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Tripping from hash?


22 Déc 2004
I smoked hash the other day, alot of it. It was blonde hash, very fresh. I was walking around with my friends who smoked it too. One of them suddenly starts talking about how he starts 'seeing shit'. A couple of minutes later, i start too. Really awesome. Lights turned blurry and strange, i saw forms of things that weren't there. Objects transformed into other stuff. I seriously tought a girl whom was walking by was Jennifer Aniston (no joke).

That seems like a (little) trippy to me. I never did shrooms or LSD, but i've never experienced this before from weed or hash. Really cool stuff.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
In my case, hash and especially weed is very psychoactive - I easily get paranoia from smoking strong weed/hash (that's why I usually don't smoke it anymore).
However I never had visuals or anything like that from only hash or weed.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
I had a simular experience, we first smoked about 1 gram real strong hasj, and after that i drank thee whit about half a gram of strong weed, after about an hour i started to feel realy strange, not stoned, but a feeling that surpast high, like i was flying :D and later al the colours started to chage and it looked as an painting of andy warhole :D realy nice


Sale drogué·e
4 Nov 2002
Never heard of anyone trippin' off of smokin' hash..especially blonde hash.

But if you eat it..that could surely make you trip. Especially the dank moroccan or afghan.


22 Déc 2004
I still don't really know the diffrence between dark and blonde hash... :think:


Elfe Mécanique
22 Sept 2004
Well, believe me, tripping on hash after having eaten it, has been one of my most uncontrollable trips ever... after having made chocolate chip cookies which tasted absolutely delicious, i started eating too many (they were sooo damn nice)
After about an hour and a half I started turning really green and pale, at least that's what my friends said. I was unable to move or react... there were at least 6 other friends who started making funny sounds around me to get me to react but I simply couldnt smile. The TV and my stereo were both playing and I had to turn them off, they caused chaos in my head... I wanted to move but was stuck inside my motionless body, I felt my heart beating in my whole body, which seemed to be going forwards and backwards with every beat. Totally out of control, I really hated not being able to make my body move. After some 6 hours I got out of it so I could go to bed :thud:
But ehm, eating hash or weed really gets all the effective substances out of it, most of which you lose when smoking. Recommendable, but try out your limits slowly... don't eat too much too fast! :smirk:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
euh i know what your talking about, last saturday I smoked about 1gram of realy stiky white weed in a bong, after i didnt use weed or hasj for about half a year. couldnt folow the mofie an only chaos in my head, also my heartbeat tripled, and I felt realy chaotic.


Paranoia by smoking hash or weeD? That´s not from the drug but from your inside... Your spirit.. If u keep thinkin that you´ll be allways paranoid within a drug.. that will be reality cause u make your own reality.. so.. i think u should reflect better and be happy not paranoid!! I smoke hash n hemp for years, usually much more Hash cause im Portuguese and dont have space to grow! Here still very desinformation.. but i asure u i had already lots of visual and auditive hallucinations with just Hash and my biggest was with Super silver Haze (hemp) and it was much more powerfull than any LSD or Mescaline i have ever tryed.. But.. Hash is cannabis extract! I have been in Morroco and it is very pretty n pure good hash, but like allways hash is more heavy than weed. But hallucinations? Yes... Why can even get allucinations from not dreaming.. so.. is just a question o time or fusion in the space till we get a flashm allucinations.,. whatever.. with or without drugs!!!
Respect nature ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
I don't believe it was from my inside, with other drugs i never get paranoid and never get such a raisd heartbeat. and in the past cannabis was my ally, but since a half year or so I sometimes get para, and since a month i always get paranoid


Elfe Mécanique
22 Sept 2004
Thats what i stated before, dutch weed can do that to you, contains such high quantities of thc and chemicals may also have something to do with it.
Try smoking non-pesticided homegrown or outdoor weed and you'll feel the difference!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
i'm positively sure it is bio produced weed, but it was a white stiky weed, I should try a green weed again somme day. and a few days latter I ate quite strong pot kookies, with about 5 to 7 grams of weed butter, so mayby a kind of o.d. ?


i can realy imagine that someone cant trip from hash, A week ago i smoked one blunt i started feeling realy hapy and I walked around half consius , sort of tripping I didn't hallucinate though it was realy strange I've been smoking joints for about 2years or so and i never had this before ,it was realy strange but fantastic I've never been so :bricks: in my life :D


Elfe Mécanique
22 Sept 2004
the tripping starts when you eat the hash or weed, cause that's the only way you will digest all of it and not let the good parts go away in smoke...


