Datura stramonium

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DrDreez
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great report and knowledge, patilan420, thanks for sharing! :D

Big Boom
Heh everyone advices not to try datura, it's poison, but I think every psychonaut should try everything =)
I tried atropine (it's similar), I felt terrible, but it was interesting =)
Great post Patilan!

I have recently started reading about shamanism, so I have become very interested in Datura. Even moreso after reading trip reports on the net, and reading the first Castaneda book. I would like to try it someday, but not until years down the road when I'm fully educated about shamanism and this particular plant.

Anyone who is going to try this should take a very low dose, be far away from civilization, and have a sitter, possibly several sitters (so they can be on shifts as it may last for days) to watch and protect you. You would also have read a bunch on the subject, and possibly spoken with someone who has experience.
Where does this idea come from that lsd is much heavier then shrooms???
If you think lsd is stronger then mushrooms, you just haven't had the right amount of shrooms yet...
What does everyone on this forum know about Datura stramonium. I've been reading up on it and it sounds amazing, but at the same time very frightening because the minimum effects and the OD is very close. Does anyone have any experience with this substance. Everything that is know about it is welcome; how long is lasts, whats a good dose; what it is like etc...

I hope this gives you some clue...

I know this guy, he told me a little about datura;

He saw this bush, he picked a flower, he licked some couple of times with he's tongue over the leaves of the flowers (very carefully and aware of the "danger" so it seemed), notthing really happend, tho, he feels light or sleepy, as far as i can remember... He whent to sleep and he had the most bizar, confrontating, lucid dream ever (he had lucid dreams before, but not like that)... very machine-like, he flew into a big city, all grey, big platforms and cubes, and he met these grey's.... quite a hectic story actually ...... lucid dreams :roll:

The way he spoke about he's experience, made me very curious to this datura since then.


well where to start really? datura is probably one of the most intense legal drugs around i myself have never had the guts to try it but ive read a lot on erowid seems like a decent dose is around 10-15 seeds effects vary including intense visuals, seeing many friends from the past, thinking you have a cigarrette and many other little tidbits however the interesting thing is while high on datura its like youre in a dream in that you believe everythign you see is real whereas with other drugs you know youre just tripping. in some cases effects have lasted up to 3 days and minor effects lasting up to a week or two thats what i know off the top of my head but man if youre gonna give it a try i highly suggest a sitter and a lot of meditation beforehand let us know how it goes!
Firstly, I shall start by saying I am an experienced psychonaut who's done about every psychedelic there is. I had great times on them.

There was one time I almost died though. It was the time I tried Datura.

I urge you not to do Datura. It is classified NOT as a psychedlic but as a DELERIANT POISON.

It makes you mad, some people lose themselves forever, some have chronic headaches for years , some lose the plot and kill themselves. I have heard of many cases both in India and the UK.

I urge you NOT to do this drug. Do so but be aware you are risking your life. It is NOT a recreational drug.
Let me first say, any substance I injest is not for recreational purposes. And I am not interested in taking this drug at the moment. It sounds way to dangerous, I would only do it under the supervision of a shaman. It sounds like one of the most spritual drugs there are and you must treat it with the highest most greatest respect. And I know i'm not ready until I know virutally everything about it, and maybe when i'm about 40 ill consider trying it, im only 17 right now.
You CANNOT be ready for a Datura trip, it's basically the worst delirant out there, as it is well know, easily found, and especially EXTREMELY DANGEROUS...

Datura is NOT for a recreative usage NOR an introspection one, hell, some people even tried to kill themselves by eating tons of datura's seeds, some of them succeeded while others spend the rest of their lives in an asylium...


user_1919 a dit:
I would only do it under the supervision of a shaman. It sounds like one of the most spritual drugs there are and you must treat it with the highest most greatest respect.

After rereading this, I wonder if you're not mixing Datura and Ayahuasca, because saying that Datura is a spiritual drug and that it's used by shamans is one of the biggest piece of shit I've read on those boards...
I have read somewhere on the web, stupid i cant remember where, that in some tribes, they do this initiation (process of becoming a man) where they bring the adolescent in the high of datura, eventually during he's high, as they described, he just forgets everything... who he is, what he is, what tribe he is from, he even forget he is a humanbeing... he forget's he's previous life and this is what has to take part, he steps into another. Ofcourse, dead also takes part in these rituals in some cases. But i think it is a remarkable example of a (egodead-)initation to become a man...
to become a man, it's like it echo's in head.
Many shamans use datura in ayahuasca brews but only one or two leaves would be placed in a pot big enough for the whole village.

In some cultures it was used to punish children who misbehaved. Many kids end up liking the experience and would act up just to be dosed with datura again.
Brewmaster a dit:
In some cultures it was used to punish children who misbehaved. Many kids end up liking the experience and would act up just to be dosed with datura again.

Really ??? :shock: :shock: :shock:
Yes, you would, and then you would write "I wouldn't lie to you" (or something like that) just to make me even more confused :evil:
It really is true............ Crazy, no?

Honestly, who the fuck wants to deal with a tripping 8 year old?
Tiax a dit:
After rereading this, I wonder if you're not mixing Datura and Ayahuasca, because saying that Datura is a spiritual drug and that it's used by shamans is one of the biggest piece of shit I've read on those boards...

Erm...dunno if you ever read Castaneda...but Don Juan gives him datura to allow him to "see" the spirit world...
Yes I 've heard about Datura being used to see the spirit world. Unfortunately it's not the kind of spirit that we would normally like to see. It's the dark side of the force.

And it really is dark. :twisted:

It is used in the himalayas by twisted mother-in-laws who want to get rid of their daughter-in-laws. There have been many reports there of such women jumping into the river and drowning themselves.

It is also commonly used by twisted himalayan bandits posing as yogis/babas to waylay unsuspecting travellers and stupeify and later rob them and possibly kill them.

All fact.
Datura has been used for many tortures in our history. I have not done it myself yet.

Either way, make sure that when using Datura, be extremly careful with selecting the dose you ingest. Start very low. It is impossible to guess an appropriate dose since every part of the plant has a different potency.

Dark brown datura seeds from a broken apple in autum can be EXCESSIVELY potent.

Your veins enlarge, your body can't produce sweet on it's own, your heart changes in frequency. Swallowing may get hard to very hard.

It is useable when you make sure the physical effects are not dangerous, which means drinking tons of water, sit down and don't walk or run (your tripsitter should put you back as well), make sure the tripsitters can make you ENTIRE body wet with cold water, streaming water if nessecary. Also not lay down on your back, that might cause swallowing problems.

Just read EVERYTHING on Erowid with common sense.