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Datura stramonium


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Déc 2004
In my mind safe plant examination is possible with most plants, including datura. I have not tried datura seeds (I happened to have smoked the leaf, taken from a Dutch urban plant, in combination with cannabis yesterday evening), but I don't think you need to have tried this.

If you ingest one molecule of scopolamine, scopoletin, atropine or hyoscyamine (the primary alkaloids in most of the Datura/Brugmansia ssp.), close to nothing will happen. If you ingest 2 molecules, probably the same result. From all the info on the web and from books, you can always gather a safe amount in grams. For example, 10 grams of fresh P. cubensis is a safe first time dose for 99% of the people. 0.1 gr of fresh P. cubensis can therefor be reasonably be expected to be extremely safe and suitable for even the most cautious.

So you simply start, like someone else already said, with a very very low amount. I think every single compound can be administered safely in this way.


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
Then explain me how you can determine the dose while, potencies of different plants and plant parts differ so widthly, ever person reacts different and the line between a trip and dead is so narrow?


Glandeuse pinéale
18 Déc 2004
I think just explained this in the previous post. Of course when you start to use plant material from another part of the plant or from another batch, you need to start all over again, so with a very very low dose and build it up from there, with very small incremements.


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Mai 2007
I rode all the posts about Datura
This drug seem to be a kind of legend, like Moby Dick...
Good reading! 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Jahvisions a dit:
Then explain me how you can determine the dose while, potencies of different plants and plant parts differ so widthly, ever person reacts different and the line between a trip and dead is so narrow?

Well, it's still rare to find a dark brown seed that puts you into a serious life risk (apart from lacking water en what not!)

The most less riskful way is to bump, and make sure that when taking the next bump, you're 100% sure the one you took prior is fully absorpted into your blood with no effect. (this requires knowledge about your metabolism) But it IS concentrated in the blood so chances of having effect by the next tiny hit is more likely.

The problem is also, that often one doesn't know whether he has effect or not, the tripsitter should take responsibility for this.

Myself I'd start with 0.3 seed with just a light brown color. And make sure that there's no other drugs in the house and let the tripsitter carry the seeds in his pocket. Gallions of water for all over my body.

When I said the entire body, I meant literally, since the anus dries out, too. :\


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Déc 2005
time and again... nomatter how many times the survivor explain why is not a good idea to try tripping on Datura, people still ask and try it.

it's growing aniwhere, thow, and if somebody poisins him/her/sef, it will be
cause of the fact that MUCH safer substanses are banned by the law.

p.s. I wrote a loooong tripreport aboyt my datura expirience on this forum,
and I'm not in a mood to repeat myself about the details.
http://www.psychonaut.com/index.php?opt ... 15&lang=en


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Actually, it is not the risks why substances are banned. But the political and economical aspects.

Weed, Cocaleaf, for example can be a substitude so many products that the farmacy or either other industries with multinationals produce. Think about IG Farben or the Vitamin industry.

LSD was banned because people took the society less seriously, they didn't want to work to feed capitalism. But LSD is ONLY marked by most governments with 'unpredictable effects', while that is just the point of an acid trip.

Just ask 100 random people on the street or they have heard about the word cocaine or weed, 95 of them saying yes for sure. Do the same with Datura, and I guarantee that you won't get 5 yes answers out of 100 approached people.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:19 am Post subject: Expiriance on Datura Stramonium-ATOMIC BLOWBLAS OF BRAINS

I have with my 15teen years try to find Datura in the wild.One frend told me that he se datura growing near crematory(ZAGREB)-brrrr.I searched and after two hours finaly finded.It was 1,5m height.Then I took 15 spiked frouts and after 6PM take 8 of them.My mam called police because I havent returned or call my parents for three nights and four days.I remember that I was took my cloaths off and what I think 12 hours have walked naked around.My clathts I have find in dumpster-thank you DIANO!!!!!!Then what is still remaind in my memory is that I enterd in some never seen house take a plate put some soup and start eating-maybe it was 3th day.and than owner of house pull AK-47 on me and ask me what I am doing here.My answer is that am tired,hungry and whay should I need to live this place,it"s open for everybody.Almost guy shot me(WAR IN CROATIA WHERE STILL GOING!!!!!!)After some conversation I have left house,and for another 24h i see my grandmother spirit who guided me to home.Trip lasted about 5days+5days of side effects.Guys and girls I have been almust killed AND THAT IS ONLY ONE OF MY DEATH STORIES!!!!!
Atropos, one of the three Fates will chose the way how will my death look like. :wink: :) 8) :D


