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Will you ever close your book of you psychonautic life?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
I was wondering, do you see yourself ever quitting with the use of psychedelics, or will there come a time that you'll say 'I know the psychedelic world, I have been through it'? If yes, when do you think you'll reach that point and why? Can/will you abadon all your intakes when getting childeren for example, incl. smoking cigarettes or pot. Or trying to connect them with the psychedelic world as well when they're old enough and open for it. Or maybe when you've used a specific substance and build up enough mental strength to stay mentally stronger in life without any intakes.

I'm curious.

Personally, the last thing I will eventually do, is to do a Datura trip when I have got completely experienced with any other substance. Kids are far away for me, if it ever happens, but I seriously wouldn't know or I want to quit, or can...


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
that is a difficult question, because as we all know nothing goes like we would think it will.

I don't see myself stoping in the future, but maybe leaving more time between trips. You know, you best experience life while beeing sober. hmm can't really say more ;o)


I've always said I'm never ever gonna quit psychedelics, but I'm in a period of my life right now where I believe there is more and more chance it's ever going to happen.

Through meditation I've been having such a clear view on life and I'm finally becoming myself.
Regaining control and finding the connection with the frequency of my light body and soul.

I'm open to the possibility that I might quit one day, because I can probably release DMT by meditation by that time....


*Edit: No I won't because actually meditation is also getting to learn to know your own mind... :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
I quit psychedelics for five years while I was in college and didn't really miss them. I think I'm pretty much done with shrooms, lsd and mdma, but that's not to say I'll never do them again ( I was actually thinking about shrooming tonight ). I did all of them so many times that they started to lose their appeal, especially mdma. However, if I could convince the wife to take some with me, I'd do that at least one more time. Right now, I just enjoy eating some cactus from time to time and doing aya twice a year. I'll probably continue to do these two for a while longer because I feel that mescaline produces a much calmer, medatative state than anything else I've tried.

I'd really like to be able to quit smoking weed, but right now I'm working on kicking my drinking habit. If I aint got no beer, I better have some smoke.


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
Quitting?!? I'm just warming up :D

No honestly i dont see my self quitting psychedelics..
they are just to beautyfull and inspiring for that,
and i prefer trippin on my old day then boozin for example.

I do (and hope) see my self quitting smoking weed on a daily basis
in the future ( already working on that :P )



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620
Oh, and Brugmansia, nothing can prepare you for an atropine trip. Eating a sheet of acid and falling out of a 15 story window would be considered relaxing compared to the one time I ate one small flower off my Brug.

Best to leave that shit alone.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Mai 2006
1 258
I will quite one day. When, I'm not sure yet.

Though I am very confident in the fact that one day I will leave psychedelics. I will take everything they taught me with me in my life.


Sale drogué·e
2 Jan 2006
DevXavier a dit:
I will quite one day. When, I'm not sure yet.

Though I am very confident in the fact that one day I will leave psychedelics. I will take everything they taught me with me in my life.

I have nothing to add to that 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I definatly will/did it. Since I'm suffering from depersonalisation, I quitted with everything except for alcohol and caffein, the point is, I hate alcohol xD. Maybe I will smoke some weed in a few months, but now, no. It's too dangerous, depersonalisation is really really really uncomfortable :/


I just like to roll with the punches, and see how things turn out before I make a premature decision of where I'm going to end up in life.
The way I see it though, there's a good chance of me smoking weed for a long, long time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Maybe yes, maybe no. Right now a strong shroom trip gives me a lot of power for the following weeks and it breaks the circle ot thoughts I get caught in in everyday life.

I haven't been taking psychedelics for a few years and never missed them (but I smoked a lot of weed). Then I quit the weed and found back to shrooms and other psychedelics and I must say I like it much better this way.
I drink too much alcohol since I quit smoking weed, but I think I'll be able to cut it down.

I can imagine quitting all drugs except for a shroom trip once in a while.


