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What's a psychonaut?


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mai 2003
GOD a dit:
This is the first reasons why i chose the name GOD .
I also suspected that. I thought the name was perfect!
Despite al the negative associations some people make of it.
You can use the name as a filter: a true psychonaut should make the right association.

I am glad I unraveled the secret of GOD, isn’t that is the real job of a psychonaut? :mrgreen:
You can look everywhere but you won’t find it, just look deep into yourself, there you find it.

GOD a dit:
I`ve been waiting for someone to say what you have just said since i joined this forum .
I was waiting for the same.

buffachino a dit:
All existence is simply the infinite facets of the Brahman.
God merely refers to this fact.
That’s the meaning of ‘I am God’. In Hinduism they say about Atman: ‘you are that’ (Tat tvam asi). This means your real Self is identical to the ultimate Energy of which all things in the universe are a manifestation. You can call this Brahman, Purusha, Godhead, it all refers to the same.

You should not think of God as a Father in the sky, that is not what I or GOD mean. The majority of Christians really believe God is a guy sitting on a throne in the clouds! How naïve can you be? The sick part is that this is the view you get shuffled down your throat. Only a few (psychonauts) will escape.

For people who want to know more about religion, as the etymological meaning of the word: re-ligere = re-connect [to the Source]. I would advice to read the work of Ken Wilber. I spend years on sidetracks trying to make something of psychology and religion, until I stumbled upon his work. He made a lot clear to me, and has a very big influence on my worldview. He describes a perennial philosophy, readable for anyone, you don’t need a lot of foreknowledge. His philosophy is idealistic, which means consciousness is the prime 'constituent' of the universe, not matter (you have this basic axis in philosophy: materialism - idealism).

From him I got my name Thanatos: the ‘force’ to transcend boundaries, levels of consciousness: to move to higher stages in development. This is experienced as death (for example ego-death). For Freud, Thanatos was therefore the death-instinct, but because of his reductionistic thinking he took it wrong. In Greek mythology Thanatos was the personification of Death. Thanatology is the study of death, something I am interested in.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
When I saw GOD I thought that he chose it to tease people a bit and see what he would cause, and this is one of the reasons (he said it somewhere) so I was partially right :lol:

About the "I'm God" bit, in my last trip I experienced very curious feelings, when I laid down and tried to sleep I felt like a reductionism of everything and I didn't think in precise, concrete concepts but I was just "being" without interfering with things I guess, and I remember assuming the fetal position because I felt more safe or comfortable, I didn't put too much thought into it. And I remember I could perceive nothing except for "me", I could almost feel it, just this "me stuff" that didn't go away hehe. I then remembered what Alan Watts says, that we make the sun shine like "we" make our heart beat, without thinking about it, and I felt this incredible responsibility! :lol: I didn't want to be responsible for all things hehe, "we're FUCKED if they let everything to me!" I thought, I might get distrected :lol:

but of course I AM responsible for EVERYTHING, if I choose to actually direct things, not lazily watch "the movie" develop. Like it's supposed to. Although sometimes auto-pilot it's nice too, depends on the feedback :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
Thanatos a dit:
From him I got my name Thanatos: the ‘force’ to transcend boundaries, levels of consciousness: to move to higher stages in development. This is experienced as death (for example ego-death). For Freud, Thanatos was therefore the death-instinct, but because of his reductionistic thinking he took it wrong. In Greek mythology Thanatos was the personification of Death. Thanatology is the study of death, something I am interested in.

i find duality more interesting than death. thanatos doesn't work without eros, the creation of things.

a trip might be thanatos followed by eros. ego-death followed by creation: results in REcreation of the soul. this in contrast with life, where death follows creation.

come to think of it: the two meanings of the word "recreation". :idea:

the dutch word for "recreation" is "ontspanning"
the dutch word for "escape" is "ontsnapping"

words are cool 8)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
I am he as you are he
as you are me
and we are all together

God is here, God is there,
God is everywhere.

The only thing that is not God,
Is assuming that you are not.

Assume makes an ass out of u and me.
The same ass Jesus rode into Jerusalem.

Peace. Love. Merry X-mas.
You fucking hippies.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
silv a dit:
Tbh, marijuana doesn't get the respect it deserves! I've had equally strong effects from mj as i had from 35gs of shrooms!
It's possible, but way more expensive.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
12 Avr 2006
4 228
CaduceusMercurius a dit:
It's possible, but way more expensive.

thats true, but still it doesn't get the respect it deserves.
even small quantities can be intense!!
i find cannabis even way more psychologic than 35grams of mushrooms.
but mushrooms are more cosmic and overwhelming, true...


