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Je m'inscris!

Datura stramonium

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
LOL, well, those are my 7 and 9 year old children alright. :D
Mara is 21 years old, almost 22.

I'd rather not write about what happened, either publicly or privately. I simply wanted to mention that we're not a couple anymore. We broke up about a month ago, the day before I ate mushrooms for that TV program.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Ok, but you have to admit that does sound strange, and the timing is rather troubling.

Shrooms for TV ?

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724

I didn't even know they would make them illegal ! I mean amsterdam without mushroom will morph into sin city !

What are they thinking ? The guy with alot of skin folds on his forehead certainly seems to have no clue. Make it illegal so less people can buy them ?

Everyone I know that visited amsterdam told me the same tale : You talk in there you have prostitutes in glass cages trying to tease you , and on every corner of the street there is an immigrant to sell you all kind of chemical drugs you want, absolutely ANYTHING you want. My friends told me they were almost harassed by those sellers, and that they felt they were government sponsored, because the police would look at them with their briefcase and do absolutely nothing. My friends told me it was harder to find good shrooms because you had to actually find the smart shop, but to find illegal drugs, you just had to walk a few streets.

It's ok to keep tourists from making a fool of themselves by limiting the smartshops that are little too eager on money, but making it illegal ?!

This is blatant nonsense !

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Does science refer to "that which can be tested randomly with predictable results" or "the scientific community"? Because an individual could have discovered something not known to "the scientific community" yet, while it may still be considered "scientific". It only gets known by the scientific community when funds have been collected to set up a proper scientific experiment, which then needs to get published in one of the mainstream scientific journals, and picked up by the readers. Some scientific discoveries take decades to become mainstream.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
It can take even longer if the new fact is such an anomaly that no scientific mind thinks it can ever be correct. The paradigm has got to shift, and this will undoubtedly run into resistance.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Indeed the way this knowledge was imparted to me in big bursts in lucid dream was very peculiar, which is why I don't take myself much seriously...

When you see me exhibing pride it's because I'm trying to make you laugh... when you see me shows signs of humility, it's because I try to be funny !

The only way I get serious is if someone gets me to talk about marriage between two holographic (photonic if you will) beings. But then again , I try not to be because ultimate implications is simply not what the paradigm shift is all about ; it's about the end of cyclic paradigms (dogma).

For all that we know, this time might be crucial in the understanding of truths that connect each of us, each truth has its own unique contribution to the whole, and I don't see myself as more "right" than Brumangsia for example, but to me life is only a serious marriage experience with oneself, it's not because I consider myself not more or less that my presence will not drastically change the life of someone through subtle ways however.

I have seen it happen, and I don't think it's mystical power, I was just the only human on earth to accept to take the position I am in. Some wanted to become powerful men, dreadful necromancers, even gods ; but noone had the ambition I had to become the supreme god at such an early age I felt it. Of course I was just numbed, not rich but just well enough to be an illusioned kid, who's thoughts were lost in fantasy and ancient manuscripts. But it seems the timing was impecable for me, for this is just a fascet of my experience, when I came to the place where all dreams spawn, noone else was there to take the seat. Why ? Because many were courageous enough to face the demons on the way there, but noone was willing to clean the sick horse with his bare hands, noone even made it there amongst all the holographic potentials.

This is not something to be proud of, since I hold no power over anyone, this is nothing to be humble about since it is all dream, this is nothing like destiny since I am at loss to remember all I learned.

I realise I need community, I need to dream, I need to consider all living things god/godess in form. This way I remember, piece by piece, what guides us "home", and so will all other holographic minds now.

Datura shows you exactly this when she gets you on the delirium tremens ; she teaches how to let go of normal perceptions and accept the experience as it is, an experience. You can shift through scenes and scenes never connected, things happening might be shocking and sometimes very challenging, nonetheless you don't grab into it and say : This is my truth ! But you rather feel, I'm powerful about my own life, because thats what your DNA tells you.

