Shrooms to be banned in the Netherlands

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
Amsterdam - All mushrooms with a hallucinogenic effect (shrooms) will be placed on list II of the Opium Law. Both processed and unprocessed mushrooms will become illegal. This can be read in a 'measure of control' (a new law) which at the request of the minister of Health, Welfare and Sport, Ab Klink has been approved by the counsil of ministers.

Amsterdam - Alle paddenstoelen met een hallucinogene werking (paddo’s) komen op lijst II van de Opiumwet. Hiermee wordt de verkoop van zowel bewerkte als onbewerkte paddo’s verboden. Dit staat in een Algemene maatregel van bestuur waarmee de ministerraad op voorstel van minister Klink van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport heeft ingestemd.
Oh man that is a real bummer. I don't live in Amsterdam, but I wished to visit the beautiful land, and test out the mushrooms. :(

I can't believe it... that's a new step toward ignorance and human decay, we have so much to learn from shrooms... So i'll order spores and do the culture myself, that's the last thing we can do.
It has to happen... let's hope Argentina's new law over drugs will prove that drugs' legalisation is the best (or the less stupid) way a government can follow, and then other countries will legalize drugs.
I found another news article this morning (here), but it's just as vague as the ones I read yesterday. I don't understand why all newspapers are suddenly picking up on this, even though it sounds like the same old news again: they are going to ban the shrooms, because of the arguments/prejudices of Christian politician Klink. The website of the Dutch government seems to be down, so I can't figure out to what extent the ban is a fact.
What can we do if they ban it? We should do something, because a ban has basically no support of research, logical reasoning etc.

Ignorant ppl in our government :(
There's nothing we can do, except one-man-demonstrations and futile petitions :( we are powerless because we are outnumbered :(
I hope you weren't thinking about that ^^

This insinuation you made is uncalled for in relation to the reply I made so I have to conclude, that your are reflecting.

Real action for me means that people stand up for what they stand for, like the demonstration last year in Amsterdam. Peaceful but with a clear message.

Real action also means for everybody who loves mushrooms in the Netherlands to speak out, to friends, familiy, everybody without hiding and playing the role this christian retarded politics tries to lay on them: drug abusers, criminals, followers of satan (literally, study history).

Action can also mean that at the moment the ban is official, all mushroom lovers turn them in to the police to make a stand and let a judge decide.

The time is now, if we wait longer till the ban is in place and people accepted it, it will be way more harder to get something done in my opinion.
I think you're right Heartcore ,peacefull ,but strong and clear action can make a difference!!
If I was from the Netherlands ,I would certainly help you in taking action!
Succes man!
But the problem is, how do you set up a good action.. things gotta be good.. 10 man in A'dam aint gonna make a difference (although it's still about the principals).

It's funny btw, that the dead of the tourist and the dog of the tourist are still explained with magic mushrooms, while it has been known for quite some time that it was a combination of suicide feelings, psychotic disorder and other drugs.. talking about propaganda... :roll:
But the problem is, how do you set up a good action.. things gotta be good. 10 man in A'dam aint gonna make a difference
One person in A'dam could make a difference, depending on what he or she does.
Shrooms now illegal in Holland means that in France it will become very difficult to find shrooms, because many people here are relying on Amsterdam's smart shops growboxes ... And I know that many people here will switch to other (far more harmful) drugs ! Prohibition won't stop drugs consumption, it will make it even more dangerous, what a vicious circle :(
No information on when this is going to take effect, is there?

I'm frigging angry, though.
Videlic a dit:
What about spores/growkits? Are going to be forbidden as well?

I can imagine they will prohibit growkits, but spores? I don't think there is any legal basis for that.
Forkbender a dit:
Videlic a dit:
What about spores/growkits? Are going to be forbidden as well?

I can imagine they will prohibit growkits, but spores? I don't think there is any legal basis for that.

So everything's not lost, there is an alternative, let's hope it won't be banned too.