Need help for mushrooms identification

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one of the boletes. most are excellent, a couple are inedible and at least one is deadly - the devils bolete - but that doesnt sound like it. if you have eaten canned mushroom soup you have eaten boletes. maybe even one ive picked. ceps fetch ~£7.50/kg. an interesting family
i didnt have a pic of the originals- but your bang on there i checked the boletes when u replied and spotted it straight away, boletus rubellus!! and here is an online pic of what i was trying to describe,
edit: sorry i cant send the picture unfortunately,
round the back of our local police station ... in a horse field there lurks ... liberty? lol .. i was actually looking for something else at the time, the stems not bruising blue though, they lookalikes?
i found these in my friends yard. they were brown caps. stems are hollow and wavy. the caps are now vanilla colored. and the mushrooms are halfway dry. can u identify them?
Need better pictures. Do they bruise blue? To me they don't look psychoactive. Try to go out hunting actually looking for something.

peace & love
i was thinking the same thing and no they dont bruise blue.
I wouldn't eat them. Where do you live? Maybe I can figure out a specie that grows in your area that you can go out looking for.

peace & love
washington staate seattle area
Liberty caps won't bruise blue, but that picture's not very good. If they look like a nipple on the top, with a tiny bump in the center of the cap, they could be. Liberty caps are usually really small, the stems might not be much bigger than a piece of grass. They can get bigger, but the caps on the ones I've found have been around finger nail size, with only two or three being bigger.

The cap should be a fairly solid opaque color. Look for gills that are quite sparse with a purple / black print. The stems of liberty caps are usually a milky to tan color, unlike regular psilocybe. They're more like bits of straw than the fibrous psilocybe stems
u live in the area? and thx but i just threw them out because i dont really beleive they are caps
Just found by accident this ones, so I thought I bring a few to ask if you could tell me if they are magic. I doubt it. But..
No .

One shouldnt pick mushrooms one doesnt know .

I know, I know... I felt some regret looking at them on the plastic bag.
Do they blue? What species did you think these are? Where did you find them? They do have a typical active psilcybe 'look', but that's all I know :lol: Could as well be galerinas, which are very poisonous. I guess this amount would be too small for tripping anyway.
They don't blue.
I don't know what species they might be, that's why I asked.
I found them near the place where I'm working. I think they were growing from dung.
Where do you live? You should take a spore print. They kind of look like cubensis, but it depends on where you live. Also if they aren't turning blue then yeah, probably no dice.
What the fuck !!!! They are not Psilocybe mushrooms and taking advice from people who havent got a clue can be very dangerous . Blueing isnt proof of Psilocybin content . The blueing reaction is something you look for after other criteria have been fullfilled . Dont pick what you arent 100% sure of . Do you dip your finger in every white powder you see because you think it might be sugar ? NO . Or you would soon be dead .
I already thrown them away.

Can you adress me a good book to learn about mushroom picking?

Something that I can carry myself and read the characteristics aswell as compare images or something like that.

I picked in the place where I'm living now. Surrounded by mountains (800 meters where I'm now). The place is cold in the winter (witch is the current season), much humidity and it's usually raining and occasionally snowing. The temperatures can vary between 2ºc to 12ºc. Trees all around, various rivers from a fountainhead.

I'll attach a picture so you can tell me if you think there's possibility of finding mushrooms that contain psilocybin.
Thats the best way to go as far as i`m concerned . First learn identification from and then go picking with a good book , or go with an expert whos been doing it for years . I will have a think and let you know tomorow about good books that i have seen . The area you showed looks promissing but not at this time of year . Are there any uncultivated , unfertilized and unploughed fields near you ?

It looks beautiful and realy peacefull there .