So you see in reality you have to know that your body is naturally full of pride, the DNA has survived for a LONG time and it's well rooted, well through the thin matrix that covers the earth crust. But none of that pride must be allowed to seep into the mind, even if soul might enjoy such experience. And humility is a characteristic of the over-soul, or higher self which is composed of dragon-angelic-serpant souls. This as well must not seep into the mind, even if the soul might hate being without it.

To get back on whats practical, in the dream world I have occupied the same kind of place as many characters of stories like the arthurian legends, take Merlin for example. To me there is many ways to dream, some very close minded ways, but also collective lucid dreaming which I have experienced very often. Thats where "science" looses its grip. The experience can be reproduced, mind you, but it cannot be reproduced randomly, because there is a latent fear about the implications of such balance between reality and fantasy.

What if everyone changes at night and becomes different "species" of ET genetics like the old sumerian and indian books seem to agree we are made of. What if some people dream as humans, other as reptilians, others as small grey martians ?! You're right that wouldn't be serious, it would not only make "reality" just a polarity in which the only simple thing to do is be responsible and conscious ; but it would also make the dream world a place wrought with responsibilities where the spirit struggles not to get caught in any redundancy.

So if what I saw is true (and it did take me a while to understand the visions I had) then it means that if you are morphing into a reptilian that loves big orgies with lots of woman at night but you are not very conscious in your dream you just think you're some human in a normal orgy and you think that is a normal thing to do, because the intensity of the experience makes you loose perspective, you become responsible for engaging in such activity in a karmic way, and you reap what you sow, with one exeption. Where you pour your living water forgiveness falls, that is how you break cycles in life experience ; you take a step back in a lucid manner, take the dream experience as a serious marriage of your spirit, soul and body, understand who and what kind of genetics are implicated in your dream events, to be able to forgive yourself for allowing yourself to interact with such people. No victims, no paradigm.

But when you wake up after ; you must be the same good old man who knows all of this is happening in another plane of reality, not because we are all powerful gods with the power of astral travel, but because the earth lives and connects us through her electro-magnetic field, the science is there to sit and build our houses on, noone is ridiculous in this life, there is no stupid job.

So at the same time no pride and no humility for the waking self ; it just cares about doing the right thing, being responsible and trying to use concepts like community, friendship, passion and sexual energy to the best of his ability.

So I'd like to continue in that goal of truthsharing, and you're right if you think no human like me can judge you about yout life, only you can judge yourself ; but what will you lean on to know how ? Your dreams, and there I see all that is, there I can judge your body for what it makes you do. You all have the power of changing your gene expression in this life, which in turn influences the way you dream. This is scientific ; take a stimulant for a long time and your body genes will adapt to this stimulation and change the enzymes that are produced modifying your body structure in dramatic ways ; this is called gene expression.

I'm not here to tell anyone that this is absolute truth, I'm just telling you what I had to suffer to get where I am, not to eliccit pity or even worse, but rather to tell you that NOW is a good time to start being lucid or talk about your experiences so much that your dream self is forced to be integral to your own perception of "whats right". There is no right or wrong in the dream experience, but in the waking life this is something to consider as a manner of speaking, it's more intention than right or wrong.

I know I will see you all there, but I also know I'm human, and you can expect to find a compassionate man awaiting to hear your wonderful stories and dream adventures, it is very creative and I never get bored or exited about them.

Only now, with your fingers tapping the surface of the keyboard, I know we're all human because I have seen how we all come down here and how the earth field is evolving.

Thats why I can honestly say that there is no way to enter or exit the planet radiation bands, this is scientific fact, there are no ETs on this planet, but maybe there are many humanoid species evolving here, they're just not so powerful anymore, they are just like us now, science is a monster that uniforms us all. But thanks to the pure heart of holographic children, we flipped inside out and Earth decided we are self-suffiscient, we are on a big spaceship, we're going home.

