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Je m'inscris!

what is your prefered form of ritual magick?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
GOD a dit:
Opinions and facts are different things .

Magic doesnt exist and what Drugless defined as Magick is simple repetition . I can and i will , every day in every way i am getting better and better exercises . Just like a child chanting his times tables to learn them .

Its all so simple why complicate it or mystify it . Talk talked about it , thought thought about it and the boat sank in the mean time .

It doesnt matter what colour a sinking boat is .

Stop chasing your own tail .

Human beings are curious creatures interested in all sorts of crazy things. Some people are interested in the study of animal shit. Maybe some of us are interested in understanding the nature of belief and belief systems, how they work, what they do, how they affect people. If you have no interest in the subject why harass people who do?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
I used to feel the same way, then realized at some point that respecting other people's beliefs and even taking a mild curiosity in them is a far more amiable way to live.

Where you assume that I don't respect other people's believe. How would you feel if I assumed you where a dumb fuck and followed after that with a line explaining how I used to be a dumb fuck before myself but actually became a better person?

You can't force others to adopt your belief system, a great deal of human history testifies to this very point.

That's utter bullshit, it's being done all the time throughout history. Our very own culture is the mess coming forth from that.

Btw, where you just sharing your thoughts or did you also assume I want to force people to adopt my believe sytem?

If the answer to that question is positive, I would love to hear what you assumed my believe system actually is.

There is plenty of room in this world for multiple viewpoints.

There is limited room for limited viewpoints in this world.

There is no room for the materialistic viewpoint in current form, or it will wipe out all other viewpoints.

There is no room for the viewpoint that magic will fix our culture/planet because the chances of that happening are just too low and if we all would believe that and try opposed to trying to change our style bigtime, we will most likely also wipe out all other viewpoints as well.

this quote:

What I think he really means, is that if we believe that hocus pocus will fix our culture, we won't get any further but we will most likely drown at some point.

Should make sense now.


Or do I really have to assume you actually are a dumb fuck?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
HeartCore a dit:
I used to feel the same way, then realized at some point that respecting other people's beliefs and even taking a mild curiosity in them is a far more amiable way to live.

Where you assume that I don't respect other people's believe. How would you feel if I assumed you where a dumb fuck and followed after that with a line explaining how I used to be a dumb fuck before myself but actually became a better person?

I'm not assuming anything about you at all. Sorry if it came off that way. I'm a bit offended at someone here though who is telling anyone who disagrees with him that they are idiots, barged in and disrupted this thread that I was actually quite interested in.

[quote:3sdofk5b]You can't force others to adopt your belief system, a great deal of human history testifies to this very point.

HeartCore a dit:
That's utter bullshit, it's being done all the time throughout history. Our very own culture is the mess coming forth from that.

Umm.. but.. but.. that's my.. point!

There is plenty of room in this world for multiple viewpoints.

There is limited room for limited viewpoints in this world.

There is no room for the materialistic viewpoint in current form, or it will wipe out all other viewpoints.

There is no room for the viewpoint that magic will fix our culture/planet because the chances of that happening are just too low and if we all would believe that and try opposed to trying to change our style bigtime, we will most likely also wipe out all other viewpoints as well.

But.. nobody in this thread has been arguing that magic and hocus pocus will save the world. That is not what this thread is about! In essence this was a thread about sharing induced mystical experiences through magick, etc. Well, it was originally.

Or do I really have to assume you actually are a dumb fuck?

Is there some serious negative energy in the air today? Flame central. Monday perhaps.

Look, I'm sorry I offended you, but I really think you misread my post.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944

Talk for talks sake . How long did it take before a dinosaurs tail realised that its head was dead ? Stop talking endless looser crap , open your mind and try to grow up . People can be interested in what they want , while watching the planet die and believing in 2012 .

I didnt disrupt anyones thread , i said that there is no such thing as magic because there is no such thing as magic . You can live in your ken and barby fantasy world if you want but stop trying to justify the unjustifyable .

I dont harass people and nobody said that i wasnt interested in one thing or another , but the blind leading the blind makes no sense . Everything has a time , a place and a weight . Get your priority right before you take others down with your sinking boat . Either you are to thick to understand or you are just trying to cause trouble or you are wanking your ego .

Talk talked , thought thought and you are like a dog with a bone .

Bye bye .


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I didnt disrupt anyones thread , i said that there is no such thing as magic because there is no such thing as magic . You can live in your ken and barby fantasy world if you want but stop trying to justify the unjustifyable .

Either you are to thick to understand or you are just trying to cause trouble or you are wanking your ego .

Do you delight in misunderstanding? This thread isn't about hocus pocus. It never was. I don't know where you keep coming up with this..

I came here because I was genuinely interested in this subject and all you have done is bring negative energy and insults.

I take offense at your spreading complete misinformation, completely misinterpreting and trashing belief systems that you can't even be bothered to take 5 seconds to try to comprehend, yet feel compelled to bash. It is called using a straw man.