Glandeuse pinéale
29 Mai 2007
WOW i have taken some pretty hard drugs in my life but this one really scares me................i was going to get about 100 or so seeds and injest up to five no more but now im having second thoughts...........i wish their were a way to isolate the key alkoloid without the fear of death.......which is probly the alkoloid that kills!!! its bad knowing this 'substance' is very toxic makes me want to 'investigate' it more............stupid.................


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
I've allways heard that you should smoke the leafs or drink a concoction of the flowers. AND with a shaman by your side..........


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
:) and the shaman....don't forget the shaman
:shock: still it would take me a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT of courage to hop in and trip


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
I am going to trip once more. But this time (meaning the trip which gone me mad my dose were 6 pineapples- something bout 2000 seeds. 100 seeds will give you light and soft confusion and true psychedelic form. Don't be scared. If you want to know more bout the most powerful psychedelic ask me cause I was taking it three months everyday. I have received the name 'GOAT' in juvenile prison- and doctor, psycho doctor chemist- Cause I was cooking heroin for 1000kids and crystal meths. I regret this now but past is time for regration and forgetting.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
Seeds at first are nothing. You need to try leaves. There is magical essential substance. But you will need at yours first time someone sober who will not laughing when you will speak with spirits-meaning people who aren't there. Datura is for me something else cause you do not have so much control over hallucination. Try 100 seed with sober and have with yourself a gallon of water, trust me. And try to be of the sun cause yours pupils will extend to the maximum. Looking at the sun can even blind you.

More questions must be more detailed so I can respond to them in very detailed way. 100 seeds is nothing, 250 will do the trick.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
but if you need 250 seeds. how many leaves does someone need?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
30 Mar 2006
2 454
5-6 leaves, this is potentate by plant oldness. If yours plant is flowering than 250 seeds will be something like 3 leaves but if plant i young than you know what I will say. And DO NOT TRY TO EAT HEART OF PLANT-FIRST SEEDPOT WHERE THE BRANCHES DEVIDED. THIS CAN RESOULT WITH DEATH OR WITH INSANITY. THIS IS ONE TIME TIP AND TRUST ME. MANY HAVE BROKEN THEIRS NECK OR THROW THEMSELVES FROM BRIDGES. LEAVE THE HEARTH OF PLANT IF YOU ARE NO SHAMAN OR XP USER. :!: :!:


Glandeuse pinéale
29 Mai 2007
oka oka oka oka oka.........................now

how do you trip off datura Goran.Hrsak......................

recipe n all------


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
For advices 100 seeds you should get a ban actually. I doubt you even have an idea what you're on about.

Anyway, last weekend I plucked an angel's trumpet, stroked my fingers over it, and licked my fingers. Shortly after, I got a dry forehead and my heart got a slight change of frequency.

I was sitting and staring and just felt a little bit unreal. I didn't know how this started. I was quite scared that it'd get more intens, but lucky enough no hallucinations, just my own environment. Except that I felt dreamy and kept staring at objects that were... interesting. :s And occasionally wanted to get up out of my chair and walk, for unknown reason.


Glandeuse pinéale
24 Déc 2005
looks like here in Eastern Europe we have quite brutal expirience..
when I did it a classmate told me it is a "halucinogen"
first I tryied the seads of one spiked fruit, the effect was not what I xpected, on ther next day I ingested the same amount..
after 8-9 days like this I went into freaking diisilusional state I decribed in the other datura toppick..
later I found that some people d yied after 10 times LESS seads.
Maybe because different plants contain much different amount ak\nd proportion of these highly TOXIC chemicals.
Maybe because different people have MUCHH different sensitivity to them.
Anyway, tripping on datura is realy dangerous, and tripping OFF of it takes at least 3 months, and sometimes even more... in the meanwhile the chance to be caught and pinted as a crazy freak is more than real..

WHY someone who has the option of finding mushrooms , LSD or other SAFE and mind OPENING substance will want to try this potentionaly deadly, unpredictable and toxic deliriant????

it's like russian rulet, tyerd of living?