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Je m'inscris!

big business, big money, corporate machine, mass media etc..


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Fev 2011
Lol! Oh Schwanke I can always count on you to read only 5 out of every 10 words I write here.
You reading every Other word I write is like someone going to the store and buying expensive Swiss Cheese.
For lames - more for less.
Sure, you may have a taste for it but it's ultimately less filling for you because the bacteria have had a go at it first. Or perhaps some can't handle food with a consistency somewhat more rich than that of what they've become accustomed. Whatever the case, they simply under look the big picture that they'll be hungry again, sooner. You came to the market for a reason, so you might as well have a feast.


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
I am doing that and I am doing that to keep from flaming you lol.

Remember? I tried reading your posts all the way through and the emotion and lack of content gave me a headache. People said hey dont give up so easy so I tried again and it did it again.

You can usually tell the flavor of ANYONE's post by the first 3 to 4 lines. I do this also with crimzen who's trying to get in a flame war with me over the religion thing. I read the first few lines, see if he is in one of his 'moods' on it and then if he is ignore the rest and move on. Once in a while I read the whole post anyway to see if maybe its time for a second chance.

I am mostly protecting the board from undue stress because I can be A REAL BITCH when I get upset. I have some collegiate learning in psychology and I have been told countless times I have a knack for understanding the human mind in ways most people only get from years of training. Not toutin my own horn, only sayin I would rather ignore people too much then start to get into combat mode over stuff that just isnt worth the effort.

With you I am not mad and even with crimzen I am calming down lol but with you its just irritating. We went through this. We discussed why. Now yes I am only reading the first few lines because I see no real point in reading much more. Nothing wrong with that. Personal choice. Soon as you tell me I HAVE to read the rest of your post and HAVE to make an informed decision on it your feeding into THE MAN psychology that there is a right way and a wrong way to have a conversation.

Pizza power!


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Fev 2011
Ok ok schwanke. So what's your point of view besides what you posted in the first place?.. Something like "I like my expensive car because it's shiny and goes VROOM"?


Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
Iersuko a dit:
Ok ok schwanke. So what's your point of view besides what you posted in the first place?.. Something like "I like my expensive car because it's shiny and goes VROOM"?

I like my car because its:

10 years old.
The locks dont work, have to hit em a few times to get them to click.
The headlight is off center so one of them points at the ground.
The dashboard lights for the AC and HEAt occasionally dont come on and I have to pound on the dashboard in just the right place for them to turn on.
One of the lightbulbs in the spedometer is loose so it goes out about once in every 4 days but turns on again a day later.
The seatbuckle light occasional goes on for no reason but never goes on when it should.
The temporary odometer occsaionly wont start and you have to hit it a few times to get it to kick in.
There are paint chips and scrapes all over my car.
The roof is almost rusted completely through in a few places. Waiting for it to rain IN my car when I am driving one night lol.
Used to be the air had two settings Off and HIGH, low and medium just died but it turned out some wied capacitor no one though to check for a year had gone bad and replacing it gave me back heat and ac at reasonable levels after not having them for an entire summer and most of a winter.
The exhaust system has been falling off for about 5 years now. I jumped for joy and tried to tip the emissions tester at the garage for it passing inspection this last time. We arent sure if it will pass the next one.
When you accelerate at about a certain place in the rpm meter it kicks into second gear and the car jerks. We're waiting for the transmission to fall out the bottom of the car at some point probably at about 35 to 45 miles an hour to boot.

Goes vroom? Can hear it a mile away some days.
Shiny? Just my bumper stickers probably though ive never looked carefully, mostly rust and scrapes.

Next wise ass remark? :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
I like how assiduously you ducked the elkhorn manifesto request/remark.

If you have no conscience, you're a sociopath by definition.



Alpiniste Kundalini
25 Déc 2010
spice a dit:
I like how assiduously you ducked the elkhorn manifesto request/remark.

If you have no conscience, you're a sociopath by definition.


I just ignored it. I dont read manifestos lol. Just the fact that someone had to put that on their or even someone else's name for something means its a waste of my time lol. Flame away lol.

The basic trick for getting into internet debates is knowing when to care. Care too much and you get heated and upset and have a tendancy to kick your cat cuz someone said something about your mother. Much better to let rash and damaging personal remarks slide off your back. Generally I feel bad for people that spend too much time trying to get other people to care about stuff that they dont want to care about by trying to inflame them or instigate them into an emotional conversation that is utterly pointless and meaningless in the end.

