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Je m'inscris!

Brewmaster smokes nn-DMT for the first time


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620



The whole experience is like the most beautiful flower that has ever existed.....and every word you try and use to describe it.......is like beating that flower with a stick.

words fail......they just don't work. I'm shivering right now just thinking about it and it was 2 days ago.

I finally got around to an extraction of 454g of mimosa, about a pound here in the states. I ended up getting 3.25g of white spice; and .75g of ultra-pure, pointy, perfectly clear crystals. No yellow, no orange.
It was incredibly easy too. If anyone is scared of doing an extraction for fear of failure, don't be. I'm an idiot. I know dick about chemistry.
A mescaline ext. was a much bigger pain in the ass; having to do 6 or 7 pulls of xylene from 2 jugs of cactus snot. With dmt, I'm pretty sure I got everything in one shot. Simple as could be and naptha doesn't smell nearly as bad as xylene.

As soon as I finished scraping up the spice from the freeze precip. dish I called the one guy in my cirlce of close friends who has smoked dmt before, "I'll be right there!" he yelled into the phone. He gets there, my wife is also home, we turn the lights off, light candles and put on some relaxing tunes. We never weighed anything, rather we were just picking up small amounts with the end of a key and dropping it onto a bowl of mj leaf clippings. My friend hits the bowl twice and sets it on the coffee table, pulls his hat down over his face and puts his feet up. He starts wriggling around and fumbling with his pockets. My wife thought he was looking for his cell phone and says "Who the hell are you trying to call?"
He bursts out laughing and says "I forgot how to breathe!", pulls out an asthma inhaler and inhales twice.
I see that the bowl on the table is still smoking and figured I'd take a little pull just to see what it tastes like.
Ass! It tastes like ass, but there's still an obvious amount left in the bowl so I keep hitting it..........


.....as if I had just fallen from 10 km into a freezing ocean. I couldn't breathe! I was underwater, or in outerspace or in the womb. I didn't know but it took me a few moments to learn how to breathe in this strange place of flashing lights and lazer beams. I don't remember much but I remember that first breath......it was the greatest breath I ever took. I suddenly felt love from all directions, flowing into and out of me. I was complete bliss.
Fuck extacy, fuck mdma, fuck any otherr drug.
This was something real, like being in a completely different galaxy or plane of existence where I could feel completely new feelings and emotions that I had never felt before.
I found my voice when I began coming down and I started to scream. That scream turned into a laugh like I have never heard. I was a shrieking pile of wiggling, tripping extacy. I cried tears of joy as I shouted my laughter at the top of my lungs ccombined with many, many swears and curses.
"AAaaaaaaaggggghhhhhhhhwwhaahahahahahahahasweeeeett fucking jesus shit god damnit mmmmwwwwhaaahahahahahahah!!!!! SHIT!!!!" "FUCK!!!"

I love it. I was scared shitless to try it, but I love it.

I tried it again 3 hours later and had an even more intense trip where I felt I had completely broken through. Several other people came over. One person who had never tried it but whom I'd given mimosa to twice before loved the hell out of it, though he didn't say much for the rest of the night.

Overall, I found the visuals to be quite similar to those I get from huasca but the sheer feeling of extacy is much greater. It's obviously much more sudden and shocking but also a little disappointing in how short it lasts. I feel like I want 3 bowls lined up with 50mg on each so I can keep smoking as I come down. The magnificent afterglow lasts for a good half hour but just leaving that other world is so bittersweet.

I might write more later but that's all I have to say for now.

Anyone who has never had an experience with this "spirit molecule" needs to do themselves a favor and find it. Buy some mimosa before it's made illegal, read up, extract and enjoy. It will change the way you think.

I don't know what the fuck is real anymore but I know I am filled with love for whatever is and isn't.


Brewmaster a dit:
....though he didn't say much for the rest of the night.

Hehe, sounds very familiar, I'm always very very astonished and in awe after :D

But very good to hear that you had an awesome experience.
I'm still preparing for this week, I'll post a report (not that it's possible, but I'll try).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Yeah, I'm really anxious to get back to that place but I told myself no more until next weekend. I'm planning on spending a lot of time meditating this week trying to get a grasp on everything I've already experienced before jumping off that cliff again.


Okay so basically now I want to try this more than ever...



FY man !


Alpiniste Kundalini
23 Mai 2006
AAAAAAAAH,,,, that sounds verrry familliar... i'm gonna do my own extraction next week for sure
But its a beautiful place.... and it still keeps puzzling me for months now. When i am laying in my bed even THINKING about smoking and taking off... i get like this exited feeling... hartbeats fastens etc.... :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Tiax a dit:
Okay so basically now I want to try this more than ever...

When reading brew's post the same damn thing went through my mind :lol:... I'm gonna look for a good site selling MHRB :mrgreen:


Wow Brew, you're a trendsetter.
You succeeded where HC and I have failed...

Congrats! :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
The whole experience is like the most beautiful flower that has ever existed.....and every word you try and use to describe it.......is like beating that flower with a stick.

YES, you've been there :D

*heads off reading the rest of that post*

Beautiful write up thanks!

Fuck extacy, fuck mdma, fuck any otherr drug.

Psilocybin = DMT in many ways, it only lasts longer so once you reach that bliss. it can last as long as 4 hours ;) Trust me, for once :P


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Marsofold's tek all the way....

Powdered rootbark simmered for 2 hours in 3/4 water; 1/4 vinegar and strained. Rootbark was saved and simmer repeated 2 more times. Product of all 3 boils was divided into two 1 gallon jugs (about 4 liters in a gallon).

