Can't Post replies to anyone, pls help

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion Zosimos
  • Date de début Date de début


I'm sorry if this is in the wrong place. I can't seem to reply to my thread or even to any thread. I also can't even send a message to any friends. Been a member for years just don't really ever speak up :p

ANSWER : You need 5 posts to be able to create a new topic (the status change can take one day) and 20 posts to use the PM function. If you try to rush your number of posts, you will be banned. Just try to be respectful of this place and participate without flooding.
maybe becouse you need to get 20 posts for PM's,for normal replies idk...try to be more active or make a fresh account ^^
just use the quick reply bit and use @username rather than the reply button on the post
I can't post new thread and there is no info on it on the forum site. maybe there is a limit so i will use this thread to bump my post count.
If you post useless things just to "bump" your post count, you will be banned. You should be able to post a new thread now (it's 5 posts).
You should see this in any sub-forum :

(click it)

edit : well strangely you weren't promoted to the title with thread privileges even after 5 messages. I changed it manually.
I read the terms and had no illusions about being able to PM or care about that I am on here for information which I found but have been unable to ask questions about because other than these really quick responses, I'm timing out. My whole profile disappeared. 2 hours of my life goneskis. Have you had any bugs since the change to settings?
Im hoping you can help. I previously was registered here under the name dingbow, however at some stage my password stopped working. The email address I used to register was a fake/temporary and thus password recovery was not possible. I dont even remember what email I used it was so long ago.

I have re-registered since under this new name, without the usual privelages. But another problem I notice is that some threads, or even topics/categories do not 'exist'. As Dingbow, I posted, however when I do a search to find those posts under advanced search, it tells me nothing exists. I remember talk long ago of restricting certain parts of the forum to only certain users.. is this what is happening?
The email you used began with "dhause7" if it can help you. It is registered on Gmail. You should be able to reset the password.

The forum changed a little. Some parts where moved under others. The "Frontpage" part is one of them for example. But nothing should have been deleted.
This 5 post rule is really useless.

There's forums with a 50 post rule and spammers still get past it with ease.

I vote for the 5 post rule to be rescinded or at least make it 50 posts. lol

How many posts do you need to start a new thread?

I can't start a new thread so I'll post my question here. Ergotamine Extraction Have some ergot extract with 50% alkaloids and tried to do an alkaloid extraction. Added 100ml water to 20g of the powder and basified to pH 11.5. I then added 100ml Naphta and got what seems to be an emulsion after stirring with a spoon by hand for 2mins. The upper naphta layer is mixed with liquid brown drops/bubbles. Should I still separate the naphta layer and then wash with a 2M HCl solution followed by basification to then filter out the alkaloids or should I take another approach? I'm at a loss on how to proceed with the alkaloid extraction any assistance is welcome.
I live in cape Breton island n.s finding a lot of this right type of change or dmt I would sell it for 1000.00 a pound if there are any orders. [email protected] ty .. to Canada only
hello this is all new to me but I live in n.s csanada finding a lot of this change or dmt I see people asking how they can buy it .. its not legal in Canada so I am selling it buy the half or full pound asking 1000.00 on the full you dry and cure it I go out deep in the woods and get it [email protected] I now need orders ty all
pitachok a dit:
i hate these rules

but is so.
why do you hate it? don't you know spam and troll and search function?
I can't seem to start a new thread. Is this because I am new? I do not see the option to start a new discussion
You should be able to but I'm note sure the access is immediate after posting 5 messages. Let's wait until tomorrow and we'll know.
Hellow, I can't seem to find the 'create thread' button anywhere.

Am I allowed to create threads or do I need to wait?

Also, is there a place for us to introduce ourselves?
