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How often does it happen, a psychosis?


21 Juil 2007
5 922
astrology = the all cure ?

is everybody's fate really "written" in the stars??? or do the stars write the fate of everybody on the earth??? why should predictions about actual people's future reality need information and what kind of information from the stars??? as long as an astrologer can't point this out to me i won't believe in any of that so called hocus pocus. i think there might indeed be something like a timewave zero which correlates with the vibration of all the universe in which we experience ourselves and everything else. time is a mistery and our mostly clouded minds can't see thru it.
some people claim they can do it, but what should be a compelling reason to believe any of what a so called astrologer claims to know, because of some pattern in the sky?



Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
IJesusChrist a dit:
JosVU my questions would be extensive, and I wish I could just sit down and talk with you... I have never had a delusion that encompassed my whole being (except waking dreams - where I confuse reality with dreams..)

But I want to ask you a very important question and I want a very honest answer. I want to also know why you answered the way you did:

Do you think you can be completely cured?
Western docters say that schizofrenia is chronical and thus a life long burden. I believe in magic, life and hyper natural. They say the difference between normal people and schizos are 3 gens: brainactivity, memory and imumsystem. But i believe that these "faults" cán be healed(ayahuasca, meditation, miracles, light).
Yes i think i can be cured(not saying I will). At the same time I believe in faith so all my illnesses are(acourding to my current believe) part of the gifts received from Life.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
BrainEater a dit:
astrology = the all cure ?

Technically, given enough information, the entire fate of the universe could be determined - this is the only way I can view astrology.

You look at the stars, their positions, their brightness, mass, age, will tell you so muchabout their beginnings if you know how to use it...

But to relate this to my or your birth is about .. 15,000 years from now, and I don't think poeple just kind of "picked up" on what the stars were telling them.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I'm quite pragmatic on astrology though, but it was an explicit recognition when I looked up my zodiac sign. *Shrugs* I don't indicate any path based on those calculations but some aspects are valueable.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i agree with brug on astrology. but to braineater,

"is everybody's fate really "written" in the stars??? or do the stars write the fate of everybody on the earth???"

it's interralated, they are one and the same, as we are both made of matter. it's just like looking through either side of a telescope, one side is big, the other's small. it's relative... which side do you look through? (rhetoric)

nature, space, everything is fractal, there is no limit to how close you'd like to view something, just a limit on the size of our nanometers and tools, at the moment. but on the idea of everything being fractal, there is a similarity, not quite a "pattern" in the sense that it never repeats, cause it's not quite repeating that we can tell, but a "pattern" recognised within the "chaos" (or the chaos within the pattern). that is your "timewave zero", astrology is an examination, and a conclusion of such. a prediction of the constant. you wake up lying down every day, but never in exactly the same position. order and chaos are one and the same, just like black and white, they are both intangibles in the purest sense of their description.

but about schizophrenia, and psychosis... there's no such thing as "a psychosis", (it's a proper noun, therefore more descriptive, to note a more specific area of mental illness) although there are many different forms of "Psychosis". im not claiming to know what it is, because NOBODY does, but i know that the word psychotic is a word that was made by people who, in essence, don't understand or can't relate, EMPATHIZE with another group of people, and "diagnose" as such, solely based on differences between in behavior, for whatever THAT is worth. like heartcore says, everyone is basically nuts, or at least very weird.

read how convoluted the definition for savant is:
(just the introduction paragraphs)

by that description, any anti-social, intelligent computer nerd would fit the mold, because its a HUGE mold. the same sort of convolution in definition goes for words like autism, or retardation. painfully obscure. we have almost no concept of what is going on with these people...

describing a vague occurance (psychosis) with another set of vague occurances doesn't paint a valid, or valuable picture imo

and another note, i dont think anyone should describe schizophrenia as a separation from reality, i believe it's quite the exact opposite. the human mind can only "listen" to one thing at once, right? so what if he was simply listening(for this example) to something you didn't quite notice?

