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Your thoughts on DOB..


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
Jeniger a dit:
Afther a strange phone conversation the test centre told me there was 67ug on the blotter. Afther it sounded they could not find my file.

I don't know if 67ug would produce any noticeable effects... maybe they did mess up with your file.. (and you said you spit it out immediatly, no?)


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
The one that has been tested i have kept in my mouth for 15 minutes.(ganesha and alex grey art)

Afther 2 hours i took 2 more of them, wich mostly only amplified the neckpain, and also the speedy effect, got the same result with the same blotter from another source

The hoffman blotter is the one have spitted out almost immidiatly. Afther the point the taste became too disgusting. Also this one i got from another source but i havent tested it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Are you a smoker? Do you drink cafeine? What stimulants have you used in the past and if so, how frequent? Do you eat lots of saturated fats? Got Diabetes? What's your weight?

Is the pain more of a tension?


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
I smoke pure weed and haschisch from morning till sleep everyday. Sometimes i take a few hits from a joint from friends, but thats mostly 1 time a week. I am not drinking coffee since a few years, i get a lot of bad side effects from it too. Since a few months i stopped with tea too and lately more then half of my diet is raw(loads of fruit) and i try to eat as healhty as possible. Never had diabates. I weigh around 80 kilo with a lenght of around 1.90.
I have used amphetamine occasionally on party's in the past around 2002, and a bit around 2007 but not frequent and in total it could not be more then 3 to 5 grams.

Indeed the pain is a kind of tension, like there is a big weight pushing on top of your shoulders.

At the time i had my first experience with the liquid, in fact i still was smoking tabbaco, drinking coffee and eating lots of fats, also taken amphetamine during that trip.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Déc 2008
The first time I had DOB I was an unhealthy drug abuser. I had drank alot of coffee that night, then took two 'ecstasy' pills (probably piperazines), then I took the DOB. It was sold as 'trips'. Like someone else said in this thread, nobody seems to know or care that this is not acid. Everyone else is quite happy with this crap. Anyway, I ended up drinking a whole lot of water, like 2 litres, I didn't feel good and thought water would help my body get rid of these toxins... and I could not piss. It felt like my bladder was going to explode. I felt very weak. I could barely stand up. I was VERY jittery. I was very worried. I could feel in every cell of my body how fucked everything was. I felt like the universe wanted the molecules in my body back. I wasn't making good use of them. I was very slowly killing myself. What I ate, how I thought, how I stood, everything had to change.
I closed my eyes, and looked inside. I made a prayer to god/a promise to myself/a request to the universe. It was a painful promise to make but I vowed to fix everything If I could just live through that night. It meant totally changing the way I lived, I percieved this as a death of a sort. I died, the universe resurrected me, but only on the condition that I let a large part of myself die. When I felt the life rush back into me, the next 30 hours of the trip weren't too bad. I was still seeing everything negatively and was in alot of pain, but I was alive and was filled with a sense that I could fix everything. I felt like my intention to fix everything was true and strong enough to drive me to kill a part of myself, bringing me back from the dead, so it would have to be strong enough to get over all of the now insignificant obstacles in my life.

During my second DOB experience I had fixed up many things in my life, I was much, much more mentally and physically healthy, but the DOB found plenty of stuff for me to be negative about. I listened to a cd, and was enjoying it very much, until one song came on. The music was sad, heart wrenching, tragic. After hearing this song it just repeated in my head for hours later and I felt as if the music totally explained how I felt. Like it resonated with my soul and sent it into vibration. Why didn't the happy songs do this? argh. I haven't fixed everything yet. There will always be something.

What I'm trying to say is that I don't think the DOB causes these negative symptoms, just lets you see them. I think any physical pains and negative thoughts I felt on DOB are there all the time, just my brain blocks them out so I'm not in agony. I do often get these sensations from other psychedelics, but I also sometimes get a dissociative effect from LSD. With lsd, I can feel more or less aware of my body, I can be numbed or made sensitive, go deeper into it, or drift away from it. Drifting away from my body would be absolutely impossible on DOB. DOB is grounding. I could feel the pain and struggle every cell in my body goes through just to keep me going. I could feel all the work my brain does to keep me relatively sane.

About whether it is DOB or not. I have no idea. I shouldn't even claim it was DOB. But it wasn't acid, and DOB matches the description. Bromo-dragonfly, and DOC, and probably a heap of other crap match the description aswell. But the last 3 tabs I have had, 2 were metallic tasting bitter shit that took ages to kick in. I'm not making any claims about the acid market except that there is definitely some shit going around that isn't acid, and Im sure of it. Easier to overdose on acid? The tabs that go around here are generally very weak, I need to take 5 to have a real trip. If I had taken 5 of those things, I would probably be dead.

Big post. Could go on for hours. Must stop :P

Oh, and yes, the pain is like a tension. I don't think you were asking me but there you go anyway.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Jeniger a dit:
But this stuff i have gotten on blotter have done nothing but creating lots of bodyload and only visuals. I have read somewhere this can be a result of bad synthesis. Also i have read on other boards that people have the same problem.
and that even some lsd tested as real lsd doesnt provoke that profound touch and a lot of bad side effects.

Don't underestimate the power of your own mind in shaping an experience. Expectations and associations can be very important in the outcome.


Sale drogué·e
20 Oct 2008
I know this very well and know exactly how this works , once u understand it u are also able to somehow control your trip.

What we don't have to look over and what's very important here
that it doesnt shape the outcome so much that u have to fart all the time, extreme metallic taste that last hours, tensions in the jaws like on speed.

There are just too much reports, it can not be that simply all of them had a kind of bad strange trip because of the expectations, simply because they all had exactly the same side effects that even a person with a hard experience on lsd doesnt has.

There is defenitly some strange shit sold as acid, and it's better to find out whats going on then to blame it on the expectations.


Elfe Mécanique
5 Mar 2009
lol.. I remember the DOB farts.. so annoying, I went to the bathroom 3 or 4 times during my last DOB trip..

And, honestly like Jenigner said.. it's not that hard to recognize it. Onset, duration, effects, side-effects.. all points to the description of DOB. And once you've had it once, it's very easy to recognize the next time..

But yeah, some people don't see the difference or don't know enough to care.
And I find that's not a good thing. I am not an experienced tripper, in fact my taste of psychedelics consists of 3 acid trips, 2 DOB trips..but I can definitely tell the difference. Alot of people criticize Erowid, but for me it has been very helpful and accurate in providing me the information I need.