What about the football games??

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Alpiniste Kundalini
World Championship 2006? No one is watching :shock: ?

Yesterday the Dutch oranje did a good job, we got into the 2nd round! Wonderful goals, wonderful moments, although Ivory coast gave them a hard time until the last minute.

I think we have to be very afraid of :twisted: Argentina :twisted: .

Which team has the best chances this year??
Of course I watched, but yesterday Holland played only good for the first half. They were panicking all the way though the second half. If they play like this against Argentina they will loose ! of course I hope they don't.

Anyone else watching Football here ?
Who cares about football anyway?

Haha, sorry, just kidding. I'm not much of a footballfan, but sometimes it's quite enjoyable with some friends...
Was in Stuttgard last weekend for Holland-Ivorycoast, it was a really nice game (and party!)

The stadium was full allready, but there were some big screens on the central square in Stuttgard which was almost just as nice. A lot of crazy orange people, I'm wondering what the Germans think of us... 8)

Holland did win but it was not very convincing. But we will make this up against Argentina :roll:
Dr. Leospace - the Germans have a split mind concerning the Netherlands. They love your country (and the coffeeshops, LOL) but when it's about football, they just hate you ;)

But seriously, I was born in Stuttgart and lived there for over 20 years, I think the people there may seem a little stubborn and not so friendly at first glance, but they are nice anyways. Well, not all of them (like everywhere!).
Maybe my view on the city is a little positively clouded because all of the nice experiences I had there (all my childhood, drug experiences, girls and so on...)

About the World Championship - I'm not a big fan usually, I only watch the league games sporadically. The World Championship however is different, especially this time because I'm in a bet with colleagues so I'm very interested in every game (might win 150 Euro!) :)
I don't care about the footbal game itself about who's winning
its about the Vibe that goes around there..

plus its healthy couz i feel like playing footbal with my friends after a match :P
yeah!! footbal!! I like the world cup and european cup more and more, (i don't know, my life must be boring, right? but it's not!!!)

i like the vibe, like it was already said, it's nice, everybody gets in a good mood and talks about it, and the players are nice too, of course (sorry, this is sexist but true!!! they are very beautiful man, gotta be said).

Anyway, this afternoon, portugal will win from mexico, and tonite holland will win from argentina :wink:

sorry, but portugal cannot suffer any goals and holland also not, sorry for mexico and argentina, but it's the way it has to be, lol

as for who will win the cup... difficult... shit, i guess i have to say argentina, or brazil... lol

alice :shock:
Hi ! I am french... THE FRENCH TEAM IS SO BAD ! So i prefer support other team.... Like tunisia or argentina :lol:
If you're french you can support TOGO ! I think they didn't make it to the second round anyway ...that's sad.
But no doubt about it the team of HOLLAND will be world champion 2006 ! (oh yeh, positive thinking does the trick;)
Hi ! I am french... THE FRENCH TEAM IS SO BAD ! So i prefer support other team.... Like tunisia or argentina

Yes its horrible indeed. What I dont understand is Zidane back in the team? As far as I know, he quit the team last year.

But yes tonight, NL-Argentina, not sure what to expect since both team have made it to the next round. A collegue mentioned that Argentina wants to loose because otherwise they have to switch stadium but I find that very hard to belie ve.

Let's hope we'll get a fun game to watch tonight and may the best team win (HOOOOOLLAND ;) )
Good match , although no team scored it was a good game to look at. The best game Holland played in this World championship until now !
Funny as one can change opinion with the years passing by ..
Younger, i couldn´t stand a football game until the past few years,

and indeed,sharing the same opinion with Alice about the vibe (allthoug we know sports are all doped :) ) , i think this and drugs are the only few things that links us all youngsters and young adults in this near "globalised" world (thanks or not to the digital and http era)

i think we are all trying to connect to each other , it seems we need it badly , and i am glad finaly i am not the only one to love others :)

summer? what summer? lol :?

of course holland and portugal are going to be the champions!!!!

sorry, but it's just the way it's going to be... :D

oh, well, maybe brazil has some chance too :wink:

LOL Holland is either!

I've never had a feeling that Holland could win the cup untill this tournament. I dont know, individual qualities are great and so far the connection with the trainer and the players, looks much better than with former trainers.

I think they actually have a good chance :)
Im quite fed-up with the football thingy right now.
Couldn't even have a decent celebration of my graduation last night.. every motherfucking bar was all motherfucking dressed in the most fucked up Pantone color known to mankind. Every bar was filled to the roof with tv's and beamer-screens.. you had to stare to your feet to NOT see football. But even there you could see Wuppies staring right back at you, commanding you to watch the big screen, with those evil eyes they got. Aargh.

Watching sports is bullshit anyway. I wish ppl wouldn't make such a big deal out of it. Who cares if Holland wins or not.. it's not like 'we the people' had anything to do with it. Just a group of 11 man who know how to play football and happen to be blessed with talent and a huge amount of luck.

So what's on MTV?!