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Eating Right and Exercising

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion BobFromReboot
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That is all. If that balance is not maintained you are part of the majority of Americans. Gross.
I concur. Also it is easier to optimize the mind and soul with a healthy body!
I have to agree. This whole nutrition and health section of the forum is drastically underused.
I agree that eating the right food with rich nutrition and exercising regularly makes the body healthy. It also keeps the mind fresh and gives great confidence. The eating right food deserves the healthier body and allows you to be independent.

Exercising keeps the body fresh through out the day and gives confidence in your work. These are the secrets i follow in my life for keeping the mind and body healthy.
I think most people choose one or the other but not both. I think many people who want to lose weight, just go on a diet and usually fail. I think they fail because they aren't losing weight fast enough. If they'd only combine dieting with exercise, they'd lose weight more effectively and quickly. -Lanna
the important thing to learn and know about a 'diet', is that if you keep starting these new "diets" that people are coming out with, then you are ignoring YOUR diet for somebody elses, or the fact that YOU even have your own diet. at first this makes sense because of the thought: "oh well the shit i eat clearly isn't working, therefore i must choose a 'diet' (which has been made out to be this elaborate fancy concept... :? )from one of these skinny people." diet simply means the habits of food groups that a person (or a region, group, etc) consumes. i think alot of people missed that. it's a pretty simple concept. you don't need five instructional videos and three books and a dvd box set to get what a diet is....

that's cheating, and time generally doesn't allow you to stick to something that isn't naturally comfortable. granted, some diets fit peoples body types really well, but for the most part, people know nothing of the relationship of body types and "diet types". for instance, i weigh about 135 right now. if i told a person with alot of fat, to eat alot of carbs, because that's what i (have to) do, then no shit, they aren't going to see any results, their body type isn't designed to use energy in the same way that i do...

cutting out any food group from ones diet is a dangerous and stupid(uneducated) thing to do imo. each food group has it's specific role in the body and should be observed (and respected) as such. finding the balance of what YOU need is what will help you gain or shed some healthy lbs... not forcing yourself to stick to someone elses idea of what a diet is, even if it's what worked *for them*...
Health is wealth. Some people concentrate only one thing. But in my point of view for the better health we should concentrate both of the habit eating right and exercising. It is helpful to lose the weight and make a perfect body.
That is all that have to be said to all those americans who are still trying to find diet that doesn't include any exercises, but includes ice cream and steaks and will make them look like a model!!! :rolleyes:
Diet and exercise is very important element in human health and considered key
for the healthy life.So we should take proper diet for the healthy life and regular exercise.
I find it fascinating how American people really are Spartans : they really integrated the need for working out as a part of personal development, and a smart person have high chances of being an athlete also.

In France, I have the sensation we tend to oppose sports people and intellectual people ; if you work out, you have to be dumb. If you read, you must keep away from the gym. It is a very schematic vision, of course.

But when it comes to eating right, everybody who can afford it will !
the nice thing about eating healthy food is that it is always going to be FAR cheaper to buy the whole, raw ingredients and cook ones own meals, than it would be to buy pre made meal or anything else like that. even if one buys all organic veggies, grains etc., it will still be cheaper than any pre made mixes or frozen meals would ever be. :thumbsup:
That explains all the Whole Foods stores in the ghetto. :wink:

But yeah, I think it's the time involved that puts people off.
And, of course, the willpower to avoid those sugars and fats and salts.
Believe me, you can make home-made meals that're unhealthy, too.

I think it's pretty well accepted that the heart and the mind are intrinsically linked?
You cannot have a healthy brain without a healthy heart. Not to mention the discipline and willpower you're exercising.

Aside from all that, yes, exercise and eating right are good for you.
Surprise? And yet...

"Scientists have long known of the importance of exercise to cardiovascular health. Now they have evidence that heart disease-induced death is significantly more likely if a person spends their leisure time in front of a screen. According to a study released Monday, each hour per day spent watching television is associated with an 18 percent higher risk of dying from heart disease. It's also tied to an 11 percent higher risk of dying from other causes and a 9 percent higher risk of dying from cancer. (...) The connection between TV time and early death was present even among people who were not overweight and who regularly exercised."

http://www.examiner.com/science-news-in ... arly-death

It doesn't matter if you get on the ol' treadmill later, the time it took you to read this post...
The screen time you log daily... is literally killing you.