Anyway I'm done here for the day. If you want to be right, be right.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
GOD a dit:

Talk for talks sake . How long did it take before a dinosaurs tail realised that its head was dead ? Stop talking endless looser crap , open your mind and try to grow up . People can be interested in what they want , while watching the planet die and believing in 2012 .

I didnt disrupt anyones thread , i said that there is no such thing as magic because there is no such thing as magic . You can live in your ken and barby fantasy world if you want but stop trying to justify the unjustifyable .

I dont harass people and nobody said that i wasnt interested in one thing or another , but the blind leading the blind makes no sense . Everything has a time , a place and a weight . Get your priority right before you take others down with your sinking boat . Either you are to thick to understand or you are just trying to cause trouble or you are wanking your ego .

Talk talked , thought thought and you are like a dog with a bone .

Bye bye .

god shut up if you don't have anything usefull to say besides calling people thick.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
Well I think I can speak for all of us when I say that our most preferred form of ritual magic seems to be ego masturbation, lol.

I don’t thing anyone in this recent argument has escaped their own hypocritical jargon, and resisted chasing their own tail.

If you strip it down, magic is just a word;
Yet another existential paradox.

I think the thread has lost any conversational lustre it initially had, simply because people have unwittingly presented their aforementioned preference for self gratification.

So the question was answered in some respects, albeit with undue disdain.

You’re only bashing yourselves if you pursue such frivolous dispute.



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
I didnt notice anyone talking about ritual magic , it just degraded into people having a go at me .


21 Juil 2007
5 922
I claim to say that GOD is one of those ego masturbators although he is at the same time one of those who oppose ego masturbators.

But well... I think for a ego with the need to masturbate it's maybe ocasionally necessary to oppose other ego masturbators in order to "let" their own ego masturbate.

peace :weedman:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
BrainEater a dit:
I claim to say that GOD is one of those ego masturbators although he is at the same time one of those who oppose ego masturbators.
I think it has something to do with having to be alive to be able to kill :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
^Or being able to kill in order to feel alive?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
Again , the threads about ritual magick , not about having a go at me . What about getting back to the theme please .


21 Juil 2007
5 922
Ritual Magick is evil........................... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :evil: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
3 Nov 2007
4 166
GOD a dit:
Magic doesnt exist . If you claim it does exist prove it .

Our father who created the world in seven days, does not believe in magick? :lol:
Seems like magick is not accepted by the psychonaut police.

I am not into practising ritual magick, but I know a thing or two about it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Jan 2006
14 944
What about talking about ritual magic ? I didnt create the world in 7 days your projecting things . There is no psychonauts police thats just your pettyness and paranoia . Get back to the theme please and stop having a go at me .


21 Juil 2007
5 922
magickmumu a dit:
GOD a dit:
Magic doesnt exist . If you claim it does exist prove it .

Our father who created the world in seven days, does not believe in magick? :lol:
Seems like magick is not accepted by the psychonaut police.

If you were a non-believer of magic and magic was being proven to you, it wouldn't be magic anymore. Or at least it wouldn't be the same magic... :P It would maybe be something extraordinary supernatural impossible to you.
Or maybe it would be something normal to you. I guess many objects we possess nowadays would have been called demonic or magical in times before "our" time now.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
GOD a dit:
What about talking about ritual magic ? I didnt create the world in 7 days your projecting things . There is no psychonauts police thats just your pettyness and paranoia . Get back to the theme please and stop having a go at me .

Why are you lying GOD????????? It is written in the holiest of books !!!! It's even your own words which are written in the holiest of books as it is said, the bible is the word of god...

haha... :P sorry god i had to make fun of this, because this paradox with your username and the idea of the word which your username represents is too absurd.

hahahhaahhahahahahhahahahhahahhahhah all those poor devils who really believe that the bible is the holiest of books and it is the "word" of god hahhahahahhahahhahhahhahahahahahah .....

they are so right....

hahahhahahahhahah :evil: :shock: :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
see how i magicaly got you all bickering.
the thread is about belief systems, and about belief systems-
everything is permited, nothing is true.
reality is what you percieve it to be. if you meet the vegetals, or the ketamine nebbishes, they exist to you

god is thinking hammer house of horror film magic

i was asking about reality selection

im a Taoist, FFS, and not a chinese state aproved one, an oldschool shamanistic,
practice what you believe one.
thats the BELIEF SYSTEM i have chosen

what B.S have you chosen?

Taoisim is full of ritual

Chi masters can astral project, cross a room, and knock you flat on your back. i know someone who can fire me accross a room with a light touch
so far that there have to be people there to catch you so you dont hit a wall
but if someone has never experienced something like that then you may cry HOCUS POCUS!

btw, it comes from the catholic HOC EST LOCUS

thats all beside the point. i believe all belief systems are valid, equally true

thats why i started the thread, i wasnt trying to start a holy war