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mai 2003
Dantediv86 a dit:
the power of words....
for those who were wondering about the psycho-ship or psiconave what i elected as ship was the substance used to navigate the mind (i.e. LSD, psilocybin, muscimol, etc. are different vessels) but i guess it is a but trivial after the depth reached by the thread at this point.
I am still thinking about it…


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mai 2003
Meduzz a dit:
Thanatos a dit:
From him I got my name Thanatos: the ‘force’ to transcend boundaries, levels of consciousness: to move to higher stages in development. This is experienced as death (for example ego-death). For Freud, Thanatos was therefore the death-instinct, but because of his reductionistic thinking he took it wrong. In Greek mythology Thanatos was the personification of Death. Thanatology is the study of death, something I am interested in.

i find duality more interesting than death. thanatos doesn't work without eros, the creation of things.

a trip might be thanatos followed by eros. ego-death followed by creation: results in REcreation of the soul. this in contrast with life, where death follows creation.
Eros is indeed the opposite of thanatos. According to Wilber (and buddhism/hinduism etc) we are Brahman, we just don’t realize it because of Maya: illusion. We are God lost in his own creation. We are the way God is realizing Himself. As long as you are under the influence of eros, you find substitutes for Atman and will move around at the same level (translation). When this is not possible anymore, you won’t find substitutes, the old level dies, and you move to a higher level (transformation). This is thanatos. So I see it as a positive force. At this higher level, eros will fill the new consciousness with substitutes: your recreation.

Thanatology becomes interesting for a psychonaut when you realize the Tibetan book of the dead resembles a full-blown psychedelic experience (Timothy Leary, Ralph Metzner & Richard Alpert, The psychedelic experience; a manual based on the Tibetan book of the dead).


I seriously have to catch up on reading :D
I'll have a look at that Manual created by the book of death...
After Conversations with God pt. 1 and the Illuminated Rumi.
And also the Gospel of Judas :mrgreen: :roll:

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
I obtained a Dutch version of that Leary, Metzner & Alpert commentary on the Tibetan Book of the Dead, translated by Simon Vinkenoog. It's from 1970, and it's not in print anymore. A couple of months ago I obtained it, and we considered scanning the book. Maybe I should do that next week.

Thanatos, have you read some of Michael Hoffman's work? He often discusses Wilbur's ideas. Hoffman's website is at http://www.egodeath.com/.


Glandeuse pinéale
13 Mai 2003
No I haven't seen this website yet. Many thanks. I will have a look at it.

But I found this book still available at amazon.com or the dutch site bol.com. The cover is not the same as mine, maybe a new print?

Man, I wish I was studying at the university where Leary and Alpert teached. What those guys did with LSD, you can´t imagine.

Another book in the same direction is Stanislav Grof, Books of the dead; Manuals for living and dying. It compares all the books of the dead: Egyptian, Tibetan, Maya, Nahuatl and Christian. It is full of pictures, there is more picture then text in the book. When you look at it, you know were they get their inspiration from :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
I just read this thread (haven't been here for a while) and once again found the reason why I just love this forum. So many intelligent and enlightened people here discussing psychedelic topics - I love it! You guys (and girls?) are real psychonauts

Two things struck me when reading this: Haven't you all found pretty quickly that GOD was a reference to entheogen, the god inside yourself? And why was it possible that a simple nickname and a few bold statements made me angry at first when I'm supposed to be an open-minded psychonaut? Well... I found out GOD really deserves his name because there's nothing wrong with being bold when you have something to say!

Second, why are there not as many women psychonauts as men? I can only speculate as well. Are women more more conscious than men, more spiritual? I don't think so. I met a lot of women who I thought really needed a good trip to get off their ego-trip. Maybe most women are not as needy for adventures that they'd risk everything they have for a journey into the unknown? Maybe they are not as stupidly competitive as men so that they won't take more shrooms only to brag about it? I am sure one reason why I took more and more and more shrooms from trip to trip was the feeling that if "McKenna could do it, I can do it as well". Might have been the wrong reason, but with the right outcome? I really don't know...

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Two things struck me when reading this: Haven't you all found pretty quickly that GOD was a reference to entheogen, the god inside yourself?
Yes. So is that God within me typing the messages written by GOD? Don't think so. You say we are all GOD? Then try to register the screenname GOD. Not possible, because there already is one. There is only one GOD on this forum. There is an element of arrogance and ego-inflation there.

And why was it possible that a simple nickname and a few bold statements made me angry at first when I'm supposed to be an open-minded psychonaut?
I'd say it's funny, but an incorrect application of the term. "God" is a word which refers to the Ground of Being, as experienced in the mystic altered state, not a person expressing his particular beliefs on a forum. Sure Neale Donald Walsh talked to God, if we extend the definition of God to include "voices in the head". Sure Sai Baba is God himself, if we extend the definition of God to include "ugly pederasts doing magical tricks." But we must be specific about terms. God can never refer to individual human beings, whether they are fully enlightened or not. God refers to the whole, not any of the parts, such as the individual sparks of awareness that we are or the bodies and mental constructs we identify ourselves with.

Caduceus Mercurius

Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Juil 2007
9 628
Not related to what I wrote above, kind of interesting where the English/Dutch term God comes from:
The earliest written form of the Germanic word "god" comes from the 6th century Christian Codex Argenteus. The English word itself descends from the Proto-Germanic *?u?an. Most linguists agree that the reconstructed Proto-Indo-European form *?hu-tó-m was based on the root *?hau(?)-, which meant either "To call" or to "invoke." (Wikipedia)