This isn't the time to beleive in heroes, it's the time to dream lucidly :ninja:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Ahuaeynjxs a dit:
Ok wait a minute here...

I certainly do not agree that you can give love, period. Love to the holographic mind is a self-suffiscient universal force, it certainly can never be owned and given away, certainly not quantified !

So yes, now that you cannot reproduce anymore, I guess you have time to follow that path ! I'm willing to share what make me self-suffiscient after 7 years of abstinance, but seeing the way you talk you will need to have a very open mind and try some things before turning towards yourself and saying that by thinking it is , that it is.

I wouldn't be suprised if Larry Wachowski was so attracted to the feminism side of a cactus, that he started with travesty and exchanged his man appearance for a woman appearance. And according unconfirmed sources, even changed his penis for a vagina. I wonder or taking mescaline contributed to his change, if he did.

Let me make very clearly that I'm in no way like that.

I'm working on both worlds without putting one in another, it's only a mental development, not a switch from being a man. I'll merely take lessons and knowledge out of being a woman on San pedro, not trying to import anything from one side to the other.

I'm just aware of it, and experienced strong manhood as well magical feminism virtually within my consciousness. Both can be very dangerous to humanity if it's getting the mind of a certain majority.

I remain as just a normal looking and thinking man, but try to learn myself how I'm getting myself ready for an ultimate balanced relation with a woman. In where we're both symmetrically equal. Not just through only a connection by talking, but actually by feeling woman senses with my body.

An additional investment for my mind that is, to give by what I have felt myself. Instead of just knowing it through words and the seen world.

Untill that time, I'll have the celibate for life mentality and not look for love, but being open for it every day, patiently waiting for the encounter naturally. 'Choosen' love for just love won't be love till death. Or through any other external pressure.

I'm taking my time very subtle, I want to invest in life and the true knowledge of the other sex before falling into it.

Usually our hormones start with choosing direction at the age of 12/13. What do you know at that age? Almost nothing. A cactus extends this time for a long lasting determination, which in the end, will lead for the first and last pencil on my white sheet. A woman for life, in where both of us are balanced with no weight on our shoulders. Extreme honesty that means. Without losing the connection with my reproductive system of manhood during the entire time of my preperation, so don't worry.

With a cut membrane, which means temporarly giving up all my manhood within my consciousness, I can get to know woman and their hormones. And having that, is a connection which can only lead to giving loving once, to the same one till death. Don't mess with love, the quantity decreases the quality. Trust and Believe, remember those two. For the best quality, love once and forever.

Physical sex is worth nothing without that. Cheesy and traditional for a man in today's world eh?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
10 Déc 2008
2 724
Ah , so you still have your membrane intact ? Oof !


Ok so you are talking about the dome shaped peyotl (feminine) or the phallus shaped san pedro (masculine) ? Do you make a distinction between the two ?

Your words are very well chosen I compliment you ; man-hood is a man hiding behind the antropomorphisms of our verbal nature, a hood so to speak.

c.1384, "of the female sex," from O.Fr. feminin, from L. femininus "feminine" (in the grammatical sense at first), from femina "woman, female," lit. "she who suckles," from base of felare "to suck, suckle" (see fecund). Sense of "woman-like, proper to or characteristic of women" is recorded from c.1440. Feminism is from 1851, but meant at first "state of being feminine;" sense of "advocacy of women's rights" is 1895. Feminist is 1894, from Fr. féministe (1872).

This is profound, to me this mental separation between the sexes is still an illusion to perpetrate dogma. Which is very dangerous in anyone in position of power.

I understand your feeling of preparation and exploration however, I always honored men who know they have not choosen yet, and are taking it seriously, this is one way men can be integral to their own archetypal nature.

The same dogmatic rehiterations echo in the known ceremony of marriage.

