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'Thuge'(hash made from wormwood)


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
All of you who are interested in the effects of the main ingredient of absinth, the amazing herb wormwood, should try this.
Now you may have read about 'thuge' in the wormwood experience section of Erowid. 'Thuge' is made by soaking the herb in some high proof alcohol, and then the alcohol is evaporated to leave a sticky substance, a weird sort of hash.

I've tried this method, using approximatly 10ml of 95% ethanol and just enough wormwood to cover the 10ml. I shook it heavily for half an hour(very tiring:P) and then I let it stand for two hours. The dark liquid evaporated overnight, without using heat. I rolled this in a ball, looking like mouse dung...

Then when I was ready I smoked it along with a fair share of weed and hash, now this is really amazing. You get stoned like a brick, and you even trip quite a bit.

It's really amazing and I highly recommend it to every psychonaut. Just have a look in a herbstore, and you will find that wormwood is very easy to aquire.

Try it! it will get you higher than ever before...


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
I've been thinking of doing this for a while. As it's a nice herb but you need to smoke a lot of leaf to get any effect. Can you buy ethenol at any liquor store? Is it on the shelf or is it something you need to ask for by name. Also how much did you pay for it? (Low on cash).

Lastly did you just leave the liquid out in open air or was it covered.

Thanks man I'll let you know how it goes.


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
I don't know what the price is of ethanol, I just found it lying around the house. It's used to clean medical instruments, and it should be obtainable via a farmacist. However if you can't find it you can use ether aswell, or any other high proof(alcohol percentage above 70).

I left the alcohol+thujone mixture stand open in my room, because the alcohol needs to evaporate, and that won't happen in a closed glass or jar. However it evaporates at a very low temperature so you can just let it stand, but a much quicker way is cooking the mixture au bain marie(put it in a pan or something else wich doesn't melf:P and put that in another pan filled with water and then heat it up)

Wormwood is indeed a very cool herb, the problem is that you have to consume large amounts of it to get effects from it. And it is very vile tasting and the smoke is really harsh. The extract however tastes rather pleasant.


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
Thanks for the fast reply :) Very informative. Once I get money for the supplies I'll start on this.


Hmmm, sounds very interesting, maybe I'll try it some day...


Alpiniste Kundalini
10 Déc 2005
This is indeed very interesting...
VerusDeus, are the effects different when wormwood is smoked vs drunk?
I must have a small batch laying around here somewhere, if I didn't waste it making that horrible bitter absinth...


Man, now I want to place another order at *******...

That would be the 6th time this year :oops:


Sale drogué·e
6 Avr 2006
The effects you get from smoking the wormwood extract are probably the exact same as the effects you get from drinking absinthe, since it's the same active ingredient. I can't say for sure though, because my only experience with absinthe was when I suddenly had the craziest migraine(this attack included puking that was very similar to the puking scene in team america) and I couldn't really get much of the absinthe into my belly, damn that shit burns:P. I do know that visuals are to be expected if smoked enough of the extract...

And to Space: your 6th order? who cares, I mean maybe you'll even get a gift from ******* for ordering often:P. Besides I don't think 6 times a year is much, it's more of an achievement than something to be ashamed of :lol:


Elfe Mécanique
26 Sept 2005
how can it be the same effect? When you drink absinth, it is diluted in alcohol that fucks you ;o) smoking this hash is only the actif ingredients added to the alcohol...

you can dilute absinth in water, actually that's one way of drinking it, and not only shots....it's color is abit like pastis, but more white. with a cube of sugar diluted it is extremely good in hot weather to plays petanque =P good alternative to pastis, but it's really not the same ehehe

i don't get any special effect, but a friend of mine gets a strange buzz as he tells me....

this is from local absinth produced here in the Jura mountains btw...

i'd like to test that hash sometime!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
WaseFraKa, you are from switzerland, you know the difference between real absinthe and wormwood soaked in vodka! I know what kind of La Bleue you're talking about (I once bought some in Boveresse, Val de Travers)
There's so many people drinking that soaked stuff or the czech crap (sorry, nothing against czech, just their "absinthe" is shit). I have tried a lot of different modern absinthes and also had a sip of 1911 Berger once (long story, guy found bottles in old house in France, gave it to his neighbour who was an absinthe freak, I knew neighbour from internet, we met once, I tried 1911 Berger Absinthe...)

Good absinthe contains not too much wormwood, and it also contains a lot of other herbs, it is distilled and it tastes great (similar to pastis, but way better!)
It has a slightly different effect than other alcohol, due to the herb mix, but it is not psychedelic. The effect is basically alcohol with a little twist, nothing more.

If you want to try good absinthe, the laws have changed and real absinthe is allowed again (destilled, not mixed with oils like Pernod absinthe et al). Try Un Emile or Kübler for example. They're expensive and won't get you tripping, but they're so good I would die for them! ;)


Ok I've overdone it a little bit, I'm now the owner of 1 pound of wormwood...
Still need to find 95% alcohol....

If anybody knows how to get almost pure ethanol in Holland? Send a pm, I would be very gratefull ;)

I am however thinking about using stroh rum... the 80% alcohol version or ether...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I'm sure you'll get alcohol at your local pharmacy. But this alcohol is denaturated (otherwise you would have to pay alcoholic beverage tax). I don't know if it works with that alcohol


misery a dit:
I'm sure you'll get alcohol at your local pharmacy. But this alcohol is denaturated (otherwise you would have to pay alcoholic beverage tax). I don't know if it works with that alcohol

It should work, it also works with ether....


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Fev 2006
can you make thuge with this? :


it says that the ingredients are: artemisia (?), liquorice and calamus. I think that artemisia is wormwood in italian, but can i still do it with the other two ingredients? Is it smokable and/or dangerous?

I'm really keen and interested in trying this, so PLEASE help me out! :o Anyway thanks in advance...


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
21 Août 2006
1 620

Why would you even drink the stuff if not for the thujone. I can't stand the taste of the mess, it's like licorice and anise and all the things I hate about Jager Meister. BLECH!!!

Czech absinthe is good because they're the only place that doesn't have an incredibly tight limit on thujone levels in the beverage.

from erowid: EU rules allow beverages to contain 5 mg/kg thujone in beverages with less than 25% alcohol, 10 mg/kg in beverages with more than 25% alcohol and 35 mg/kg in bitters.

10mg/kg is not enough to feel the effects of the wormwood before you just get drunk. The only absinthe I've had is "Absinthe King Gold" which contains 100mg/kg, 10X the legal limit in Europe. This is the kind of hard stuff the artists and poets were drinking in the 19th century. What people call "good absinthe" nowadays is a bastardized version of what it was back then. Now it's all about "tasting smooth" and whatnot and not about tradition. I'll bet that 1911 Berger was damn good though!

http://www.originalabsinthe.com/absinth ... -p-56.html


Maya ethnobotanicals has artemisa absinthium for $12.20 a pound

Anywho, think about trying methanol or ether, still trying to find the risks though...


Glandeuse pinéale
28 Fev 2006
sorry if i'm a bit of a bugger, so in the end it's better if i ordered pure wormwood? Can't i try with the mix i showed before that's in a local store really close to my house? I simply want to know if there will be any health risks in trying to do/to consume thujone with the other ingredients (calamus, liquorice + wormwood of course)? Thanks again, you're awesome!



Yeah it deffinately is better to get the pure wormwood, better for the taste and better for the end result you're trying to get at ;)

Ok I got myself 300 ml of ethanol (damn that shit is expencive!)
Paid €18 euro for 300 ml, but yeah I think I'll try the other tek once...