I premixed NaOH (sodium hydroxide (lye/ drain cleaner)) and water and began adding this strong base-water to the root-juice. It should turn black and you want to get the PH all the way up to 13.4 - 14.0 (really high). I bought a digital PH meter from a swimming pool supply store for $25.

The mixture will get very hot just from the NaOH but it's better to heat the naptha too. The hotter the naptha, the more dmt it can hold. I put 800ml of "V,M&P" brand Naptha in 3 glass mason jars with lids and had these sitting in very hot water for several hours while I was mixing everything else up. You don't want the glass jars sitting on the bottom of a pot, put them on top of something so the glass doesn't shatter. I got the water up to almost boiling point.

I then did 3 pulls very quickly while everything is still hot.

150ml of hot naptha was added to each gallon jug of mimosa/lye, shaken for 30 seconds and allowed to separate. With marsofold's tek there is no emulsions and separation is very quick but I allowed 10minutes for full separation. This was sucked up with a turkey baster and placed in a shallow baking pan. A lot of teks say to use another jar but it's a lot harder getting crystals out of a jar than a shallow dish. This was then put in the refrigerator.

Repeated this 2 more times with 125ml in each jug.
All 3 pulls were done in a half hour.
Mescaline took me 3 weeks.

Now you've got (hopefully) still really hot naptha containing the dmt. Remember, the hotter, the better.
The slower this cools, the prettier the crystals will be. So I let it cool to room temp., then it went to the fridge and finally the freezer overnight. In the morning.........
Quickly pull one dish at a time out of the freezer and dump the naptha into a container. You can not let it warm up at all or your spice will start to dissolve back into it. MOVE QUICK!!!

Not even white, but CLEAR crystals! Fucking pure!

If enough people here want me to write up my own "picture tek" I will.....I'm definitely doing it again. Just gotta wait for a paychek and then a few deliveries :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Heart, I'll keep growing 'em but I don't think I'll ever eat another mushroom.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I'll make an exception if I ever meet up with you in person. :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
DMT... Psilocin... We all have our favourite tryptamine :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Brewmaster a dit:
I'll make an exception if I ever meet up with you in person. :D

Any plans coming to Holland? Cause otherwise, I have to seriously start to consider a trip to the States. I kid you not!


DMT... Psilocin... We all have our favourite tryptamine

I love them both really :D And it's true, we alll have our favorite teachers, both in the plant kingdom as the human world :)


Alpiniste Kundalini
23 Mai 2006
What's with the shaking.... fuck i did that with mayonaise jars and lids on them, the damn think almost exploded in my face
I did a practise round on virola roothbark>!!
question: can you put the ph meter in the hot lye /mh mixture?
Do you also wait until the lye/ MH mixture has cooled down before you do a naptha pull??
cant wait.... cant wait.... cant wait...... cant wait....... just have to wait for my order from labstuff< cant find a bloody T baster...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Heart: I've told you before, you've always got a spot on my couch, you're welcome any time. That goes for all of you........ except Tiax. :bear: I was planning a 2 month trip around Europe but times have been pretty crazy lately and I don't know if it'll happen this year. I'll be in Germany for Christmas though.

Scamie: Lye and water produce gasses (ones you should avoid breathing). That's why I pre-mix the lye and water. No shaking at first; just get a tall pitcher or a large plastic or metal bowl. Don't use glass with lye, it can etch through glass and cause it to shatter pretty quickly. So get a bowl full of water and start stirring. Slowly add lye while stirring. If you stop then the lye will settle to the bottom and harden into a thick chunk. Do this in a well ventilated area with a mask on or a t-shirt wrapped around your face. All those vapors are going to be coming off of that mixture. It would be very easy for a little plastic jar to explode and get lye all over you.


Keep adding lye until the water is saturated and cannot hold any more. Then add to the mimosa.

Yes, the PH meter works in hot water/ solutions. It's made to be used in swimming pools and hot tubs.

As far as letting the MH/ lye mix cool......I've been wondering that. I did it with everything really, really hot and got a good yield. But would it be better if the MH/ lye was nice and cool and the naptha was really hot? I don't know but I might try it this evening with the gunk still in the jugs. I'm under the impression that I already got everything out of it but if I pull a little more out doing it this way, it might suggest that it's a better method.


lol...seems like you enjoyed it 8)

glad it turned out be a real good experience for you. makes me a bit more curious to try it myself to be honest.

i wonder...do you feel you have learned a lesson from this trip that is explainable in words?


focuzz a dit:
i wonder...do you feel you have learned a lesson from this trip that is explainable in words?

Probably that life is awesome and that we are unique creating entities, part of the whole, of 1 entity :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I still feel so very good.
I didn't expect it to effect me like aya does.....but it has.

The day after my 2 trips, Sunday, I felt a little drained but still like I was rolling or something. I didn't eat all day except for a fruit smoothie and so I spontaneously decided to try a fast. Monday and Tues. came and went with me only drinking V8 (tomato veggie juice) and plenty of water. I'm more serious now about being healthy; I'm already in good shape but I felt like my whole spirit was a little off center from smoking weed daily for 10 years, drinking excessively and just not doing everything possible to make me a happy human being.
But for the past 3 days I've felt more centered than I have in a long time.

I left work yesterday and instead of grabbing a 12 pack from the gas station, drove straight home, put on some shorts and went for a 3 mile run. I haven't been on a 3 mile run in at least as many years.

I don't feel like drinking. I don't want to eat greasy foods. I don't want to be hurtful to anyone.
I just feel like being as good a person as I can be. And that is a dramatic shift in my recent frame of mind.

And like Hippie Space said: The feeling of connectedness is incredible..... to the earth, to the cosmos and to my fellow man. I feel whole.