imagine that you're in a place(work for example) where the AC is running ALL the time, it's never NOT been on. you can direct your attention to it if you want, but you probably wont, odds are you will tune it out most of the time because it's repetitive and monotonous, maybe you think it's slightly obnoxious, and most of all, it doesn't "exist" in your direct environment. it's not interactive in the sense that you could practically turn it off, or learn anything from it. so you forget about it. it's not "there" anyways. not like your boss anyways. well, lets say the AC suddenly turns off or breaks or pauses. you notice this time, don't you? the "absence" of sound creates a "presence". that is how i view the schizophrenic. the guy who takes care of the AC (as often as his "disease" confirms"

they are still located in the universe, correct? so why would you say they are distanced or dissociated? your boss is an asshole anyways, is it his fault he'd rather entertain himself with the air vents? :shock:

why is it an illness? why is it anything? i question you, to ask yourself, and to quit thinking to other peoples set standards


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
generally the people you're describing as psychotic, have a reason why they are that way. external stimuli, an undeserved childhood full of abuse, be it physical or mental, there's typically a cause. these people stopped interacting because they gave up hope. it's never done them any good. i encourage everyone to do some research on psychedelics and treating schizophrenia (i know most already have), to see what im referencing. a trip in a bad way can exacerbate these symptoms, just as a trip in a good way can do just the opposite. these people need psychedelic treatment to undo the shitstorm of what's already been done. that's how my case was anyways...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Adrian, you're speaking a good point, but you're not realizing how far off schizophrenia is...

A person diagnosed with schizophrenia isn't just "listening" to something that maybe we all just can't see - it changes his/her mood, and put's him or her in a new state of mind. It's not like if I had gone to work, and all of the sudden started to see fairies that I would be schizophrenic. The schizophrenic sees fairies, and is usually accompanied by an exTREMELY strong feeling, be it fear, bliss, euphoria, confusion, etc...

Schizophrenia is a seperation of reality. They are creating their own reality, or seeing a seperate one that does not overlap with our own. This is radically different than just 'seeing' something that other's ignore.

And yes, psychadelics could possibly cure psychosis / schizophrenia, however I have not seen enough proof of this yet, personal or external. DMT has taken a large chunk out of my psychotic episodes ... I just don't know why.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774

Because it has stolen the fuel with which these thought processes derive their energy. The fuel is your subconscious storehouse of perception and feelings....the fuel for all effects that psychedelics exert on anyone.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I know this, it just... I'm not sure why its happened like this....

It just doesn't seem like they should just 'go away' like this... it's bizarre really.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
I think psychedelics just increased my awareness of how my mind works on some kind of intuitive level. It's not like I'm immune to periods of negative energy or depression. I'm just better equipped to deal with them and not fall down the spiral. The past few months I've had one of the most psychically stressful and borderline neurotic periods that I've had in years. The couple trips I've had in this period, the message has overwhelmingly been: 'chill the fuck out!'. This exercise fortunately has translated nicely back to my predominantly sober world on the days when I'm pretty tense.

As far as astrology goes, to me divination in general is a self-programming exercise, a Rorschach test. Meaning it tells me more about the -now- than say the -future-. The more I did it the more meaningful it became to me. It frequently tells me a lot about the psychology of the astrologer too.. some mainstream astrologers are all concerned about money and wealth and don't seem to really give a shit about human depth or personal development. In any case it's about subjective experience meaning it cannot be proven empirically. Trying to 'prove' it is just ridiculous and a waste of time that distracts from the experience. ok, stepping off the soapbox :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
IJesusChrist a dit:
A person diagnosed with schizophrenia isn't just "listening" to something that maybe we all just can't see - it changes his/her mood, and put's him or her in a new state of mind. It's not like if I had gone to work, and all of the sudden started to see fairies that I would be schizophrenic. The schizophrenic sees fairies, and is usually accompanied by an exTREMELY strong feeling, be it fear, bliss, euphoria, confusion, etc...

Schizophrenia is a seperation of reality. They are creating their own reality, or seeing a seperate one that does not overlap with our own. This is radically different than just 'seeing' something that other's ignore.

And yes, psychadelics could possibly cure psychosis / schizophrenia, however I have not seen enough proof of this yet, personal or external. DMT has taken a large chunk out of my psychotic episodes ... I just don't know why.

(first paragraph) i think you're right, they are fully sensually involved (which is bound to influence any variation of emotion im sure)... but for the sake of the example i said listen. it could have been see, feel, etc. their senses are fully involved and they find it hard to avert their attention from whatever it is they are perceiving atm. even if they should decided to engage you,(im not going to get into "how", as i can only speculate) it would be a very intense, visceral engagement, which appears to me to sound very similar to something we are (damn near) all familiar with. a trip.
i wouldn't say that they see fairies though, or anyone else seeing them for that matter. i dont believe anyone can, it is just limited vocabulary,(generally one feels a frustration by it) to describe concepts and visualizations in which we can only relate back to real concepts with vague and all but accurate assimilations into "words". self dribbling basket-balls, fairies, demons, angels, what have you, they are all justifications, approximations, of the indescribable.
the line for "mental illness" is drawn (imo) at the point where the person reacts in a manner consistent with perceiving these things as external (and probably quite scary, they're probably afraid of such a degree of unknown), and not as internal. an expression of consciousness. a ripple in the water, the stone being psychedelics. and from that decision, it's a matter of "what you want to do from there?" given the latter reaction. do you take it as reality, or do you say, "it's just my mind". personally, i think there's no distinction between the two, as they are both by-products of space-time/reality, and thus i empathize with the schizophrenic, dissecting their emotional responses and attempted "translations" if you will, of their experience of reality. at the same time though, somehow defying my own guidelines, i stand before you, perfectly "sane" and able to discern the things that i can interact with, and the things i interact (in my mind).
for me life is the art of balancing. :D

*edited to agree with st.bots last post


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Had to reply to this with a question:

Do you think schizophrenia may be a byproduct of the wrong interpretation of reality?

I.E. we are taught from birth that everything we see is external, but in... (reality) it is not, everything is internal.

By confusing that what you are seeing is external without realizing that everything is internal can actually create a conflict in the brain that should never have existed in the first place.

I was thinking today (and I'm just saying I was thinking - no offense to anybody) how foolish it is to believe, ever, that something you see in a trip could be perceived off the trip. Like you said, its only a ripple, but without that stone, that ripple isn't there, isn't going to propogate.

I think maybe there is the possibility to prevent schizophrenia / psychosis if it is educated that
1. everything you see is internal; it takes place in your mind.
2. hallucinating on a trip is a long string, almost infinitely long, of information passed down from your experiences, your comforts, and your discomforts. It has nothing to do with external stimulus.

Psychosis then would probably be a byproduct of not realizing these two things - that, infact, your mind, and your hallucinations are parrallel, and are specific to you, and only you, due to your neurology; your life. To distinguish at anyone time that these hallucinations are possibly outside of your own head, that they are of other worldly universes or dimensions can cause a friction in the mind, that under the correct conditions, may propogate to psychosis or schizophrenia..?

Ok, see you guys January if not later.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
IJesusChrist a dit:
Had to reply to this with a question:

Do you think schizophrenia may be a byproduct of the wrong interpretation of reality?

january?? wait! i need you for this discussion! :lol:

yes. buuut...

IJesusChrist a dit:
I.E. we are taught from birth that everything we see is external, but in... (reality) it is not, everything is internal.
that's just like looking through the other end of the telescope. one end is not better than the other, you have to take the time to look through both ends, because in reality they both pass light through, so both ends must have the same value, right? you have to fully understand what you are dealing with before you can use it to it's maximum potential as a tool. next time you run into an opposition, simply entertain the idea from both stances. in doing that, you are looking at the entire telescope. a 4d concept. higher thinking. truely observing (all that can be).

