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Résultats de la recherche

  1. T

    "Blast" cocaine substitute - what's in it?

    thanks. and this one really burns in the nose. probably more than anything else i've tried. helps the match?
  2. T

    "Blast" cocaine substitute - what's in it?

    any idea on how much it would cost to analyze a package? some of these highs have been much appreciated blow, blast, bliss, bloom, ... and more probably. they seem to like names with 'b'
  3. T

    "Blast" cocaine substitute - what's in it?

    Magic Mushroom in Bairro Alto. They won't say much, it's a sort of a safety policy for them... supposedly it's plant feeder, don't forget
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    "Blast" da MagicMushroom de Lisboa

    Ui ya mas o Bloom fica atrás. Experimenta o Blast, o pó castanho. Arranha pa xuxu... mas é uma cocaína. Chegaste a conhecer o Blow?
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    "Blast" cocaine substitute - what's in it?

    Here in Lisbon I bought "Blast" which is a brownish powder, hurst the nose a little, more than coke. The high is really great, really very much like coke. I could easily be confounded if it wasn't for the feeling on the nose. Any idea what it might be? It says ketones, glucose and vegetable...
  6. T

    "Blast" da MagicMushroom de Lisboa

    A Magic Mushroom está a vender um "Blast" um pó acastanhado cujos efeitos são parecidíssimos com cocaína. Alguém faz ideia do que é isto? É alta moca, serena, bem-estar, socialização tranquila. Fertilizante para planta Improprio para consumo humano utilizaçao: 150mg por vaso e regar com...
  7. T

    Papel Urso e algumas dúvidas

    É tudo a mesma coisa (dentro do LSD) Não tens um LSD diferente de outro LSD o que podes ter (e provavelmente tens) é uma certa dose num papel e outra dose noutro papel Que em principio nao variam muito... mas nao sabes se a precisão é de grau farmaceutico. Em qualquer dos casos com lsd...
  8. T

    O fim da proibição, à escala mundial, via Portugal

    estranho a mensagem está no outbox em vez do sentbox?
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    O fim da proibição, à escala mundial, via Portugal

    Boas! Entretanto o projecto está a ser completamente reconcebido e passou a chamar-se Global Good Sense Project, do qual o tema das drogas é um sub-tema da secção Saúde Global. Vou-te contactar por msg privada com o meu MSN e skype para podermos falar assim que possível. Thanks!
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    O fim da proibição, à escala mundial, via Portugal

    Amigos, Tenho um plano para mandar abaixo o Golias que nos dá esta guerra às drogas e aos psiconautas. Não, não estou a delirar. Estou a recrutar programadores para conceber uma plataforma online muito avançada com uma certa inteligência artificial (sem querer exagerar). O objectivo é abrir...
  11. T

    LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)

    Just to report on the actual experience. I loved LSD and will be doing it again this summer. Regarding the combination, I have had no problems at all. =)
  12. T

    LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)

    Olá bom dia! Vou passar a trip num cenário natural, tranquilo e seguro, não está decidido onde ainda. A minha companhia vai ser a minha miúda, que já tem experiência com trips, e está à altura de me acompanhar. Fala-me da tua experiência de tripar a solo... =) Happy day, TT
  13. T

    LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)

    Zyban is one of the brand names for Bupropion. The other is Wellbutrin. I suggest you google for more info on this, if you're curious. Don't get me wrong, I am asking for expertise on these compounds =) Anyways, I gotta rush now. Late already! Be well! TT
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    LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)

    Dear community: This coming week, I'm going to try acid for the first time. Does anyone here have enough knowledge that can give me an opinion regarding the combination of LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)? I am 24 years old. I have experience with (since): - Cannabinoids: some...
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    LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)

    Querida comunidade: Esta semana que vem vou experimentar ácido pela primeira vez. Alguém tem conhecimentos que me possa falar sobre a combinação de LSD + Piracetam + Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin)? Tenho 24 anos. Tenho experiência com (desde): - Canabinóides: há uns seis anos - MDMA (puro): há...
  16. T

    Dreams , are they more then just imagination??

    At some degree you have more control if you draw the birds on paper. The photographic quality will depend on your talent :P By the way, existencial question... if I close my eyes to visualize something, I can conceptualize the 3D, with plenty of detail, but in terms of actual imagery, there is...
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    Dreams , are they more then just imagination??

    Even if that is true, I don't think that's a disappointment, as I don't think it means much to feeling real and feeling in control. We have the priviledge of being conscious (as far as I've researched on the topic we're likely to have subjective consciousness derived from the need of empathy...
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    Why do you use psychedelics?

    Could you please just clarify which drugs are you refering to? :)
  19. T

    Dreams , are they more then just imagination??

    http://www.thesecret.tv with some people of what the bleep and some more. very excellent. i've indeed been feeling that i've been applying the secret since i've seen this. know those strange coincidences? we control them ourselves. mind power... i've seen this only but am going to order the dvd...
  20. T

    Dreams , are they more then just imagination??

    i also have always felt my dreams to be colorless. but i find it weird how i've come to this conclusion, as i have no visual image of colors of real memories anyway. mostly i "believe" to have seen blue in the sky or on water... and nothing more. but only when i finally have a lucid dream will...