To the holographic tradition marriage is not "until death" to perform such a ritual is at best laughable for the holographic being, and it is an abobinable tought form to the holographic guardians. (liberated deceased ancestors through karmic completion)

What in the earth permits us to see death as the finality to anything ? We will never fully understand death, even if we can see how it works through lucid dreaming and bardo navigation. But then again I'm not trying to say the opposite, I seize what you mean and it is logical, but I think you are better not to think of death, and know that a marriage lasts an eternity, which is a very long time !

In our tradition woman can also marry more than one man (but have all children with the same man), but man can only marry one woman, but have children (and pleasure) with many if the woman agrees and trusts them. This is simple logic as the more subtle aspects of humanity are realised in a mag-net-ic fashion, thus by transmitting holographic potential from mother to daughter. As soon as the woman marries she becomes the temple of life, and the men are like pillars to her, temples to themselves, she does not own them because her intuition helps her build the temple so there is enough distance, in the event that one pillar falls or is taken away, the roof will not fall. The pillar can be replaced or retrieved, because in marriage the woman will "know" the holographic signature ("smell") of a man and will be able to locate his spirit in the dreamworld.

It's very hard to talk about such 4th dimentional concepts, since our planet is the dreamworld for another mirror of the universe which is even more meaningful. (that dosen't mean here isn't meaningful or important)

But the tradition is also very careful not to blend marriage and love and pleasure ; these creative principles representing stasis, creation and destruction respectively cannot be intermixed as they depend on the clearness of their expression to be able to form the tetrahedron that maintains the fire cool in the soul. The axis of the tetrahedron is the hydrogen atom, the heart of the sun, the hologram itself.

Men and woman in pleasure should be like bees and flowers, there is always a distinct love quality linked to the end of a destruction cycle. I'm sure I don't have to explain what I mean here...

What I stutter on in your philosophy is that you seem to think you will attain knowledge of women by self-exploration , as if woman was mystical and somewhat more than men. This is not so , the only way you will understand woman and their "chemistry" is through science. What you call the "magic feminine" is merely a reflection in the Tao, both men and woman have this quality equally at birth.

This is why I say to be careful of ritualistic behavior, because woman is clearly an invention of a society manipulated in the DNA for thousands of years.

If you like to take the bible example, then Lilith would be the woman you seek, yet she dosen't exist in our society. Globalisation has went so far as to even introduce "woman" into the minds of the natives in most places. There is very few places that remain where feminine body only makes difference in marriage and procreation, NOT in hormones and soul content.

Physical sex with flowers without mental "love" is worth honey to the bees, so it is for an adolescent man or the one who has been rejected or pushed away from his marriage by external forces. Your philosophy suits well people living two ages ago, but since this is the end of all ages, who is to say you are not right for your own self ?

Certainly not me !

I don't think you are too much cheezy or traditional. You are certainly on a clearer path than most men on this earth ! But I can say for certain that you cannot mix the creative principles, if you do you will have deception and satisfaction, you will have exitation and boredom ; you will have inverted your magnetism into outbound electricity.

Bzzt !


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
haj, first of all, i'm not good in reporting experiences cause my english sucks a bit :p however, i really want to tell you how good i dreamt last night.

Yesterday, i tried smoking a very very small amount of Datura-seeds.
I put like 10 seeds or so in a cigarette and smoked the first half of this datura-cigarette in the evening at about 22:00 hours,
I began feeling something (dry mouth, strange feeling), so i didn't smoke it all directly, cause i didn't want to experience a delirium at a regular saturdaynight...
So i waited a few hours, drank some beers, smoked some catnip, watched a movie, and then i smoked the rest of the cig at about midnight.
Normally, when i drink beer, i'm drunk quiet fast, but yesterday i could almost keep on drinking, without feeling any real alcohol-buzz.

