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Zeitgeist 2: Addendum


4 Mar 2008
Zeitgeist 2: Addendum

This is the just released second part of last year's Zeitgeist.
I believe that this film effectively dissolves the Illusion of Reality to find the connection between all things that makes us One.
... to me it's very psychedelic :smoke:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
I've already looked into the money thing!
And how more you learn about it, the more you realise how crap it actually is!
Its a system waiting to destroy itself!

Im watchin the rest now!
Thanks for postin!


11 Juil 2008
{the past}


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Every problem is an opportunity and invitation to learn and grow.


11 Juil 2008
Forkbender a dit:
Every problem is an opportunity and invitation to learn and grow.

Couldnt agree more, but i`ve learned so much the last six months... i gotta think about my own future now.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Glad I could make a difference.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
This is so much better than part 1.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Although I do get a 'we-already-live-within-the-matrix'-feeling again.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
this one is much better because everything wraps up in a concrete theme and so the message is clearer, I think. Also we get told about the problem and we get some solutions to work on. The Venus Project is very interesting...

I didn't get the matrix vibe. I think the guy did a very good job in condensing all this diverse information for people to realize the situation we're in. I also think it should be posted in the front page so more people can see it...


4 Mar 2008
???????? a dit:
this one is much better because everything wraps up in a concrete theme and so the message is clearer, I think. Also we get told about the problem and we get some solutions to work on. The Venus Project is very interesting...

I didn't get the matrix vibe. I think the guy did a very good job in condensing all this diverse information for people to realize the situation we're in. I also think it should be posted in the front page so more people can see it...

I like this quote from the begining...
"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free" - Goethe

I think this film is much more accessible to the average person than the previous version. Also, very timely considering the current economic crisis affecting the planet.

The last half is sort of inspiring and paints a hopeful view of the future. Whether or not it's a false hope... only time will tell.

As for the Matrix analogy.... money is system of control with the illusion of freedom. The more money you have, the more free you should be... right? Except it seems that the more money you have... the more money you need. Today, almost all money exists only digitally... it is not real! I think money is the digital signal that connects human beings to the current system. A system of control can only function if enough people believe in it. I think the current system is collapsing because it isn't functioning for the majority and they have lost faith in it. To me, the current monetary system seems to be a badly written computer program... full of bugs that are finally beginning to cause a complete system crash. Time to reboot? Is that even possible at this point?

I think if the illusion of society collapses... we'll all be wishing that life was virtual.

The film reminded me of this McKenna clip:
Culture is not your friend


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
15 Juil 2008
1 632
While you're on it!
culture is not your friend....well i think people arent even aware of thier own culture!
Thats the real problem!

And one thing i've noticed(note, im no Mckenna or Einstein)...is that in for an example music culture, the popular music is like a cultural waste land!
But the Underground is the one who creates something new, on a level that the pop music cant touch!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
timetraveler2012 a dit:
we'll all be wishing that life was virtual.

would it make any difference?

I watched the first hour today, it's better than the first part, gonna watch the rest later on.


4 Mar 2008
misery a dit:
timetraveler2012 a dit:
we'll all be wishing that life was virtual.

would it make any difference?

Maybe if life was virtual it wouldn't seem to matter as much? Or maybe recently I've just been taking the game too seriously. Of all the possibilities in the universe... this game is just one of them. If we truly are infinite beings then sooner or later we would get around to playing this current game.

Maybe it's the difference between a future that has the possibility of a technological utopia and and an overt global dictatorship. I don't know about where you live... but where I am the military have already begun to patrol the streets. To me this is one of many signs of things to come.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
Forkbender a dit:
This is so much better than part 1.
3rd that. no competition.

Maybe if life was virtual it wouldn't seem to matter as much?
I don't think so. one still feels pain and bliss and whatnot, and one still exists. it wouldn't make any difference, if you ask me.


21 Juil 2007
5 922
if life was virtual, it would be still be "real" in a way for YOU... wouldn't it ????



Matrice périnatale
11 Déc 2007
I think the first one was a little crazy at the start, but then it got into "what's really going on..." Has any of you heard about the bible code? Maybe you should look it up on google or something. The bible talks about a final book that can never be opened until a "key" is found. That key is the computer chip in your PC. The bible code was found by a Rabbi/Mathematician who decided he would count every fiftieth letter of the original Hebrew version of the Old Testament or what ever it is that the Jews read in their religion, and found out that those letters when put together spelled 'Tora' which is the name of the 'bible' they read. He and another mathematician friend got together and found that a European Prime minister, (Isradin Rabin or what ever his name was), was to be assassinated and wrote to him to try and stop it happening. Two months later, the minister was dead from a bullet wound. Since then, they have found 'code' mentioning the 'World Trade Center', 'Manhattan', 'In the Ninth hour' and all across a page that also said, (in actual bible text), "They shall shake the dust from their shoulders..." It is like a big "word search" puzzle, you know the ones where they words are hidden in among all the letters and you have to find them by circling up, down, diagonal? I never believed much about religion before this, but how could a book that was written two thousand odd years ago, give details, names, places, and events? Part of the code is hidden like a word search in what is called a page 'matrix', and the rest is taken from the actual visible text. John F Kennedy's brother's name was mentioned in this code, and crosses the text "assassin will assassinate...". There's also a name. The name is Sirhan Sirhan. This man claimed that it was none other than God himself who told him to make the assassination attempt, and he has never changed his story. (It wasn't a terrorist organization or some fanatical group or anything but God himself?!?) It also gives names when it comes to John F Kennedy's assassination... But these are names of some of his closest confidantes! Couldn't be...... Could it..?
What about the number of the beast '666'?? This number appears on each and every barcode on each and every product in the shops, but is not noted. The two longer bars at the start, the middle and the end of the barcode are the lines that denote sixes!!! How are we to be identified digitally but by barcode?? It already happens using your address at the post office. (It happens with your pets when they get lost if you have had them microchipped). If we DO get an RF microchip inserted, it will surely have a barcode on it? What if this barcode has 6 at the start, a 6 in the middle and another 6 at the end? There are other numbers in between but always the start middle and end 6's will be there...
All this shat scares the hell out of me, but how can only one man stop it? How can a small majority of people who see what is happening tell the rest of the world what is about to happen and have that world believe them?
"Repent for the end is nigh" sandwich board signs around our necks??

I know this all sounds like paranoia, but it is all there if you want to check it out.
Other than that, the first movie was pretty good. I reckon a lot of it was pure, hard fact! Especially about who actually did the world trade center bombings. I think the US government had more to do with it than any one else in the whole world! Think about it!! George Bush's father has a large stake in a company called The Carlisle Corporation who make arms to sell to 80% of the worlds buyers, and who makes more money from wars than anyone else?? What if we had a war that could never be won or lost, but just kept on going and going and going... talk about BIG $$$$$$ for the people supplying the weapons!!!
Anywayz, enough from me, I tend to ramble when I get on these topics because I am so damn passionate about it! I don't want a world for my children to grow up in where, if they don't do the right thing, then they can just have their chip turned off, and BANG! they no longer exist...