5 Déc 2006
iv only been at it for a year but iv been going pretty hard. although i can see the value of psychedelics i dont know peopel are useing them properly. id like to get to know more about shamenism but as far as selling to people who are just gettign fucked im kindof tired of that. acid is a wonderfull tool but fucktards sober are fucktards high on acid and 99% of people are idiots. ketimine is fun but iv seen it ruin people(myself almost included). mdma( mda mdae etc) has its uses but e tards are annoying. with all my exploration with drugs one phrase keeps coming to mind , its from a manson song and i dont even particularly like manson " But all the drugs in this world
Won't save her from herself". i think drugs casue deviations but they dont let you do anything that you couldnt do anyway. some are better than others, the really bad ones are kindof excptions, the can ruin anyone if you let them. i dunno im just getting a little tired of escapism and dick sizing and angst and whatnot. i dunno mabe its a different stry form the other side of the counter but i havnt been on the casual side. sometimes i think i / a lot of people use drugs as a meens of passive agressive suicide.

is chasing thoughts as bad as chasing sensation?


Yeah Miow, but isn't that the negative view on psychedelics that everyone has?
I mean, there is a lot of escapism, but usually not amongst acid and shroom or dmt users.
A lot of people in that scene know how life works and how they can give more of themselves to others (in a positive way).

So I don't think it's that black and white and people who abuse psychedelics will get in to trouble one way or the other.

I'm also into meditation, so it's not just the psychedelics that fuel the openmindedness and joy in my life, but once in a while it's so fun to do and it bonds you in another way with people you do it with.

I don't need anything to feel good or feel good about myself, but it's just to damn fun to not do it (once in a while)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Juin 2004
1 974
I think psychedelics will never completely dissapear from my life.. I mean how can they..??
they have had such a great and good influence on my life..
there may be times I will do them less simple because there is no need to
when u feel completely at peace and feel that at the moment there is nothing to learn or remember
but sometimes I think I would like to dedicate my life to the world of psychedelics.. and also even help other people when using them like a sort of therapy or just give advice about them :)
which I probably keep doing as long as this forum will stay :) and longer
also I want to get more involved in growing different psychedelics
I like the feeling of a psychedelic aura hanging around my house :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Why would I stop with something that has proven to be a great addition to my personal life when I have kids? And as a matter of fact, I havent. My daughter has been looking at my mushroom grow many times, she loves it.

Ofcourse I am not giving my kids these things and they don't have access to it when I am not available.

Quitting smoking when you have kidsis great because smoking (tobacco), gives you only shit, iiterally. But psychedelics? I see no reason at all but then again, I never looked at them as being drugs.


Alpiniste Kundalini
11 Mai 2006
HeartCore a dit:
Why would I stop with something that has proven to be a great addition to my personal life when I have kids? And as a matter of fact, I havent. My daughter has been looking at my mushroom grow many times, she loves it.

Ofcourse I am not giving my kids these things and they don't have access to it when I am not available.

Quitting smoking when you have kidsis great because smoking (tobacco), gives you only shit, iiterally. But psychedelics? I see no reason at all but then again, I never looked at them as being drugs.

I total agree with you , and i have no reason to stop , about the kids I don't have kids but no problem to give them one day , is shure i will teach my kids to learn with plants .


Sale drogué·e
2 Jan 2006
ProStoner a dit:
...there may be times I will do them less simple because there is no need to when u feel completely at peace and feel that at the moment there is nothing to learn or remember. but sometimes I think I would like to dedicate my life to the world of psychedelics..
also I want to get more involved in growing different psychedelics
I like the feeling of a psychedelic aura hanging around my house :)

I feel quite the same way mate! Sometimes there's a need for it; but not at the moments I feel complied, at peace and satisfied with myself and my surroundings.

My interest in growing psychedelics however, is continuing to take on. Salvia and LSA are next on the todo list. :roll:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Août 2004
5 284
Yes agree, what I often see is that people who couldnt handle the psychedelics at some period in their life, suddenly develop some kind of hate relationship with it. Whereas prior, psychedelics gave them insights and all the other good stuff, at some point they start to blame the psychedelics for their problems and failure in life.

I had to take a break for nine years from mushroom use because at that time, I had developed a mental lock in a way that I couldnt trip anymore. It made me paranoid and not feeling well. How easy would it have been to blame the drugs and then put on some farce towards friends and family saying: 'see these bad drugs got the best of me, but now I quit'. Its like saying you dont love the person you live with.

When I took a break, I was still talking passionately about mushrooms and I kept doing that for nine years. I never gave it up, always knew that the problems I had with them, where mine and not the substance.

Taking a break from psychedelics is something we almost all have to admit to at some point in our life. Thats because our limitations, certainly not from the drugs :)