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Your thoughts on DOB..


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
I've taken DOB twice before..

the first time, me and 2 friends only had 1 blotter (we actually thought it was LSD) so we each took 1/3 or so..with a chopper pill (MDMA and abit of ketamine according to pillreports.com) and it was a nice psychedelic experience.. the visuals werent that strong, music was veryyy warped and my thoughts were really confused, very similar to an LSD trip..lasted around 8-10 hours or maybe abit more a think.

second time, I took a full blotter..and oh boy, is that DOB strong..
I think it took like an hour and a half to "really" kick in..but once it did, what a ride... strongest visuals i've experienced.. everything was warped, and the visuals were so heavy ..it seemed right out of a music visualization program..very pronounced colors and patterns, moving all over the place. like at some point, even my friend was distorted and I could see his face twisting around. All the sounds around me were so warped and transformed, also sounds were amplified.. when it was really really quiet, I could hear the neighbors TV, or the fridge very clearly as if it was just in my ear, even when my laptop was on very very low volume.. I would think it was too loud and was afraid to wake up my friend.
My mind and thoughts were f*cked, I would barely be able to communicate.. I would start a sentence, and then suddenly..my brain would sorta shut down and I would be stuck trying to finish what I was saying..but unable to, then I would just give up and say" you know what..nevermind, i cant speak"
And nothing made any sense any more, my friend offered me an orange.. and I looked at it almost not knowing what it was for, then he told me to eat it.. and I tried but no success lol..or like when I was trying to plug in the speakers, I would try to follow the cables, to find the plug.. and I couldn't find the end of them ..so I would also give up.

And the weird thing about all this, is that all these effects (apart from sound distortions) would come in as a focus/out of focus alternating pattern, meaning .. that one minute, my brain would function normally and it would seem as almost I'm not on anything (apart from body feeling) and the next minute ..I would phase out, similar to the way you stare at something when you are thinking..then realize you are staring..and my brain would go into a trip/stop functioning properly, insane visuals from all over the place start crawling back..etc

Other side-effects I felt : Very heavy body load, a sort of nausea, upset stomach (burping all the time) i think that's it.

And the heavy effects lasted around 14 hours before I started coming down gradually, and I was feeling very bad near the end..at some point, I thought that my brain had gotten damaged and that I will stay in this hindered state forever (brain not functioning properly, unable to communicate normally) ..it wasn't until 24 hours after ingestion that I started feeling "normal" again.

I don't think I will take DOB ever again..it's just too heavy, feels too dirty, too long..

Anyone with DOB experience? Your thoughts on it?


28 Jan 2009
1 700
it gets sold as acid here.

its interesting, but it lacks the clarity of acid, and doesnt quite hit all the right buttons IMO. maybe i havnt taken a big enough dose


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
how do you know if it's DOB? I'm not sure if I had it or not, could have been LSD as well.


28 Jan 2009
1 700
im not sure, it was suggested as a candidate for the not-lsd that has been floating around here the last few years. the stuff im talking about def. isnt LSD, though the effects are superficially similar, they are also noticably different.
doubling and doubling again the dose, doesnt produce make it feel any more like the LSD i know and love


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
BananaPancake a dit:
how do you know if it's DOB? I'm not sure if I had it or not, could have been LSD as well.

Well, first I thought they were LSD, because that's what they were advertised as, but as it turned out, they weren't.

First indicator was the very bitter taste of the blotter opposed to no taste (the LSD hoffman blotter I had).

And then, you can definitely feel the difference between them. If you look at http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dob/dob_effects.shtml the effects I encountered matched exactly what was described in medium dose effects.
Also, the duration of DOB for a regular dose is much longer than a regular dose of LSD.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
Its a few times now in holland that they sold me dob as acid.

I really am affraid that more and more a lot of people don't know the difference. A lot of people seems to enjoy it anyway,but i really hated it. Especially when u are expecting something else.

The visuals have an amphetamine like charactar, but mostly with moving objects. I really suffred from pain in the neck and indeed, it feels dirty, it feels too much like a strange chemical u shouldnt do. Also it doesnt englight u in anyway, just leaves u with a feeling of what the heck did i just experienced

Its the blotter with alex grey art and ganesha at the back, extreme bitter taste

am I the only one here?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Care to explain your experience more detailed with DOB, Jeniger? I'm interested in hearing it.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Déc 2008
I've had them twice. Disgusting rancid metallic taste that almost stings and lingers. long come up 3-4 hours. Lasts 18-36 hours. Huge body load. Feeling of being poisoned. muscular spasms. feelings of weakness. Extreme jitteriness. Can't sit still. Can't put mind toward anything. Dirty. Aching muscles. Awareness of every tiny pain and discomfort in the body. dysphoria. Lame visuals. Not as much mind expansion. Still a genuine psychedelic but why bother? Maybe this is more suited to the party crowd who are too drunk to notice.

Maybe I'm just being a pussy. They weren't that bad, but I don't get any of these stupidly exaggerated side effects with lsd.

