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Résultats de la recherche

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    it's probably the time for you to stop smoking joints and try other things that make you feel good, and not bad. i had the same with joints, of course my friends were also immature, so was i, and of course some of the bad things i though about were true, but then i prefer to feel good and not...
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    Germinação de sementes

    :D alice
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    Qual a melhor lâmpada? com dúvidas...

    não sabia, ok, fiquei a saber. conheces o erowid? www.erowid.org tem lá bastante informação (em inglês), inclusive sobre luzes: http://www.erowid.org/plants/cannabis/c ... ight.shtml boa sorte! alice :)
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    Qual a melhor lâmpada? com dúvidas...

    sementes de erva? os meus amigos aqui põem-nas em algodão molhado para germinarem, depois num vazinho pequeno, à luz (indirecta) do sol, tipo à janela, e depois quando a planta já cresceu um bocado transplantam-na para um vaso maior e põem-na ao ar livre. Bolas, portugal tem tanto sol, para quê...
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    Police Officer bakes weed brownies then calls 911

    very funny... i think we're dead!! alice :lol:
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    antidepressants being trippy

    yeah, antidepressants are trippy if you take too much. i don't think their that dangerous either. i took 2 the other day whereas i normally should take just one and i had visuals with eyes closed. alice
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    (anti)G8 @ germany in june

    i'm not going, but i'm happy that a lot of people went before and hopefully will go again this year. it's such a stupid world we're leaving in, and it has always been... hope it changes soon, too. alice
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    inland empire

    BOM DIA PESSOAL!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) ESTE FÓRUM EST
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    Strange "dejavu"

    oh, that's already a story come and gone, i now know this girl better, we're not friends, as i said before, i don't pay much attention to these dreams, i have them a lot, and i just like them, but i'm not very bothered about interpreting them, i was just asking because someone here was saying...
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    yeah, i like it too! :) alice
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    Strange "dejavu"

    maybe you guys are confusing insane with sick, ill, not feeling good in the mind? :? anyway, about the dreaming the future thing: if i dream about this girl that i don't even know well, don't remember her name, didn't see her for at least 3 months, she's just a friend of a friend, and the...
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    inland empire

    it's about 'a woman in trouble', that's what lynch said. alice :wink:
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    Strange "dejavu"

    hi dante... i guess it must be valid, who can prove otherwise? :wink: lion... i don't know any 'dream doctor', do they really exist? i mean, in 'our' western culture? alice
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    Drugs in the bibles

    great, 10 posts later, my thanks for the explanation!! i got it, too :wink: i really couldn't imagine how 1+1=1 or 1+1=3 but i new it had to be true :) alice
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    inland empire

    not that amazing, but very trippy, very david lynch, different and always the same. just don't expect to get it as a story :wink: PURE CANDY, said a friend of mine, no story, just beauty. it's the end of stories, and the beginning... But it's actually a labyrint of stories, in my opinion...
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    Strange "dejavu"

    hi guys, this is one of my favorite issues, the dream thing. :) My brother and i also dream about the future, but we don't pay too much attention to it, we just accpet it as being pretty normal. It just gives us a a good feeling , and we can't rely on it to really predict anything major...
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    Drugs in the bibles

    interesting, can you explain, please? :) alice
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    inland empire

    cool, then let me know what you thought of it please :) alice
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    inland empire

    yes the last movie from david lynch alice
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    inland empire

    someone saw it? it's a trip! alice