Datura stramonium

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion DrDreez
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Yesterday i ate 2 seeds, 2 hours before bed-time.
I don't remember much of the dream this time, only thing i remember was me talking to a friend about my salvia-experiment last week...
So maybe it was a coincidence that i had a great dream in my first experiment. Don't know for sure, so i'll try it again next week and tell you more about it.
In my experience the best way to enhance and remember dreams is to stop takeing drugs for a few months .
As already said, tropane plants in small doses are definately sedative and sure have an impact in sleep. With so careful and small amounts smoked, the only hangover one will have will be a somewhat similar to alcohol hangover, albeit 'drier', this in the case alcohol has been drunk along. And yeah they bind well together...

I agree tha LSD is not a recreational substance, yes it can be used recreationally, but so can datura.... at least by some

Shamanita, yes, it could easily be a coincidence you remembered your dream that night. I think coleus or amanita or other more known dream enhancers could have more potential, another [maybe the best] option for a serious lucid dreamer is like GOd said, abstaining from drugs, especially pot or anykind of sedative for a while...
GOD a dit:
In my experience the best way to enhance and remember dreams is to stop takeing drugs for a few months .

or a more regular sleeping pattern
Well, first: I know it's very dangerous. I'll have 2 sitters looking at me, I'll be in a forest, I' ve read sooo much about datura.

Now, I'll receive some datura inoxia seeds in this days, planning to use it sunday.
At my own risk, don't really need to say that.

What I wanted to ask you is: how many seeds (planning for a tea)?
I found very different infos on the web, and I now think that 5 grounded seeds in a water-lemon simmering for 15 minutes would be a good dose, but I wanted to ask you guy too.

thanks for the help, in the case :D
Don't go to the forest. Try it at home. You better don't do it all.

- Have a filled bath tube with cold water ready prior to ingestion, the skin may turn so hot that it almost burns, your sitters should put you in it if nessecary since you can't sweat. It is extremly important to ease the fever and cool down the body temptrature.
- The drying of your glands has an extremely fast and sudden onset, it's very unpredictable and comes out of nowhere, drink immediately a lot when your sight becomes blurry, or when you feel you're about to get a dry throat. Otherwise swallowing becomes even more painful.
- Do not throw up on purpose after ingestion! This will only dehydrate your already dried out body even more.
- Avoid heavy physical activity, heavy activity is anything more than walking slowly
- You can't see, but you can smell, it may help if sitters hold your hand, tell them NOT to give you a cigarette prior to the experience, this elevates blood pressure
- Note that your sitters can get really exhausted since they may have to take care for you for as long as 48 hours or even more in severe cases. An exchange might be neccesary.
- The sitters also have to stay focussed every minute, as your behaviour can turn out into combat movements or other dangerous movements.
- Consciousness falls in and out

These are just a few tips that apply to anticholinergenic deliriants. Their effects or so various that there's much more to look up. The sitters should inform themselve extensively about the medical issues of tropanes as well.

I strongly discourage you doing this!
^ Snap . Me 3 .

The sitters should lso go to the gym for a few weeks to train their muscles and have some heavy chains , some IV valium or thorazine plus a gag ready . Training in street fighting would also be good for them .
I've never done Datura, Nor would I after reading a few accounts of encounters by others. Not only that but its not really a psychedellic is it?

Your only 19 man (Got that from the, How old are you? Topic :) )
Best to listen to these guys and keep sanity a little longer, Dont you think??

P.S. If Brugmansia's post didnt put you off.... I guess not much will :lol:
Psychedelic is a vague term. Can be a psychedelic, can also not be, depend on the person I guess (I mean, I've known of people who had got a psikè delòin, and others that didnt)

I already knew what Brugmansia wrote, but it's anyway usefull to read it again. What I know about Datura is that I'll need to prepare more, like one or two months more, 'til I got perfect setting,sittering, set ecc.

thanks for answers, also if I'm still in doubt for the dose

A self induced manic psychosis useing things like that does produce hallucinations and lots of them dont stop when the poison wears off you keep them for life . Self induced mental illness isnt a good idea .

Please film it as a warning to other people not to do it .
I think the classification it falls into is Deliriant, Is it not?
I'd stay away from Datura, dude. Try Mushrooms, Peyote, or DMT.

I've only done Datura once and it wasn't pleasant on my body. The trip was fucking amazing, but it's really not worth it.

But if you do, listen to Brugmansia to the T, man.

Happy trails.
Wow, that's quite a list of accidents.

I remember not being capable of focusing my eyes, difficulties with swallowing and urinating, and having the crazy idea of ingesting an additional three blotters (total of 350-450 ug) without proper preparation, in an unsuitable environment. During the peak I was almost run over by a car.

A very interesting experience though...
One dark datura seed out of a brown open pod added to an ayahuasca brew may wrap one into a lucid dream experience profoundly detached from reality. Very high energy buzz; intellectual, religious, physical.

Potency of the flowers varies throughout the day, they are significantly more potent if they are widely open under full moon on a crystal clear summer night. They are under direct influence of the moonlight. Hence the their sudden powerful smell at night. Picking them at 3 AM or 3 PM is a notorious difference.
sounds like a party to me! EVERYONE should try taking a LARGE dose of tea after reading this!!!! do it!! lol...
i'm wondering about dosage for datura
i have no idea at all.
i have a plant growing in my yard, 2 actually, that will one day become trees
i actually have no intention of ever taking datura but if at one point in the future my intentions change, maybe after alot more experience with other things

so is it the whole flower you make the tea from or the seeds or what?
and how much of what do you need?
Don't ask for a dose, there's plenty of documentation out there. But leave the flowers alone no matter what.