People here take them and don't know the difference. They seem to think the toxic taste is a good sign.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
I experienced also the same as afiirmatory.

Ather ingestion i was preparing the same ritual as always, laying in the dark on the bed with some music on. At certain points i always get warped into the music but this time nothing happend there were no fractals or any visuals at all to see, the only thign was a big pain in the neck.Afther two hours still the same situation so i decided to swicth on the tv for a second to see if my view had changed. At first i thought that the audio wasnt in sync with the video as u see lots of time on the internet nowadays, but firmly soon i understood that i was resposible for this. Then i noticed that everyone looked like they were all on apmhetamines, speaking and moving really fast with a second of slow motion in between, when i look at the time, cetains seconds were going a lot faster than others. It all looked like a cartoon on fast foward and like the bigger an ego the person had, the more aphetamine like he looked.

I immidiately remembered the same experience on a party years ago were i was sold strange "trip pills"sold as xtc.

Exept for making it difficult for u to concentrate, its has almost no effect on the consiousness, for me it was pure visual. And with visual i mean the distorion of ur own perception of moving things. Reallly light closed eyed visuals occasionally.

I took 3 hits from it and have had distortions in my view for 15 hours

Exactly as described above, i think for the drunken party head it can be a fun thing, but for someone looking for a deep experience this is useless.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Thanks, this is actually nice information. And it unites with more reports from people I have gotten first hand.

I think it has nothing to do with being a pussy, but the intoxination is generally too strong for what you get out of it, often lasting too long as well. There's often a mix of cognitive impairment and psychedelic episodes. Would that be somewhat accurate?


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
Yes, that will do.

I would never stimulate anyone taking this stuff unless someone is really interested in trying all the different chems,

It can leave u behind with a lot of anxiety and a bad feeling when u are not preprared and expect something else.


Sale drogué·e
14 Sept 2007
I hope I'll never be sold DOB as acid..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Oct 2007
1 022
^Me 2,
Though I can't even find someone to make me happy whit acid at the moment:lol:

I probably try it if I run in to some and know that its DOB. So you can prepair yourselve for some of the side effects. I can imagine taking DOB, when you thought it was acid will probably suck.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
"There's often a mix of cognitive impairment and psychedelic episodes" That's about right.

And what Jenigner and Affirmatory both described were true to what I experienced.

Bottom-line, "If it's bitter, it's a spitter".

Thankfully for me, the last 3 blotters I had were as tasteless as it gets :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Anybody here other than me been sold bromo dragonfly on blotter? You'll know if it's a 6-hour comeup (at pretty much any dose). A half tab had me buzzed similar to a gram of mushrooms, except for 17 hours, and without any peaks or dips in lucidity, just a constant, stable, high. Two tabs was incredibly visual and I was still seeing distortions at +26 hrs. And yes, very chemically tasting blotter.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
No, but I posses a few batches of Bromo-Dragonfly bought as it. I haven't took any of them yet...

My supplier took 2 batches at Boom! and the effects lasted a good 30 hours. Very gradual come on indeed.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Now we're talking about Bromo, can you recommend a mild-moderated trip Bot? Is it an enjoyable experience?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
Hm.. the problem is I don't exactly know the dose on the blotter. you don't want to underdose (long and boring after a few hours) and you certainly don't want to overdose (vasoconstrictor apparently). Compared to the only other RC I've tried (2CI, done a few times) I found dragonfly physically more comfortable, more visual, more psychedelic, and I still felt in control and centered at all times

If you try it and if you find it isn't doing much, you really have to wait 6 hours for it to fully develop. that alone makes this such an unusual trip, the comeup is so different from anything else I've experienced. (Even tho it was a long comeup within 2 hours I was getting full on audio hallucinations, I was drumming and hearing childrens laughter and ocean waves in the drums.)

Anyway I think I lucked out and took just the right dose.. two hits was great, vibrant and complex audio and visual distortions organic and fractal. The mental trip was a strong feeling of connection and presence with the people I loved and cared about. SWIM on the other hand took 3 hits and had a miserable time, was physically uncomfortable and 26 hours later I was telling SWIM 'no those aren't insects you're still just mildly tripping'. I don't know if that was because of taking too much or was just the night and the trip, or both

I went into it thinking it was acid, and got something different, it just is what it is. It's not acid but I wouldn't underestimate it.. SWIM above was a much more experienced tripper than myself. I enjoyed the trip quite a lot, enough that I'm going to take my last dose someday.. I'd never go out of my way to buy it again though, it's no replacement for lucy, as much as i miss being able to find her in these parts

Well hopefully this gives you an idea what to expect .. ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Thanks man. ;) Seems that the strength of the experience is essential, which is quite tricky to estimate due to the very slow onset and unknown strength of batches. Guess I'll keep them for the further future or something, been told it's a much more stable compound than LSD.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
When it comes to dose, I imagine if your supplier was tripping for 30 hours s/he probably took a higher dose than I did. For me, the dose I took felt "just right"