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  1. Lgolos

    How to store chemical DMT?

    I'd imagine all dimethyltryptamine molecules are the same, any apparent difference would come from impurities from extraction.
  2. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

  3. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

  4. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

  5. Lgolos

    Extracting DMT from Mimosa Hostilis

    The root bark is the part that contains DMT.
  6. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

  7. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

  8. Lgolos

    How to synthetize DMT crystals ?

    MAOIs are legal everywhere as far as I know.
  9. Lgolos

    First salvia arrest... ever? North Dakota..

    Since when does salvia contain psilocybin?
  10. Lgolos

    DMT containing plants in SO CAL

    http://plants.usda.gov/java/county?stat ... mbol=PHBR3 Brachystachys is the best phalaris; if you happen to live in that county you're lucky. Otherwise, just grow it from seed, it grows pretty fast and easily.
  11. Lgolos

    Clear papers

  12. Lgolos

    Clear papers

  13. Lgolos

    Clear papers

  14. Lgolos

    Clear papers

  15. Lgolos

    WHY is cannabis a bad thing???

    The plant itself is not harmful. The only somewhat harmful thing is the smoke, but if you do it once a week, it shouldn't be a problem.
  16. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

    I didn't count how many I planted, but it seems like most of them grew. I tried growing some in a small plastic "Greenhouse" which I put out during the day and in at night, but none of them sprouted in there. The ones I put outside took a few days to sprout, but now I have a bunch of red-green...
  17. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys

  18. Lgolos

    Phalaris Brachystachys
