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Résultats de la recherche

  1. Brakkie

    Amazonian XTC

    @Petfles: Planning on sitting on our regular spot. It's a little hill in the middle of a park surrounded by trees, grass, and some water. When the sky is clear it's such a beautifull spot. The light from the moon, the stars above your head while looking over a beautifull park. We've tripped...
  2. Brakkie

    Amazonian XTC

    @DevXavier: I've read that too but the smartshop gave a diffirent discription between the two and I also read that the mushrooms were more fleshy and often turned out bigger than regular mexicans. @Kwarkfanaat: Yeah my last trips did feel safe and I might as well go for the 35 grams. Thnx...
  3. Brakkie

    Amazonian XTC

    Well a friend and myself are planning to do a mushroomtrip this sunday. We walked in the smartshop yesterday and checked what they had. Amazonian XTC seemed nice to us and the description written beside it seemed promising: "Euforic and visual" but since the discription was so short I couldn't...
  4. Brakkie

    10 jaar Legalize! Streetrave Amsterdam 10 juni

    Als we nou allemaal eens 5000 handtekeningen gaan schrijven :D
  5. Brakkie

    'zeg hoe je je voelt'- in 1 woord- Topic

  6. Brakkie

    melden ongewenst gedrag

    Helderziend :lol: Shroomlady heb je echt blauwe ogen dan? :lol: misschien stalkt hij je wel :shock: :lol:
  7. Brakkie

    melden ongewenst gedrag

    Denk dat je dat het beste bij een Admin kan aangeven... Rutger bezoekt vaak het forum en zal dus snel z'n pm lezen... Rutger zou mijn voorkeur krijgen 8)
  8. Brakkie


    Wow in Rotterdam hmm... There's a lot to see over here... We have 2 rather large forests and both have a lake in then... IT's Het Bergsche Bos and Het Kralingen Bos if you're around you should check 'em out! 8) We also have a pretty cool zoo and a nice large park next to it... The zoo isn't...
  9. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    I live in Rotterdam... I don't know if anyone is from around here? I'm not worried I'm just trying to read on till the trip and just learn as much as I can... It might give me a headstart cause I will now what can happen.
  10. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    HeartCore I'm very carefull on not having a sitter and I'm trying to get someone to sit for us. But I haven't met someone that ever done shrooms or has done a large research on it. So I'd have to be the one that would sit my friend since I know most of it. But I don't think that I'll be able to...
  11. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    @Marc: It does have an effect from what I've read. Redosing can be done... your tolerance will be there after your trip but while you're tripping the tolerance doesn't really have any effect because a small dose will launch you in a deeper/stronger trip. Or at least that from my research...
  12. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    We'll be buying 1/8th (so 3,5 grams) so we'll see how to split that up... We could redose an hour after the first ingestion as well.... I'm almost sure that we'll take 1 gram to start with and we could always redose after an hour or so...
  13. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    Yeah maybe I will keep 1 gram or so... Problem is that I'll have 50 grams lying around by then... So I don't wanna smoke up like crazy like I normally do...
  14. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    Thnx a lot those are some great tips! :D I know that I'm not gonna need to knives or anything but I "play" with my butterfly knife and I tend to do it pretty often. I don't want to do this while I trip because I have no idea how I'm gonna react so I will lock them away just to be sure...
  15. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    Yeah I get penty of safe places to put the candles and actually they're gonna be those cup candles with the aluminium you know? I'll place them in cupholders and I'll make sure that nothing can happen with them... Oh btw I forgot to mention that any knives, sticks, weed, bong, hasj will be...
  16. Brakkie

    Feedback on my setting for my 1st trip...

    So I'm gonna go trip for the first time in my life in 4 weeks from now. I'm going to trip with a close friend of mine and we'll trip in my house. I'm gonna be all alone at home and I'll have the house for myself. We'll be sitting in the living room which is quit a large room because we have an...
  17. Brakkie

    Smartstore in Rotterdam...

    Ik was vandeweek op zoek naar alweer een nieuwe pijp. Ik had zin in een grotere pijp dus ik denk ik loop de smartshop binnen in de hoop daar wat leuks te vinden... Najah niks gevonden dus maar ik zag een bordje en daar stonden de prijzen op van verscheidene paddo's. Een vriend van mij wilde al...
  18. Brakkie


    Mooie gedichtjes man! :) Zal binnekort ook wel ff wat gedichtjes posten :)
  19. Brakkie


    they sell it because the taste is pretty good... I've made tea from leaves before and it doesn't taste bad at all. It's nice to have aside a joint so you can smoke and cannabis and have some tea on the side as well. Hash or oil won't work because these aren't normal trimmings they're simply...
  20. Brakkie

    Woord assiociatie topic

    ingeklapte long... :roll: