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Favorite experience?


12 Fev 2008
What was your favorite ever experience using drugs? What did you do?

I think my favorite ever experience was probably the first time I dropped LSD. I was with 4 very good friends, it was 3 of our first times.. and we dropped around 8am and then went into Manhattan. The subway was awesome. I saw a black woman dressed pretty nicely sitting across from me and she looked so regal and refined that she transformed into an African queen before my eyes. Then we spent some time in Central Park just to relax a bit and get used to it, and then we went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. That was absolutely amazing.

At the end of the day we came back to one of my friends brothers house, smoked a blunt since we were all coming down and ate our first meals of the day, chicken rolls. It was the best most delicious meal ever. And then I went home and sunk into a crazy cool crazy deep sleep.

Another memorable one was when I smoked some real deal white widow, blasted some Jimi Hendrix and had some wonderful sex. I think experiences are most definitely all about set and setting, it's not just the drug you do but who you're with, where you are and how you feel.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
5 Oct 2007
3 886
One of my favorite experiences happened to me recently on a good hit.

I closed my eyes during the peak while listening to music (richard devine, who quotes this substance as an influence by the way, haha).

Much like how in a dream you can get buried in layers of dreams, this happened to me. Dreams within dreams.

At the craziest bit, I felt completely out of my body, in fact my mind had been transfered into someone else. I was in the body of some girl, looking at herself in a mirror, while making herself presentable, brushing her hair. This was before of course everything twisted into a psychedelic organic mess. It sounds simple, but it felt so vivid and real. A feeling I will unlikely ever forget, being someone else, somewhere else.


Sale drogué·e
16 Mai 2007
Mushrooms and Methylone. But i also had wonderfull experiences with MDMA.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Mai 2008
5 910
THE highest ive ever been was after smoking a thumb sized bud of my own PPP. i had been unemployed for a while an was going stur crazy. it was mid winter and i had no cash so i decided to hit the hills for a few days. my destination was my favourite bothy(mountain hut open to all) and being broke had to hitch 65 or so miles then walk 13 miles through the hills to get there. when i arived it was almost dark and i had to spend time scraping together enough fuel for a fire. then i made supper and settled in for the night. i sat in a hammock in the rafters looking at this snowy moonlit landscape, over a strech of water called The Minch at the Hebrides and i could see lighthouses anv vehicle lights 50 miles away. i rolled a small spliff and took a couple of drags. it was like my brain opened like a flower. all beautifil coloured pettals. it wasnt the weed as id smoked tons in the weeks leading up.i finished the spliff and made another. i was sooooo high. a religous experience floating above myself and the land the world shrinking. it felt like my head had opened up and someone was shining a bright torch around. i could see the beam playing around in my head. i relive it every time i think about it.ive never felt so happy. pure euphoria in the literal sense


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Avr 2008
salvia 60x and some really good bud. i was hanging with a few ppl who also smoked it but not near as much as myself.

i just sat still watching them do all their stupid fucking ego games. the one dude was trying to explain how he knew everything about everyone, the other was playing the role of the "center of attention", another was boasting about something retarded they had realized about hearing conversations as bubbles, and the last person(who i felt somewhat sorry for) was playing the role of the "left out child" who couldn't fit into the conversation with the others.

personally i felt like shit from the salvia. my bones felt like they were made of tree bark but mentally i could see through their petty little surface games of self-gratification.

the lesson i learned was basically that the most people only care about themselves and only themselves and their worthless little egos they care so much about. Wasn't exactly your typically best moment on a drug story but at the time it was extraordinarily life-revealing.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
My favourite experience was just 2 days ago. I ate 3 grams of POTENT mushrooms with 3 of my bestfriends. We started out outside by a fire, but it was windy and decided to go hang out in my friends room for the rest of the night. When we got into the room, we were all starting to peak. Hallunications became so intense; not only visual, but audio hallunications. We smoked a joint, and then put on some Zepplin. The lights went off for the rest of the night. Something that has never happened to me, happened that night. I guess you could call it 'The Spirit of the Mushrooms' that was being evoked through me. I didn't stop talking, and was saying some very profound things. Usually I cannot talk at all durning such an intense experience, but I could express anything and everything on my mind. It was the most profound and beautiful experience I have ever encountered!