IJesusChrist a dit:
By confusing that what you are seeing is external without realizing that everything is internal can actually create a conflict in the brain that should never have existed in the first place.

true, it WILL create conflict, just don't be that fish that only swims on one side of the fish bowl. nothing is external that isn't internal. the great outdoors isn't even "external" by that perception, as we're still "inside" the universe. just remember, contrary to popular belief, external and internal are just as relative as anything else.
so, theres always something external of things we call internal, as it's necessary for the sake of the definition (obvious). but at the same time that external thing is really internal as well, simply due to the nature of thought. we can always think more abstractly to encompass external things as being part of a bigger sum (mentally making it "internal" style object). leaf, on a branch, on a tree, in a forest, etc. the universe being the known cap, but in your mind you can still entertain the idea of the universe being encompassed by something else, whether it's blank space, or whatever you envision. the same goes for zooming in. it's fractal nature, you can zoom in or out as far as you like, and keep going forever, in thought. it's the same with technology, just takes longer. one can't let it get them down. you are infinitely big and small too :D

IJesusChrist a dit:
I was thinking today (and I'm just saying I was thinking - no offense to anybody) how foolish it is to believe, ever, that something you see in a trip could be perceived off the trip. Like you said, its only a ripple, but without that stone, that ripple isn't there, isn't going to propogate.

you are right, cause without that ripple i would never have propagated in the first place. but i dont think that pyschedelics is necessary to make a ripple like that. the ripple for me is expanding consciousness, not just a trip alone, but instead everything about it, encompassed.
so, no offense taken, but i feel like THAT might cause friction for ME. i feel like im tripping all the time. obviously not to the same degree at all compared to times i actually choose to "trip" on something, cause my regular thought rythym is temporarily on hiatus. but every now and then i catch glimpses of things sober, be it behind my eyelids, or in space outside of me, that always reads the same message, which i cannot accurately put to words, so i don't try too hard, but it's something similar to: a positive (true, and full force)affirmation of sorts, confirmed with a feeling of nostalgia. idk, i make a connection, between tripping and not. dont get me wrong, it's not that i start randomely tripping while in my car, but ill catch a motion blur the right way, and it's like i saw every instant of it, and admire the event in all it's infinitely crisply detailed beauty. i find this only on a sober mind though, as i've cut down on weed and everything else to basically random rare occasions and dont really drink, and started taking my health seriously. eating right, training for kickboxing, etc.

*edited to better explain ripple


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
... is it january?

The last input you have there struck yet another chord of my earlier days after my first encounters with psychadelics, or maybe even first encounters with strong weed.

I remember seeing something, and getting a strong sensation that what I am seeing is correct - like you said, it's not easy to explain but it's like the connection is made that what you see, and what you think are equivalent, and now you understand that... thing, that idea, that object external to you.

And yes, the actually tripping on a psychadelic does so much more, and goes so much farther than what you learn on the trip. To think about what you learned, and why you learned it - to think why you wonder what you think you learned about, it's the encompassing of everything external, internal... I find that under psychadelics I become an open gate to all information, a get snaps of reality that weren't there when sober.

When I come down, and am sober, I still get those snaps - like a trigger (possibly confused by a flash back by some people) that I learned something very important about the world, my emcompassment.

I forget where this post, or previous posts were going... don't know where this forums heading lolz.

K! January, good day all.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Let me get back to the initial question: Can everybody have a psychosis at any time? I think maybe yes, but the risk of getting one becomes smaller the more you get experienced with psychedelics (because if you were to get a psychosis, you would get it sooner rather than later on a psychedelic experience)

A good friend of mine suffered a psychosis when he was about 18. We had taken mushrooms that night, both of us (and two other friends). For him it was the first psychedelic experience except weed and mdma (as for the other two guys). I had also taken some lsd before. The two other guys were having a heavy trip, I felt like I was on the edge of going crazy, but he was totally going insane. He was having the horror trip of a lifetime - and guess what, it didn't stop...