I went to bed at 4 AM, and felt asleep almost immediatly.
The dreams that i had were really great, vivid, more realistic, sexually tinted and seem to last much longer.. Normally when i dream, i have some incoherent short dreams.
But yesterday, it was like one long coherent great dream...
Some pieces are still missing, but i'll write down the most that i can remember of it:

The dream started when me and my family went to a huge hotel.
I stayed at room 67, which was called 'the balcony' (normally i wouldn't even remember such small details from dreams). I kept on looking for the room, but didn't found it. I entered a huge swimming pool hall in the hotel, still searching for the room. I kept on searching, whole the hotel, entered the pool hall again.
I thought i was lost, but eventually i found room 67. It wasn't really a normal room, cause it didn't have a real door and walls, but some kind of curtain-like thing which would represent the walls. My cat was there, sitting on the couch.
Then i met a Maroccan girl at the hotel, she was very sweet and looked nice. We went to her room, and we layed on her bed.. almost having sex. I say almost, cause everytime that i would have penetrated here, someone called on her cellphone, this hapened 3 times or so. But nevertheless, we had a great night :p
Then we were back home again, she was my girlfriend now, and my mom woke me up, to tell me she was at the door. I came downstairs.
We sat here, and ate something, and then her dad came here with a mobilhome.. The girl said she asked me to come on vacation with her the night before.. I couldn't remember, but hey, i wanted to stay with her and accompany her on holliday, so i took all my things together. This searching took a while, and i remember most of this, i took 3 pacs of tobacco with me, etc, not going to write that all down.
I went outside, to the mobilhome. I realized that i have put an order on ******* for some cannabis seeds etc (this is true in my non-dream life), so i thought maybe i would never see that package coz i wasn't home when post-order would bring it. But wtf, i rather went on holliday with my girl, so informed my parents about the package.
Then, i put all my bags in the trunk of the mobilhome, but i realized that it i'd just threw some beams in the trunk.. I wondered "hey, i didn't have those beams before, this must be a dream"..
( I read much about lucid dreaming before, and always wanted to fly in a dream. )
But as soon as i took off, i awoke... Bummer! Maybe the flying is for next time then..

I really think this small amount of datura seeds is responsible for one of my first pseudo-lucid dreaming experience.. (pseudo, cause the dream ended few second after i knew i was dreaming)

I will surely try some small amounts of datura seeds in the future again , cause for me it seems to be a great dream-enhancing substance :lol:

Any one who has experience with using datura as dream-enhancer; what is the best amount of seeds to use?
And is it maybe better to eat or making tea of it, instead of smoking, or doesn't that make a difference? And what's the best time to ingest? I read on internet it's better to take few seeds just before going to bed?


ps: Always watch out when using datura, it's not a recreational substance like LSD


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Sept 2008
3 710
Yes, try again so you can confirm this datura power. Is really interesting!
I' ve never heard about it.

Always watch out when using datura, it's not a recreational substance like LSD
Don' t know if I' d call LSD a Recreational drug...


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
arimane a dit:
Always watch out when using datura, it's not a recreational substance like LSD
Don' t know if I' d call LSD a Recreational drug...

yeah, maybe, but lsd can be used recreationally, however there's still always a spiritual touch in it. Like lsd-use on parties, thats more recreational then spiritual.

but indeed, i'd better said "it's not a recreational drugs like alcohol" :lol:

i'm sure gonna try it again next week :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
It is known that alcohol contributes positively to the datura experience. It calms down and gives comfort. Did you had any problems with depth in your sight next day?

Note that there is a huge difference in power between oral ingestion and smoking. Through the oral route, she fucks with your stomach which will swell, she slows down your disgestion and hence the excessive long duration of it's effect. The tropanes are broken down *very* gradually if taken orally. Smoking is known to be much lighter.

In case of any heat, dryness, tight head make sure water is available in large quantities. Drink it lots and cool down the body under the shower with streaming water. Monitor heart rate. Decreased capability to breath is known.

But you can't do this yourself since you fall over while being in a completly other setting. Energy is a result of atropine as the highest concentrated alkaloid in the body, sedation is more a result of the scopolamine. Behaviour is depending on alkaloid balance.

Please be VERY careful and reticent with oral ingestion, and have someone who understands the health symptoms. Because you can't see the people who are literally in front of you. You can hear them though. You'll just stare with a blank face to them.

