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What should I expect for the first time?


27 Déc 2008
I'm going to be getting Salvia (I don't know the details of it, because I'm not too educated on the types or amounts, but being from the source [and trust me, it's from the one person who wouldn't do ANYTHING weird to it] it's coming from, I know it will be good and safe for me) from a reliable source, and I have read countless stories and tips for smoking it.
But, I am concerned about my mental well being.
I don't have any mental disorders, but I do have Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy... from what I've read I don't think Salvia would make me have a seizure.

But the one thing that bothers me and has me thinking...
Bad trips are my WORST nightmare. I know how to surrender to trips, but not for something like Salvia.
My mind seems to drift towards bad things when I take substances. I've even had a horrible trip when I smoked some very, very strong weed. This was when that was the only thing I had done, and I was only used to light, body highs that make you giggly. This one was a total mindfuck for me. My whole body became stiff and numb, and I was concentrated on my heartbeat, which was going extremely fast. I thought I was dead/going to die. And it was the scariest thing in my life... haha.

So... basically, what I want to know is, if I have a HORRIBLE Salvia trip, could it throw my whole mind and outlook on life into a weird, and depressed "funk"?
I don't want my whole brain to be screwed up.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
23 Nov 2005
11 366
Salvia is too weird and outlandish (and fast!) to be really confrontational. Just make sure you have someone to look over you as you undergo the experience. You might have a ten minute nightmare, but as soon as you come down it will disappear within minutes. The afterglow might take a little longer and you might feel bad about it, but I heard of no longlasting problems after doing Salvia.

Maybe others know more.


31 Jan 2009
The nice thing about salvia is that you always have the come down to look forward. you aren't trapped for the next 6 hours or so. Though it will be intense, you can be assured you'll come back.

Predicting what you will see is extremely hard with something like Salvia. There will be stuff you want to imagine, but just won't.

For example yesterday I had a couple of Salvia trips,

the first one reminded me of Pink Floyd's The Wall in it's animation. I was a Pilot navigating a brick building somewhat choatically to get to my plane.

The second one I can't even remember sadly.

The third one was a strange surreal disney concentration camp where they kept all the Disney Fairies locked up in a tree that was partly my leg and partly the grass. The fairies would morph out of the tree and tell me to get back to work and to come join them. I was also hearing words in the music in the background that were not there telling me to do something along the lines of what the fairies were saying. The fairies began to bite me so I got up and ran away, at which point I came down.

As you can see, somewhat animation based strangely, or not strangely, but you can guess that Disney is much different from Pink Floyd.

There have been times where I smoked Salvia in my Bathroom, and it turned into a cathedral, and I opened the door, and there was the universe staring me in the face.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
There are no reports of long-term effects as far as I know from smoking Salvia. It feels very natural and physically safe.

The high. Very strong, completely being unable to navigate. Prepare the environment safely for a sleepwalker.

Holding breath, sat in my chair, fell as dust through the chair, 'WTF! Hell!' Looking from the ceiling to myself in the chair. My house seems to swing completely as a whole. Feeling the orbit of the earth and it's mass as a ball.

Coming back, hysterically laughing about being itself. What? That made no sense. But being a maiden virgin does.

It was 50 50 with the captivation vs. intense frighting experiences I had done in 2007. I have not used it since then, but I must admit it attracts me yet again recently, but it's not like I'm dropping a blotter with guaranteed comfort. So, procrastination.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
zombeastie a dit:
There have been times where I smoked Salvia in my Bathroom, and it turned into a cathedral, and I opened the door, and there was the universe staring me in the face.

I love it when that happens. I prefer to do Salvia while laying down though. I'm afraid that if I were to walk around that I might trip, or knock something over and break it.

Salvia's better when you let your mind roll with it. If you try and force an image, it ends up ruining the experience.



27 Fev 2009
And also, I would like to add the feeling I had of some kind of conspiracy. When I smoked it with a friend-sitter, I felt like if he was part of that conspiracy and more people were watching us, manipulating me between all of them.

I thought it was my mind playing with me, but after some other friends tried it, they told me they experienced the same feeling.... So I guess is normal after all.

And remember, your muscles might become weak, so stay sitting or lying down.

Happy Ride!


28 Déc 2008
I would like to add the feeling I had of some kind of conspiracy. When I smoked it with a friend-sitter, I felt like if he was part of that conspiracy and more people were watching us, manipulating me between all of them.

That's exactly what some friends of mine said about it. I haven't experienced that myself, but it seems to be common.


Sale drogué·e
9 Nov 2008
'And also, I would like to add the feeling I had of some kind of conspiracy. When I smoked it with a friend-sitter, I felt like if he was part of that conspiracy and more people were watching us, manipulating me between all of them.'

What? Explain this please.

'And remember, your muscles might become weak, so stay sitting or lying down.'

Weak doesn't describe it. Your body feels 'heavy' You are able to walk around though. I don't recommend that you do (In my own studies with Salvia, I like to try out different situations; etc.) Communication isn't impossible (Ie. talking to your sitter) , but you end up laughing at the absurdity of things. It's a wonderful feeling, really. Even if you aren't 'tripping', you still have the laughter in the absurd to learn from.



27 Fev 2009
Hi again there!

In my experience, we I've felt twice of the uncountable times I've smoked Salvia, is like if the rest of the world was a entire conspiracy. Every single person in the world knew about my life and they wanted me to smoke Salvia for some reason. Like if I fell in a trap.

When I smoked with a sitter, I felt him/her like part of the conspiracy, like allied with aliens or another kind of entity. When smoked alone I just had the feeling of someone beholding me, watching me and playing with me life.

You can compare this with Matrix, or the "Truman Show". But as I said, it's in my experience, other friends reported slightly differences, but the basics are the same, the feeling of a whole conspiracy against you.

I hope this helps....


12 Août 2007
Salvia is a massively horrendous experience. There is not one thing pleasant about it. It totally sux.

I gave away $75 worth after being out stone cold for 14 minutes experiencing wretched nightmare after nightmares.

Think of your very worst mushroom trip and multiply that times 100 and you have the salvia experience.

It's been a year and I remember it like yesterday. Avoid it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Jan 2007
4 506
You can expect to come back to reality and wonder what happenned since you took your puff.
You can also expect to feel nothing.
And you can hope to have a good experience.


Sale drogué·e
27 Déc 2007
i was remembering back when i used to smoke a lot of salvia.. i remember right after taking my hits i would have full out conversations with... myself? i could see myself and something that sounded like me talking about life.. or just random things that happened throughout the day.. i think salvia made me a little crazy in the head. although at the time i did enjoy talking with whatever it was.

salvia is a trip. good luck! just remember to "go with it"


Elfe Mécanique
28 Août 2008
zombeastie a dit:
There have been times where I smoked Salvia in my Bathroom, and it turned into a cathedral, and I opened the door, and there was the universe staring me in the face.
awesome! :D


Elfe Mécanique
28 Août 2008
PsycheSmirk a dit:
I've even had a horrible trip when I smoked some very, very strong weed. This was when.........And it was the scariest thing in my life... haha.
based on this i wouldn't recommend you to do salvia....seriously


24 Jan 2009
Psychoid a dit:
You can expect to come back to reality and wonder what happenned since you took your puff.
You can also expect to feel nothing.
And you can hope to have a good experience.

i tried salvia this passed week for the first time and thats what happened to me.

i woke up and wondered wtf happened to me