The shrooms had induced a psychosis in him, and it wouldn't let go of him. He had to stop smoking weed immediately because it brought it all back with force, but even sober he couldn't sleep at night because he felt like his heart was going to stop beating as soon as he would fall asleep. He was battling with this (and multiple other anxiety problems) for years, but in the end I think I can say the mushrooms just made it all go faster. They forced him to deal with the childhood trauma of his mega-christian dad who had beaten him with a rod when he was a kid, the totally fucked up marriage between his parents and other crazy stuff. He would have had to deal with all that anyways at some point. Maybe it would have hit him when he was 45 and in a mid-life crisis, who knows... but I'm pretty sure it wasn't too bad for him in the long run having to deal with all this when he was 18. Now that he's older he has become a relaxed guy who can't be bothered by problems anymore because he has already dealt with his psyche and he has won the fight.

Going back to the initial question, I am pretty sure that I won't have a psychosis from psychedelics, because if there had been a psychosis lingering inside me, I think it would've broken out in some of my trips. I have had at least one extremely life-changing, ego-death trip where I was flattened out to the floor like an empty air-mattress. If psychosis hasn't struck me on that trip, I am pretty sure I won't become psychotic on any other trip to follow.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i remember where i was heading. i meant to drive the point home, to everyone, that like anybody in the world, you are just as vulnerable to "psychotic episodes" if you want to call them that (i hate the term) as anyone else, but listening to your emotions during these difficult times, and not somebody just like you trying out of fear to label you.......is crucial for you to deal with it, and feel normal again. there are plenty of fucked up things happening in this world for you to feel frustrated and isolated by,(another topic altogether) you just have to retain positivity, and convince others of the same, if you'd EVER like to see a change. YOU must succeed times limitations, your lifes limitations, by touching as many people POSITIVELY, and in the right way, as you possibly can. those interactions lighten the mood of the world on a scale hardly fathomable. even if you only touched one person with your gesture which would take virtually no effort, they could in turn touch a million, or at least several, who could possibly do the same. it's perpetual, happiness is perpetual. even just by thinking it, you will attract it, and create it.
people will tell you you are messed up if your mind is not the same as them. (think of the phrase: "oh, well that's just weird." it's a fucking copout. a fear of the unknown. humans are notorious for it. people don't WANT to wear the burden of other peoples problems, understand other people.. UNLESS, they feel like it might benefit them. that's where some of us are different. we understand that there is an intrinsic benefit to relating to others

tryptonaut a dit:
risk of getting one becomes smaller the more you get experienced with psychedelics (because if you were to get a psychosis, you would get it sooner rather than later on a psychedelic experience)

you must not have read my post. there's no such thing as "A psychosis". it's not a specific "disease". psychosis is a word used to describe many many different mental conditions. you would say "a psychotic state" which you would HAVE to further explain with something like paranoia, manic depression, megalomania, and schizophrenia. THOSE are PSYCHOSES. different states of psychosis. "a psychosis" doesn't exist. so define your terms. what is it that you guys are talking about here? be specific.