It starts with amnesia, cotton mouth and inability to read letters. Then the environment is seen differently and darker. For instance, the room still looks all the same but the TV is turned off while in reality it's just on.

You'll feel as you're fluently speaking while in reality it's just random noise like someone with a mental handicap.

It fluctuates in episodes, you switch in and out of worlds and you can get mad because suddenly everyone has gone, or you'll become terribily lonely in a world with suddenly no one else in it anymore.

Datura is very manipulating, the hallucinations are accompanied by extreme confusion and delirium, which makes them frankly real.

Yet again, be very much aware of the power and danger. Read every experience on erowid because much information can be taken out of reports which you can't find in the FAQ there.

Note that you can't determine the dose since potency varies from plant to plant. If you know that ancient enchanters even looked at the influence of the moonlight, smell at night and earth you'll know it's no nonsense.

Ahuaeynjxs had multiple experiences with stramonium. It'd be wise if he does his input here.

Yet again, it's merely painful and dangerous insanity in 90 precent of the people.

In India:
they seem to use 'only' one seed to meet new life and Shiva. I think you just need to be lucky to catch one potent seed with the right alkaloid balance.

Perhaps trying it 9 times prior to sleep with one seed and no results, but the 10th time a waking dream is the trick. Extreme patience and multiple failed attempts with this plant is justified.

Another possible way of lighter ingestion is smoking cannabis pure (this expands your veins) and smelling the flowers at a summer night. You'll get a headache out of it at last. Going to sleep will do a lot more then maybe.

But, tropanes can kill you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Another marvellous dream enhancer is a mescaline cactus. But proper sleep meditation and lots of material is required. But if you want to dream lucid, this is the other option.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
Did you had any problems with depth in your sight next day?

no, i don't think so. I have heard that it can occur that people are some kind of blind for several days when taking datura, but the dose i took (10 seeds smoked) is a very very small amount.

I've read almost every trip-report with datura on erowid, 2 years ago or so. Most of these stories scare me off, though make me curious.
But i don't want to experiment (yet) with huge quantities of Datura. Such a crazy ass deliriums is not what i'm up to at the moment.
I'll just experiment with very small amount of seeds, to see if it affects dreaming.

I found some story on shroomery of someone who also experiments with this plant in small amounts. He uses 20 seeds, boiling them in water..
Other stories on some dream-sites, advice to use 3 to 5 seeds to enhance lucid dreaming.
Next week, i'll probably try 5 seeds, in a tea or just ground up and swallowed.

I didn't know that Indian use of just one seed... I'm gonna search some more info more about in the web

I know the dangers of tropane-alkaloids, but it seems very very unlikely to me that these really small amounts can be dangerous, in any way.

edit: those plants in India are probably way more potent then the one that i grew here in belgium. So i guess that when people in india take just 1 seed, it will be compareble as taking 3 to 5 seeds from a plant which was grown in this climate...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
You'll have to watch out anyway, 5 seeds isn't much but it for sure can take over you completely if they're are potent.

Always have lots of water readily available, the cotton mouth comes on very suddenly and it's out of nothing very severe. React immediately by drinking water excessively, because not much later swallowing may become more difficult or even painful.

Anticholinergenic drugs do have many effects on us humans. And therefore, many different risks. You can't pee either. It's essential to know them all, even more important for a sitter.

I would strongly advice not do it orally, and if you do, take very critical precausions and one rule goes for raw plant material orally; tiny amounts.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Jan 2009
Valerian can also be used as dream-enhancer..

and many others:

Shroomery forum a dit:
Calea zacatechichi, Silene capensis, Entada rheedii, Mugwort, Salvia divinorum, Valerian, Melatonin, Vitamin B6, etc

I had some strange dreams from Valerian too (one in which I saw a 10 meter high cat in my street)
but the taste & smell of Valerian tea is really awfull :lol: however my cat likes it :p