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Oct 2007
1 954
Sounds like great times! :D

My best time, recently at least, was after a low dosage of mushrooms, 1-2 alcoholic beverages, and some weed. I was incredibly tired, and feeling incredibley euphoric from the mushrooms, than I smoked a fat blunt with a good friend, the blunt went out because we spent about 20-40 minutes uncontrollably laughing, I almost passed out from laughing so hard.
Other than that, my best time was after smoking some buds I relaxed and tried meditating for the first time. I got such a rush of mental clearness and a great body feeling, I've never been able to reach this point again, but it was something I will never forget.


Glandeuse pinéale
9 Mai 2008
user 1919 that sounds exactly like my first mushroom experience.

umm, dam, thats so hard, ive tripped so much and had so many amazing different trips, id have to say the most profound trip ive had was my second tirp on iboga, and my trip of choice hands down is mushrooms, but recreationally, like what just comes to mind is this one lucy tirp i had recently it was so amazing

so me and like 10 friends went up by this huge oak tree ina little clearing in the mountains and were were all sitting in a circle blazing, and this one kid comes around with a vile putting a few drops of l in everyones mouth and when he came to me he stopped and smiled and he put like ten drop on my touge, i wanted him to stop but i didnt want to waste the acid so i just grooved with it, and in like half an hour these colors were moving around infront of me until they united to make this huge hand, so i went onto the hand and it went up into the sky until the mountains and town were tiny little specs and then it started to drop me and i became a dandelion seed and floated down to in the middle of our little circle and just kept falling until i was in the ground, and then fast paced i grew into this crazy morninglory like flower whos petals all became butterflies that flew off in different directions and i was each of those butterflies existing simoltaneously and then they all flew back into where i was sitting and i looked around at all of my friends and there was an animal standing next to each person, like their spirit animal and then i came down, very intsense amazing acid trip, probably my best L tip


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
First time on MDMA with all my closest friends while I had never experienced an altered state of consciousness, not even alcohol, tobacco or weed. The euphoria and love was utterly insane. I was astounded.

First time on acid, all alone and meditated for hours with headphones on.

80 cm San Pedro, no gravity, didn't had to carry my body, could taste the oxygen I was breathing. Could detect or there was a disease in my body or soul. Stunning visuals!

Breakthrough on DMT about a week ago. Let's say this was the crown on everything. :D


Sale drogué·e
11 Nov 2006
breakthrough on mushrooms was wonderfull but also my 12 h mescaline trips which were so happy. Soon I am going for more then 1 good hit on DMT so ........


Matrice périnatale
17 Juin 2008
one of the most favourite ones was the last time I had lsd (2 blotter pieces).
I saw music, it was unbelievable (:


Matrice périnatale
30 Juin 2008
Brugmansia a dit:
First time on MDMA with all my closest friends while I had never experienced an altered state of consciousness, not even alcohol, tobacco or weed. The euphoria and love was utterly insane. I was astounded.

First time on acid, all alone and meditated for hours with headphones on.

80 cm San Pedro, no gravity, didn't had to carry my body, could taste the oxygen I was breathing. Could detect or there was a disease in my body or soul. Stunning visuals!

Breakthrough on DMT about a week ago. Let's say this was the crown on everything. :D

Wow what a way to get your start. I almost wish I had never touched anything like that and started with a pure MDMA experience. I couldn't give up my early weed explorations as a 13-14 year old though, those were some of the most intense trips I've ever had to be honest. I don't know how, but at that age whenever I smoked enough weed I would have crazy trips.

Weed is funny like that. It's like rememebering a dream now recalling those times. I still smoke but I havn't experienced anything like that in years. It's almost as if it were two compltely different drugs.

Oh well..

Time to pack a bowl :X


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
some of my fav experiences included cacti, and dmt:) if you look at some of my other posts i have some trip reports.