" he was totally going insane."
this is your opinion. your labeling things you simply do not know, and neither does anybody else. he obviously wasn't because he's fine now... you should try harder to understand the forces at work here

The shrooms had induced a psychosis in him

who are you to say? be more specific. this is better right here, your describing symptoms instead of trying to label things

but even sober he couldn't sleep at night because he felt like his heart was going to stop beating as soon as he would fall asleep. He was battling with this (and multiple other anxiety problems) for years, but in the end I think I can say the mushrooms just made it all go faster. They forced him to deal with the childhood trauma of his mega-christian dad who had beaten him with a rod when he was a kid, the totally fucked up marriage between his parents and other crazy stuff. He would have had to deal with all that anyways at some point.

tryptonaut a dit:
Going back to the initial question, I am pretty sure that I won't have a psychosis from psychedelics, because if there had been a psychosis lingering inside me, I think it would've broken out in some of my trips. I have had at least one extremely life-changing, ego-death trip where I was flattened out to the floor like an empty air-mattress. If psychosis hasn't struck me on that trip, I am pretty sure I won't become psychotic on any other trip to follow.

you should think more about psychosis in general, not just psychosis from psychedelics, seeing as how anything can trigger it. but you are probably right in your assumption, because psychedelics CAN condition the mind to handle very heavy emotional burdens. oh the beauty

ill leave you with an interesting quote i just read from the intro to "psychosis" on wiki:

"However, many people have unusual and unshared (distinct) experiences of what they perceive to be different realities without fitting the clinical definition of psychosis. For example, many people in the general population have experienced hallucinations related to religious or paranormal experience.[1][2] As a result, it has been argued that psychosis is simply an extreme state of consciousness that falls beyond the norms experienced by most.[3] In this view, people who are clinically found to be psychotic may simply be having particularly intense or distressing experiences"


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Tryptonaut, your friend sounds like me.


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
This topic reminds me of a very scary person I met freshman year of college who I now believe had a psychosis.

I was introduced to this kid by a girl who I was hooking up with at the time. She called me to come to a party and said I should meet this kid, because he was into heavy metal or something and she knew I was as well. I met the guy and he seemed very off, like not very socially adapted, but he also kept exclaiming that he had been drinking beer, After awhile he got excited and asked if I smoked ganja and If I wanted to smoke. I obliged and he weirdly brought me away from the party to smoke an incredibly small amount of weed out of a very shitty pipe. OH well I thought, he got my number and I left the party some little while later.

In the next few weeks he called me a few times asking if I would like to smoke and hangout. I said yes twice I think, but both times the amount of weed he would pull out would seriously look like a small amount pinched off of a larger actual nug. In light of what happened later I now think he stole the weed from his roommates whom I never met. Anyway, I never stayed long because I would get slightly weirded out due to his eccentric behavior after getting high. I never provided my own nug, so I never saw him very stoned during these two visits, but even in his lightly inebriated state his attention span would go to zero, and he would blurt out somewhat strange things seemingly before he even realized he was saying them. He would also describe OEV's of an intensity only encountered on LSD or something.

Anyway, we lived within walking distance of one another, and one night me and a very good friend were tripping on some delicious LSD and sitting out on our porch watching the stars. A troupe of motley looking kids walks by, one who seems very punk with a huge mohawk, another smaller kid with long hair, and small bald kid with piercings and tattoos, and then behind them all comes this kid. Recognizing my "buddy" I called out to them asking "Hey guys, beautiful night isn't it, whats up with you all?" I remember it looking like the three unknown kids were conferring with one another when all of a sudden the long hair kid walks up to the porch and tells me they were hoping to find LSD or any other psychoactive that night. I informed him that he just hit the jackpot, and invited him and his associated inside. We process the transaction hooking everyone but my strange friend up with several tabs. Me and my buddy had been enjoying a large pile of very nice cocaine during out trip, and we asked if they would like to drop and begin their adventure here with us before moving on. This is where it starts getting weird.

Everyone does a line but the kid who I had met before. He starts saying how his heart races very fast, and how the "doctors" say he can't do things that speed him up and then asks if cocaine will speed him up. I tell him the it definitly will, and if he has a heart condition or something then he should not do any cocaine. He responds by telling me that he wants some he has decided, but then strangely and half under his breath he contradicts himself and says that he can't have anything to speed him up and that getting sped up would be incredibly dangerous for him. We put away the cocaine, and I decide to pack several very large bowls of good chronic into a bong. This kid takes a few massive tokes, acting like he has never handled a bong and then proceeds to act stranger than I have ever seen anyone act. First thing is he starts yelling very loudly about how I look like an Indian Chieftan, then he started to dance and continued yelling but now about the divinity crawling through him and all this nonsense. He tells everyone that one night he is going to sleep in this house, right in there, and points to my bedroom. At this time, the long haired kid drew me aside and informed me that the kid acting strange was not apart of their group, and that he just started following them once they mentioned they were looking for lucy to him. The three kids say that they are starting to trip at this point, and are going to move on, but the weird kid informs everyone that he will be staying to hang out with his friends and to do lots more cocaine, even though he hadn;t done any....

It took me and my friend an hour and a half to convince him to leave, and that we were still his friends and still liked him, it was just that we wanted to sleep, and normally we would allow friends to sleep over, but our parents would be there in the morning (A total lie we had to resort to). The whole time he kept gesturing grandly into the air and talking to people we couldn't see and the like. I saw him one more time a while later on the street, and when I asked him how he was, he told me he was going back to Minnesota where the people like him, and then he ran off.

No one will probably read all that, but a very weird guy all in all


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I've decided this thread has too much relevant information to take my leave just yet.

That is plain schizophrenia, Necridous. The man you met had full blown schizophrenia.

What is a bit curious though is how you had a large pile of cocaine, LSD, and weed at the age of a freshman, unless you are talking of college?

Anyways, yes, you have just described my friend too, who I have never seen act like this, and has never gotten that extreme - however I've heard that he can become like that. The thing is, and I don't mean to belittle you, but people who react to people like him the way you did are only prolonging his intense internal visions of divinity and whatnot.

I've met a few very odd people at parties, usually very intoxicated, and once they come on to me - once they engage their far-out ideas... I listen. I never, ever agree with them, and I make it clear that I don't - yet I want to know more. I once met a man that as soon as I walked in the door, singled me out, and screamed at the top of his lungs for about 15 straight minutes about how I should obey him. The party was quite late, so most patrons were well intoxicated and just didn't give a shit that this man was verbally destroying me. I decided rather than leaving, screaming back, or ignoring him, that I would talk to him and find out why he had singled me out, I wanted to understand him, rather than ignore him, or push him away.

After about 5 minutes of him basically spewing his salvia on my face, and me describing my thoughts on his way's of approaching me, he sat down, and began to sob. I told him I don't care that you scream at me, or whatnot, just as long as you don't hold anything against me... I just wanted you to level out.

Another 5 minutes went by and he was telling me about his grand times on MDMA, listening to great music, good times with his brother, etc... After I found he was please with himself and happy, I left.

There have been multiple occasions where I encounter someone who isn't 'normal' but this one was by far the longest lasting, and most revealing. I often times wish I could just meet a schizophrenic, and talk to them, unhindered.

I think it's a valuable lesson both for you, and for the person you talk to if you try to accomplish this - you may find that they are just different. It's not crazy, it's not a disease, it's just different, and you may learn all you want from them...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
adrianhaffner a dit:
" he was totally going insane."
this is your opinion. your labeling things you simply do not know, and neither does anybody else. he obviously wasn't because he's fine now... you should try harder to understand the forces at work here.
No, that's not my opinion - it is his opinion. He told me later that he felt like he was totally going insane. If that is not a precise medical/psychological description, I am very sorry, but neither me nor my friend are medical doctors or psychiatrists.

adrianhaffner a dit:
The shrooms had induced a psychosis in him

who are you to say? be more specific. this is better right here, your describing symptoms instead of trying to label things
That again is not my personal opinion, but it is what a psychiatrist had told my friend (at least it's what he told me that the psychiatrist had told him).
I am telling you what I know, what my friend told me, and how I understand it. If that's not good enough, well then don't read it.