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Would you...


Elfe Mécanique
13 Sept 2006
GOD a dit:
...... Why do you think theres much more women prostitutes than men ? ............

........ In Europe about 30 % of children dont come from the person who thinks that they are the father .

On the prostitute thing. Your argument proves that your wrong even more then it prove's you're right. The fact that there are so much more female prostitutes is caused by the large number of males cheating on their wives with a prostitute, or just go to one when feeling the need. It's a matter of economics, request&offer(or how do you say this in english?) and power like mycophile said.

But ofcourse there are also manymany woman cheating on their partners. i don't know the exact number, but i can imagine the gap between both sexes being small.

On the 30% : i believe what you say ,have heard those numbers also a couple of times, although different studies will not always come up with such gigantic numbers. Anyway ,it's more then we tend to expect.

OT : If you love her, and you think she really regrets it ,certainly give her another (last?depending on the situation) chance! :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
The 30 % comes from the press . In germany they changed the law so that men could have their children anonymously tested because it came out in court that so many men were paying for children that arent theirs .

There are less men prostitutes because women dont have to pay for sex they can just express a wish and men will stand in a que . Men pay for sex because most of those that do cant get it anyother way . Try it and see . Go with a woman to a disco or pub and both ask the same number of the oposit sex and see who gets the most requests .

I dont believe the argument that many women are forced to be whores . In some cases and in some countrys yes but very rarely in western countrys .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Sept 2008
1 072
*thread moved: lounge is for other stuff then psychedelics, including personal problems



Glandeuse pinéale
5 Avr 2009
GOD a dit:
"the numbers show the majority of men, and a slightly smaller percentage of women- cheat."

What numbers ? I disagree .

Lies,damn lies, and statistics.

The studies all rely on self reporting ( and are usually limited to infidelity in marriage - the #'s that have cheated in a relationship will be far higher). And people lie their ass off on controversial subjects in studies- Just look at any study on marijuana use- we can all attest the #'s are WAY low :wink:
I know a lot of women in the sex industry- and they all agree, the numbers on both sides are way higher then reported. And then there all the closet bi's cheating same sex and there is about zero chance thats showing up in the studies.
The numbers also change radically based on income, social beliefs, and intelligence. Rates are far higher in liberal meccas like the west coast, far lower in the south.
And finally- I have a weakness for married women, and one of my best female friends has a weakness for married men- as Dylan said "you really don't know whats going on here, do you, Mr Jones" 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I disagree with the word "majority" .

I agree that the statistics about the claims that people make about their sex lives are suspect .

Here there was a survey that "proved" that women lie more than men . 10 % of men and 30 % of women lie . They asked "do you masterbate" 90% of men and 70 % of women admited it .


Elfe Mécanique
10 Oct 2008
Actually Females are more likely to cheat than males.


Elfe Mécanique
29 Nov 2007
i can agree to that, and no i dont really feel sorry for myself, the situation was a weird one anyways, i kinda drove her away..we got in a fight and she left for a week, deciding if she wanted to 'be with me or not' ect ect taking time, blah blah, and ended up sleeping with someone, then came back, and lied about it, and i ended up findin out a few months later, and went off on her ass, and she left again haha, so its 33% my fault and 66% her fault, cuz we werent 'broke up' and were together 11 months!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310


Glandeuse pinéale
5 Avr 2009
GOD a dit:
I disagree with the word "majority" .

ok-agreed- poor choice of words. In my personal world upwards of 8 of 10 of both sexes have cheated in a relationship- and I assumed in the circles here the numbers would be high as well...I run in liberal circles- so the #'s for society as a whole would be considerably lower.
Though kinsey did report some high numbers...


Sale drogué·e
22 Juil 2008
???????? a dit:
Etherbunny a dit:
Actually Females are more likely to cheat than males.


I guess because the average woman (between let's say 15 and 30) is countlessly approched by men, every day.

The average man does not approch many women though.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
but i've personally seen several cases where the man cheats on repeated occasions, to the chagrin of the woman. mm i don't like generalizations when it comes to human behaviour. though i don't know i've also seen that women are more sneaky....... meh, i will believe it's fifty-fifty until i get proven otherwise.


21 Avr 2009
did it once, never again.

Run for your life by The Beatles is my current philosophy on the topic

youtube it my friend, great wisdom there haha