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Je m'inscris!

Tomorrow will be my first experimentation with LSD


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
First of all, hello to my fellow psychonauts. I'm new around here, and new to the mind expanding drugs thing (except pot).

Anyway, I managed to score a strip of blotter paper (6 hits, $60) and myself and two friends are planning to take them tomorrow morning. None of us have ever done acid or shrooms before, the only drugs we do are cannabis (a lot of that) and occaisonally some salvia, though never above 15x.

I was just wondering if there was anything I need to know or should prepare for etc... Like the guy I got em off of noticed I had some 500mg Vitamin C pills and he said I should pop a few before and during my trip, he also said something about eating a lot beforehand and bringing oranje juice with us as we walk around. So, I geuss I just want to know stuff like that.

Also, I kind of want to just experience the acid by itself, but am curious as to how it mixes with pot. I have a very dank brownie, and about a bowl or two's worth of good crippie and we were thinking about toking it between when we drop the acid and when the effects start.

So yeah, just tips, secrets, advice for a fellow about to do LSD for the very first time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
First off all, only take 1 blotter. So 1 little square paper.
Second, when you smoke pot during an acid trip you will have no effect off the pot.
You can eat a bitt just before you start tripping, that's just to satisfy your hunger that will come during the trip. And I don't think you will be able to eat during the trip.
All that Vitamin C shit an orange juice is bullshit.
Just take the trip as it comes.

Have great fun..


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
well, it never is unhealthy to drink some juice in the trip :) helps preventing from drying out :) but water is just as good :) welcom to our little comunity of love :P


13 Juin 2006
hmm, you say you never done shrooms or acid be4, only salvia.. so you don't have an idea what it is like to trip for quite some time.. maybe it's an idea to start with mushrooms. A mushroom trip takes about 6 hours, acid can take 8 -12 hours. If u don't like the feeling it's not a nice idea u still have 12 hours to go :roll:

Goodluck anyways :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
I would not recommond taking acid for your first long psychedelic experience, the experience is not only hallunications, but an intense body feeling that you may not enjoy, and if you don't, then you still got 12 hours of it. And if your going to discard everyones advice, I WOULD NOT take more than one hit of acid. Just my opinion tho...happy tripping..



Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
hey now, dont scare this felow. i think acid is easyer to handle than shrooms, but this is only my experience.


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
well, I have about 2 hits on blotter paper, and two hits on these gel tabs. Not sure of the potency in either one, but the dude who got em says the cid is really clean, and he is trustworthy enough. We were each gonna do two of the gel tabs.


Sale drogué·e
10 Juin 2006
i think acid is easyer to handle than shrooms, but this is only my experience.

I agree its much more stable and you got more controle.

@t Necridous,

normaly one hit contains around the 100 mic's.
my advice is to take one hit, your dealer said it was really clean so it might contain more then 100.

what kind of location where you thinkin about to take the acid.
And whatever you do, just Enjoy the Ride :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Fev 2007
3 008
My intent wasnt to scare him, just warn him that its going to be a little diffrent than pot, just a little, and not being experience with mushrooms. All i can say is that i would second think this if it was myself, but if you really think you can handle it, go for it. Just make sure your mind is clear, and you take it in a comfortable setting. also make sure you have nothing planned the next day. good tripping...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
well he has some experience with salvia, and me thinks thats a lot harder to control than mushrooms or acid :wink: anyway, acid or shrooms, they are both a good way to start investigating the mind :) and one has to start somewere


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
skoeip a dit:
well he has some experience with salvia, and me thinks thats a lot harder to control than mushrooms or acid :wink: anyway, acid or shrooms, they are both a good way to start investigating the mind :) a

Don't forget salvia only takes a couple of minutes.. Acid is a matter of hours :P. I do agree LSD is easier to control than mushrooms.

I wouldn't smoke weed in the beginning. First wait untill the trip starts to get less intense and then smoke some weed :mrgreen:, you never know how intense it might get.

I would recommend to take your first trip with only a couple of your closest friends. It's nice to have people around you you trust when it gets out of control. Make sure you have a tripsitter that is sober, who can take care of the trippers :wink:.
Most important of all, is don't fight the trip... just relax and let it all go 8).

Have fun :mrgreen:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Entheonaut a dit:
I wouldn't smoke weed in the beginning. First wait untill the trip starts to get less intense and then smoke some weed :mrgreen:, you never know how intense it might get.

When I smoke weed on Acid, the weed has NO effect what so ever?,...


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
Well, we each did two hits on gel tabs at about 8:45 this morning. I'll probably have more to say about it later but today has been one hell of a wild ride. Its more than I could ever describe or put into words. Peace!


Elfe Mécanique
24 Mai 2007
Its been about 13 hours now so I geuss most of it is done. Still feeling a little out of it and a bit tired.

Me and two very close friends put those tabs in our mouths this morning so naively. I don't think that any person can ever be completely prepared for an experience like that.

To describe the trip the only word I can think of is spontaneous. We began at my house, my stepdad was out for the day and my mom was on vacation so no worries. We watched Jackass on the T.V. for about 45 minutes and then we went outside and everything just hit us all at once upon discovering a dead bird that had just hit my window. Eventually after about 2 hours we went bike riding throughout our town (Islamorada, Florida) and the day was just fun as hell.

I'd suggest everyone to try that at least once in their life though. I feel like a completely new person.

what an amazing day.....


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
29 Mai 2006
1 076
Great to hear you had a good time :mrgreen:.

Welcome to the club mate :wink: !


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Looks like you had some good ol' Acid xD


5 Avr 2007
its 448 AM and im comming down form my first trip

it was ok, not what i expected, nothing compared to 2cx compunds(like i thought it would be)

it was nice, and relaxing easy to get put into a bad trip...

i have 4 more tabs ill be waiting about 2 weeks before i drop again, im dropping 2 or 3 next time


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Nov 2006
4 372
Doing shrooms before usually causes unnessecary fear for taking acid.

The duration has nothing to do with it, I have mescatrips that lasted 14 hours and acid lasts for about 10 hours for me and wears off after I have slept. But it is easier to drive with high speed in a racecar over a flat surface than driving over a rocky dessert with a jeep.

Especially the chains of emotions of acid that travel so fast through your mind prevents you from hanging in thoughts.

LSD is like 'This is the ultimate evolution and our promised land!!' while shrooms wraps you up in the thoughts that cross your mind, while wanting to think about something else and that causes easier confusion. As a lesson and by the next day it is merely a memory.

Also my body on shrooms feels 'weaker' than on acid.

By the way, welcome, we understand you as a turn on. ;)


Glandeuse pinéale
26 Mai 2006
how strange and pleasurable to read you Brugmansia, as i feel myself the same about Shrooms/Acid, i couldn't sum it better !


Elfe Mécanique
18 Mai 2007
man i wanna try it so bad! i really hope i can get my hands on some this summer