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Water Evaporation Method for LSA Extraction


Matrice périnatale
8 Avr 2007
Yea, it sucks having to wait a f-----' week or longer for all that water to evaporate. Try putting it in a pyrex cake pan, something that gives the water a large surface area. The trick is to put a cheap little heating pad under the pyrex pan. Your water should never get above being luke-cold (80-90 degrees Farenheit), so put a towel in between the heating pad and the pan if you need to. Just don't start a fire.

You can evaporate a gallon of water in 48 hours with this method. If you increase your surface area, it speeds up the process. If you remove humidity from the air around the pan, then it will speed up the process. If you put more heat on the solution it will speed up the process. Air temperature has virtually nothing to do with evaporation. Remember not to cook your LSAs. Be safe, and have fun.