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Résultats de la recherche

  1. C

    GHB Info?

    I am having a hard time finding experiences and information on GHB that doesnt include "date rape" and "death." My friends take small amounts with MDMA or alone, NEVER WITH ALCOHOL. I wanted to read up on it before trying it, does anyone have information i should know or an experience they...
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    A life changing journey with Lady Salvia

    At the peak of my experience I ran into the computer room to type. This is what came out......... I cant even begin to explain what I just experienced. I took a hit of salvia, just one hit, and "I" hit me so hard. The visual world i saw became slices of bread, is the only way it can be...
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    Mixing Salvia?

    On mixing Salvia, I heard y'all talk about ending a shroom trip with it, has anyone ever mixed wit with other stuff. Specifically XTC. We have hippy-flipped and loved it and thought baout smoking some salvia mid roll. Any thoughts?
  4. C

    Favorite Trip to Date?

    Of all of the psychedelics you have tried to date... What has been your favorite trip (and why obviously). My most favored trip was an extreme amount of mushrooms. We had shared an eight 2 days before and had fun, then that Saturday the world changed. We started for sharing another eighth...
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    Spacey Roll

    I had the weirdest spacey roll the other night, curious to see if any other have as well!? We showed up to the Massive at 10, dropped 1 Yellow Walkman each. They turned out to be kind of tweaky, and we took a second about 1130. Minimal MDMA i think, it was mostly uppity. we wanted to ROLL not...
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    BOOK: Celestine Prophecies

    Has anyone read Celestine Prophecies by James Redfield? Please share thoughts!
  7. C

    smoking x?

    Has anyone tried smoking MDMA or any x pill? I was with friends and they crushed 1/4 pill on a bowl of chronic and went to town, said they felt light headed (more so than usual) and buzzed. Was this a placebo effect or can you smoke it? Probably stupid to due to speed etc in it eh? what about...
  8. C

    Let it flow or make it go?

    Do you find it better to let the trip take you on the journey, or to try to control the trip? I found on one INTENSE almost bad trip, i tried too hard to control it, but if i would have let it go, would it have been worse? I haven't done it since then becuase i am a little weary, what do you...
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    My boyfriend and I are looking to try Salvia. It is his first time, and i tried a hit of 5x in Amsterdam in FEb. but felt only drunk for a short while. We both have done our share of shrooms, and are quite spiritual people. I understand and respect all that is Salvia, but since I am not very...
  10. C

    Review: *******.net

    Please share your experiences with *******.net What did you order? Shipping/Receviing problems or comments? (Was the box marked, how long did it take to arrive, shipping fees etc.) MOST IMPORTANT: Quality of the product! What was your overall experience like? Thank you in advance for...