And yet, you'll keep coming back over and over again.
"whole foods in the ghetto"

sad. however, this is a complex scenario that requires some probing to really get ones head around - though a lot of it can be illustrated through supply and demand.

part of the problem is, a lot of poor people just don't give a shit. bottom line, they want to eat what tastes good, and it just so happens to be that there are more fast food joints around than anything else when it comes to neighborhoods in the ghetto, so it is very convenient. they choose convenience over health - this is demand. people eat a lot of fast food in the area, so business owners see that and follow the trend by putting more and more fast food joints, where the competition has also had success. we can hardly put all of the blame on the business owners, because they are simply listening to the consumers. and so it is supplied...

at the same time, we can hardly put the blame on the "poor" either. my personal opinion though is that it's not hard to spot a correlation here. in this environment, it can become exceedingly difficult to gain access to the same kind of information on foods that we just take for granted. where it started is really not something that can be ironed out to one or two definite variables in my opinion, but looking at the different factors involved can definitely create a better picture. one low resource, like money, can have far reaching effects that limit the span of many other resources. transportation for example. there may be many resources around like a library, a farmers market, etc that we'd consider a fairly small area, say a 10 mile radius. but when one has no internet to gain knowledge of these places, and no one talking about these places in their neighborhood, on top of the fact that one has no transportation to get to these places, even if they learned about them, it's not too hard to see where this leads.

anyways, it's a bit of a drawn out explanation, but really, it's hard to put the blame on anyone involved in the scenario. if it were to go on anyone, i think it would be us. not the business owners, not the poor, but us, the informed. it is not that it is our faults, but it is simply through us that change can be initiated. we must spread the word of these places and also of the benefits if we wish to see long term change in these trends. and these ghettos are not the only places that this occurs in at all. by no means. this is an epidemic that is happening everywhere, so we must share this knowledge everywhere as well.

it is a shame that pound for pound, nutrient of nutrient, fast food is the most expensive food there is, not to mention the most convenient. if we are to birth this new consciousness concerning our diets and health, we have to take action. talk, communicate with one another. that's all it takes. naivety dissolves under the light of consciousness.
there have been a lot of studies in the past few years about the correlation between low income and shitty food intake.

It is almost completely based on availability. You go to some ghettos and a lot of them are supplied by a small market. The small market has to buy in small quantities and then sells only things people can pay for - fat and sugar. Buying small amounts of veggies raises prices.

Walmart, although being able to buy in huge bulk omits this and still only supplies pre-made meals and fatty/sugary foods (unless you go to a super-walmart in the nicer areas).

It has been shown, however, that with the availibility of healthier foods, the intake goes up. The more you display healthy foods, the more intake goes up. The less you display unhealthy foods the lower their purchases go down.

I wish it wasn't that simple - but it is. People eat what is right in front of them. No questions asked.
Especially if you're working two jobs and struggling to make rent and get the kids off to school.

Seems like a bit of a chicken-before-the-egg problem, though I'm not sure how anyone outside the neighborhood can petition to make changes inside it. Or want to...? These aren't helpless nincompoops. Maybe just giving them the means to effect change themselves? It certainly is a complicated matter. That's true. Not sure anyone is 'to blame'...just the way things worked out I guess.

Anyways, my hour in front of a screen are up...
It has been shown, however, that with the availibility of healthier foods, the intake goes up. The more you display healthy foods, the more intake goes up. The less you display unhealthy foods the lower their purchases go down.

I wish it wasn't that simple - but it is. People eat what is right in front of them.

chicken-before-the-egg problem

too true...
Eating right and exercise is essential for
good health. It is the foundation of healthy
You just said Eat Right And Exercise That's all If you be maintained Al-right.. Otherwise You're a part The majority That's called Americans That means Americans Are Don't know How to Maintain Their-selves?
No doubt that we should eat right and healthy food and do exercise regularly so that we can live healthy life. Food and exercises both are important in our healthy life. We should take care of both things.