and botanical power.


are you a masochist or just mentaly confused ?
you are the obssesive man. you did it, right? leave the fucking youth ignore your exxaggerative consultance. We are not kiddos.

yes, the guy that suggested 100 seeds has no idea of he is talking about, but you, with over 1000 posts, and the nick god.... woosh

there is no fucking god. and there are people who take interest on the evil . wild absurd side of the psych/life/whatever.


PS: What about that guy that dropped 3 tabs of acid at the datura peak while he was on a coffee shop ????? huh?? did you ever hear about set and setting? :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I shall do my best to come down to your level in the gutter to comunicate with you , but as you are as thick as pig shit and i dont have any experience with mentaly ill people i doubt that you will understand .

You seem to have a lot of experience talking shit and takeing shit and very little , if any , with the drugs most people choose to use . Sensible people only have time for doing good things with their minds and bodys , they dont risk their health when they can get other things that are not so dangerous . They have learned that their bodys are temples and dont fill them with the shit that loosers like you do .

For a moron like you a Terence Mckenna quote might not mean anything however your idiotic mind might try to twist it .

Facts remain facts "even touching the leaves can be dangerous" , if you had bothered to do any research before you shot your self in the foot publicly talking crap you would know about that .

" i know of people that have benefited off tropane alkaloids,"

Who ? Where ? When ? I have never heard about anyone having a good trip on Datura like millions have on Psilocybin , Ayahuasca ; Peyote and LSD .

"yeah they're rare, so?? so are psychonauts with REAL INSIGHT and REAL OPEN MIND"

You are the proof of that . A sick spiritual dwarf hystericaly trying to get atention because he sees no one respects him . You show in what you say and how you say it that you have seen the real you and know why no one else in your world is interested in you .

" Or is the forum adressed to juveniles only??? "

No its not adressed only to you . Come out of your ignorant egoistic unexperienced playground and grow up . You have a chip on your shoulder , a dangerous one .

"The clasic psychdelics can become quite unnerving sometimes for me"

Even a blind man could see that you have serious psychelogical problems because of the hate that you spread around you . You know what you realy are and it frightens you .

I see you have made 21 posts under the name you are now using and they are all negative .

My nick name is my nick name , most of the other people here know why i chose it because unlike you they didnt jump to conclusions , they had the wisdom to ask and we talked about it . I am not responsible for your mental problems or what your twisted mind trys to project on me . You know why you chose your nick name and i am not interested in hearing why , you obviously think it fits you . So do i .

If you get some experience in life , go and look in other forums , read books and do research in librarys and the internet you might learn something sensible and not talk so much backward subjective crap .

"there are people who take interest on the evil . wild absurd side of the psych/life/whatever. "

Yes and most of them either land up in a psychiatric hospital or kill themselves . You are the proof of that .

Next time you want to masterbate your ego try backing up your empty fantasy storys with facts . You are a boring troll and your posts are full of subjective , wet behind the ears pseudo knowledge , snoty insults and dangerous ignorance . Get some experience before your inferiority complex and bloated ego kills you .

The great majority of people here are decent loving adults that want to help eachother and learn from eachother and they are not interested in having your dirty nappy rubbed in their faces . So if you want to play anymore sick games dont polute the forum with poisonous shit like you have here send me a PM and give the people here a break .


Elfe Mécanique
7 Fev 2008
You anounce that you have to come down to the gutter to reply to me, but you seem to only care to insult me { I am mentally ill, I talk shit, I am a looser, a troll, oh fuck the catalogue is endless!}. Is that the best you can argue about the subject we are discussing? let me guess.. You are american?

The thread is on daturas and you continously bashed some very sensible posts. I am here to oppose to your obssesion on the 'right' and 'good' psychoactives.

You seem to have reached your conclusion on which is the 'right' way and seem to have divided things in good and evil. Good for you. Thankfully, some of us, who deny the easy GOD formula are still researching, exploring the mind, are still around to ask naughty questions and question authority and like to talk with the community. I mean, exchange opinions, ideas, thoughs, not just preaching and TEK / harm-reduction tips...

Psychonaut after all doesn't only mean the typical psychedelic theist, no? The superstitious who chooses psychdelics as an answer for god, no?? Rationalism is still 'allowed' in this community, I hope !


OK, on to the matter....

.....that thing about 'touching the stuff':

Datura leafs might be active, if you rub a lot of them in your skin or some other sensitive area, but there's a difference from just 'touching them'. With that said, I don't suggest anyone should ingest datura or any psychoactive for that matter. One should be able to know what he is doing in any case.

Lastly, I have the great respect for the 'right' psychedelics you worship, I strongly believe they're valueable and capable of having great positive impact in ones life. I have felt this in my life also. Doesn't mean I have to name them 'gods', or worship them, or personalise them in the concept of 'good' as opposed to evil.

It's not football - we are not voting for our favourite 'drug', we are not drugs 'fans', well, I am not!

Psychedelics of the class you support like, say, LSD are not really 'safe' either. It's not fool-proof thing. As with everything, it depends what you are, the dose, the set + setting, what you want to do, how informed you are... Of course, they don't have the extreme dangers of tropane plants and they are usually not toxic or only nauseating.

Oh, McKenna is a great fun guy. Be he is a little crazy. Google "messiah syndrome".

And the thing about your nick, heh, it was o joke, as I am an atheist and your tone seemed quite religious. What happened to you 'enilightened' guy? What short of enlightment is that that makes you so hostile and closeminded to the different reality, to the other opinion, to the right of each man to say his opinion about a plant without you patronising him?

PS: you are a representative of the crowd here? I didn't insult anyone, just opposed to your 'preachings' against some pretty sensible posts. I just said what I felt should be said...

PS2: I would really love to hear your opinion on smoked free-base DMT or 5-Meo ...

PS3: "the great man is revealed when he is challenged"