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  1. G


  2. G


    Now come on, guys, just let the kid be. He's obviously just trying to get his post numbers rocketing by posting random garbage.
  3. G

    Trad. Synthese LSD25

    Hide, Je n'aime vraiment pas faire le rabat-joie, et je déteste rebâcher les oreilles des gens avec des choses qui ont déjà été répétées 100 000 fois, mais si tu n'es pas chimiste, pourquoi t'évertue-toi à traduire une des synthèses les plus difficiles au monde (et une de celles qui demande le...
  4. G


    +1 Heartcore Sentinall, if you really want to find out more about that contamination, you can also follow this link http://www.shroomery.org/forums/postlis ... rd/Contams
  5. G

    Sniffing aspirines?

    + 1, Viaticus Excellent point! One's expectations about the effects of a substance really DO generate those effects. People generally misunderstand the nature of a placebo : it's not about "bunk" effects, it is about how the mind creates physical reactions...
  6. G

    Sniffing aspirines?

    His friend might have been talking about an extraction of codeine from an acetaminophen (or paracetamol)/codein pill No hallucinations with opiates, though...
  7. G

    sniffing MDMA?

    LD50 of MDMA on humans can only be guessed. According to Erowid, it ranges from 40 to 100mg/g in different animalsand. Other documents seem to guess the human LD50 between 20 and 80mg/kg. That's oral and single dose, though. But 5g is way over LD50 with those figures. I'd say that even if...
  8. G

    sniffing MDMA?

    then you can snort 5grams without pain in head,bloody nose and other shit. But then you die... 5 grams of MDMA!!?? Are you kidding, mate? I sure hope that was a typo.. No offence, Goran, ths is not personal. But when one is claiming to be a Wiccan, the accuracy of the informations displayed...
  9. G

    conservation du LSD et de la MDMA

    En ce qui concerne la MDMA, le composé étant relativement stable, sa conservation ne pose pas de problème particulier (point de vue température, exposition à l'air, etc.) L'acide, par contre, est nettement pls instable. Il est généralement conseillé de ne pas exposer tes buvards (ou µpoints ou...
  10. G

    LSD à partir de bière: Hoax ou réalité?

    Laisse tomber,c'est du n'importe quoi en tranches!! C'est une des vieilles fables qui tournent depuis longtemps (avec la banandine et les pelures de cacahuètes). Va voir sur erowid, ils en parlent avec la bière Foster's, sur ce lien http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_myth4.shtml
  11. G

    piti probleme de conta ??

    J'suis d'accord en principe avec les réponses des autres. Mais va quand même faire un tour sur le forum contamination de shrromery.org (si tu lis l'anglais). http://www.shroomery.org/forums/postlist.php/Cat/0/Board/Contams Tu y trouveras tes réponses et, éventuellement, des façons de sauver...
  12. G


    I never tried DMT (yet!!) so I can't really compare. But I think I get the idea. You can actually stay grounded with salvia, but in my experience, it was more like I needed to find the right "position" : it was like Salvia was taking me in a certain direction and if I didn't postion myself in...
  13. G


    To get back to the original post, I would suggest that you do not take tiny tokes of salvia extracts as you have to get the desired amount of smoke in a 2/3 minutes time. I actually never tried the extract (I learned to get full-blown effects with simple leaves of good quality), but I read...
  14. G


    Cheers, mate! :truce:Your reply is most appreciated (in a hypothetical perspective, that is). PS: I love the idea of posing as a trader!! ;) See you around
  15. G


    So, you're in Asia too? I understand that you don't want to get too specific about your current location, but maybe you can help me though. My question is not related to your post, but here I go anyway. You state that tryptamine-containing material is illegal where you are staying, can you...