I just know when I want to care and when I dont. I goofed in the conversation about religion and I am staying away from it even from apologizing in it because I *DONT* want this board to turn into a 'chore' for me where I have to 'watch my back' in discussions because people start getting upset with me for my beliefs.

I'm already used to people getting scared or pissed off or upset with the mention of the keywords like "Christ" or "Jesus" or "God" with a capital G. Most of these people are like that because of how someone has treated them negatively and claimed to be in a relationship with "Christ" or "Jesus" or "God" and these people have now developed an emotional response to the words which have nothing to do with the meanings surrounding them anymore. If people have been reading my conversations on this board over the past month or so they would see that I dont sling those words around without meaning something specific.

Just this evening I got the reverse problem of this as my dad who in most things is a very reasonable person when it comes to my personal choices flat out told me that he 'cringes' every time I use the word 'psychedelic' because all he can think of is the countless people he knew in college that destroyed themselves on drugs.

So I get it from all sides. Parents that dont understand psychedelics, psychedelic friends that dont understand Christ. I'm used to being 'attacked' in a variety of ways for a variety of reasons and as such I have learned for the most part though not perfectly when to continue a conversation and how for the benefit of all parties involved. MOST people who have this visceral responses to concepts generally are so caught up in the emotions that they dont know 'when to say when' and will keep going on into bashing and abusing without even realizing they are doing it.

I know my trigger points is all. I know that anything that has manifesto in the title is going to be almost 100% propaganda. Read what webster's says about manifesto. Its all about politics and government neither of which I am interested in.

I dont believe in reading third party information on beliefs. I know from my own walk with God that relationships to people and even concepts are personal in nature and individual to that person. NO person can say 100% that they follow one particular set of beliefs or ideologies. Its the nature of the human condition that we naturally adapt other peoples beliefs to fit our desires and emotions. As such I always get that information from the person, not from third parties. I have no desire nor need to read someone else's 'manifesto' because I almost gaurentee that 99% of the people who have read it have no clue what it means even if they claim they follow it!

Just my perspective hey. Flame away if you like. Doesnt bother me. Just because I dont get upset doesnt mean I have no emotions. Oh contrare I have IMMENSE emotions and have a tendancy to destroy people with them so I have learned to hold them in check in situations where I might be offensive and damaging. Take a look at the pure hatred that came out of Crimzen when I fired that shot across his bow about the bullshit. I lost it for a moment and said in my soul "Alright motherfucker. You wanna dance?" So I took his words and twisted them back on him, picked out some emotions that I knew would thourughly upset him and trigger a visceral response and then let it fly. It was wrong. I admit that. And I'll apologize some day but I'm not ready for that yet.

Or would you rather I call you a lazy bitch ass ho mother fucker for believing in such stupid and idiotic shit without having a fucking clue as to what it actually stands for? Or maybe I should mention: "How stupid your father was for fucking your mother and producing such a mindless spore of intrinsic uselessness for a child." I could go on but why? Emotions are a spectrum, gotta know where to draw the line.

Personally I prefer finesse.

(And I dont mean either of those seriously, just an example of where I could take this conversation if I really wanted to but see no point or usefullness in doing so and I dont really feel them but I could if I let myself go By nature I'm an asshole lol, by the grace of God I *DIDNT* end up on top of a bell tower with a sniper rifle which people in highschool actually thought I was going to lol.)

Have I thuroughly twisted your perception of me yet? Gets tiring doesnt it? :P

Kissy kissy. :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
You can usually tell the flavor of ANYONE's post by the first 3 to 4 lines. I do this also with crimzen who's trying to get in a flame war with me over the religion thing.
no im not.


Glandeuse pinéale
2 Fev 2011
Some take pride in being apathetic and indifferent. Being a sociopath is nothing to be proud of... It makes you an accessory.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
are you talking to me?
im neither apathetic nor indifferent

depending on the case i can be somewhat indifferent to some things
but never am i apathetic


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
thats a rather out of place statement to just make in general...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
aaah it all makes complete sense now
schwankes super long post separated the comments so far i had no idea
apologies for the confusion


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
ask the 'apathy expert' he's lurking.....

oh, schwankeeee

and let me make probably my final comment on this thread;

Do not get overly literary and seize upon such a point of argumentation as what you said about a 'manifesto' being propaganda....

If you want to be ignorant just state it.

There's nothing wrong with pointing out injustices, you know, but caring is a pre-requisite, passion is too.

You have a whole nation of people that think your way,(BAAAAAA!!!! BAAAAAA!!!!) yet you are here at psychonaut, arguing with hippies.

whats your agenda?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
wow i only just read schwankes post in full

i love it
you are twisted mate, in all the wrong ways