Matrice périnatale
15 Mar 2005
I've never had any experience on hash that I would classify as a full-blown trip but i've had many hallucinatory experiences with it before, i've found that with pratice over time i'm able to visualise things very well when i'm stoned - example: geometric patterns on walls etc.
I suppose though even if I do see these things very vividly they aren't hallucinations in the true sense of the word, more of an illusion if anything (since there's external stimulus, i'm just percieving it differently).


the best trip i have ever had was in the summer
we were in the wilderness
me and a friend of mine smoked 4 joints and i started tripping real hard...
all the tree's looked so weard they were dancing and moving
the leafs just all looked like keyhole's :smirk:

and i think i fell asleep a few time's but i felt sooooooo relaxt.

any1 who want to smoke weed
smoke it in the woods


Glandeuse pinéale
14 Mar 2005
auditive hallucinations with just Hash and my biggest was with Super silver Haze (hemp) and it was much more powerfull than any LSD or Mescaline i have ever tryed..

then you obviously only had a very tiny and light dose of lsd and ditto for the mesc

any lsd dose over 300 microgram is definately gonna sort you out in a trip that is no way achievable with hasj or maryjane not in terms of duration , nor in terms of power

i mean sure , if have a piece of blotter, that has been around for a several months, not kept safe from temp, uv light, oxygen , and water

then the lsd on the blotter will degrade to the extend that in the end , you could have anything from 25 to 80 micrograms.. 25 beein the minimal dose to see any results

80 beeing the average dose in the 80's 90's

but not the 300 microgram dose from back in the sixties

i recently aquired a serious bunch of blotters
only half a blotter was enough for instant zap of the cranium... 10 hours straight out of it, no control with reality...

tried 1/6 last weekend, and even that was heavy...

must ave been very fresh blotters...

no way can you get that far on cannabis... without actually going to the point of OD


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Mai 2005
1 112
About 5 years ago, some friends and I frequently smoked good hash and good weed. During some of these sessions I definately experienced some elements that you can call tripping. With my eyes closed there were visuals, but the visual hallucinations were somewhat faint. They were more like distortions of the blackness, like a visual realisation that the black background is not black at all. for the most past they were auditory and sense of touch hallucinations. Also I remember being able to "see" the location of different sounds withing a certain song.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
Paranoia by smoking hash or weeD? That´s not from the drug but from your inside... Your spirit.. If u keep thinkin that you´ll be allways paranoid within a drug.. that will be reality cause u make your own reality.. so.. i think u should reflect better and be happy not paranoid!!
Well, for some people that is just not true! It's like when somebody has a serious depression and you tell him "think positive, man!" - it's just not possible for this guy!

I can trip happily on high doses of shrooms with full-blown out-of-body experiences and I don't get paranoid at all - but when I smoke one big joint of weed (not so much on hash) then I do get paranoid and with all efforts of positive thinking I can make it OK, but not fully enjoyable (at least not in the first hour or so).

So, please, don't tell me my spirit wasn't free or something when my mind does not respond to weed like yours. Maybe we can have a 60g stropharia tea together (60 for each!) and see whose spirit is flying higher then? :grin:


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Juin 2005
I never tripped one hash although one time when i was on vacation in Barcelona i got my hands on a big chunk of sticky brown hash whitch had shiny thc crystals on it. I smoked a fatty joint on my balcony in the hotel in the sun. And BAM!!! laughing like a hyena i stumbled thru my room to the bathroom, and believe me i smoke LOTS of weed normally, looked in the mirror and saw two big tunnels for pupils. Later i had to throw up while i was still laughing like hell :grin:. Me and especially my friends found that very amusing :grin:. This one time i had a very bright colory-effect kinda like mexicans in the start-fase from weed a friend of me had aquired :shocked: from an MS-patient, medicinal weed but the type that make's you really high, not the type that makes you eat. This kind of weed had transparant hair-type thc-strings on it. I remember hanging on branches and climbing in trees and lots of green :grin:. But that were the only two times the cannabis really had me, and i've been smoking for quite a while now ;).


8 Nov 2005
My weed cookies were very similar to a mushroom trip. Except the trip never "clicked" and went all out. It was like the begining of a mushroom trip and didn't go anywhere cept on my couch craving more weed cookies.