think you see in 3d?

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion waygie
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Elfe Mécanique
do you think you see in 3d?
then how can a 2d surface perfectly depict your '3d' perception? because the so called 3rd dimension is really just shading on a 2d "surface"
(the fact that we have 2d lenses only backs me up....I don't feel like going deeper into it so im ready to debate this)

so once you accept that you see your 3d world in 2d (and that consciousness will percieve their dimsension in the dimension below it) you'll ask yourself how to actually see in 3d. how to have 4th dimensional would kind of require the ability to see all around an object at once.... so you'd have to have consciousness in multiple 3 dimensional locations

I didn't put this post together very well but it'll become clear once you argue how it doesn't make sense
I'd like to pick Salvia as an example then, since it opens up the holographic reality in the most advanced way for me. To answer your question without ever having the answer, there is no such thing as a definite layer edge which retains an ordered composition. The waveform which shapes the fence of width and depth from which I'm getting an identified monitor sight, is an ever changing web of signals which is always ignorantly present and rendering itself with a tremendous speed.
waygie you're so deep!

Waygie have you ever considered the fact that you don't even live in a 3 dimensional world?

That, in fact, reality itself is 2-dimensional, and the idea that there is space and time between you and everything else is also an illusionary construct of the conscious mind?

whoa dewd... deep.
Project your dreams on the back of your closed eyelids and don't be afraid to step into the screen if it's an heroic dose. That's taking the wheat, putting things into perspective the chaff.
Close one eye.

Bend your arms in front of you, and try to make both indextip touch each other.

That's what missing 3D perception is like.

3D is much more than "shade on a 2D surface".
The illusion of a 3 dimensional universe (in our perception) comes from a hefty amount of integrals that your brain is very good at calculating very quickly.

Your brain basically does hundreds of trig function equation - like calculations a second - predicting movement, anticipating movement, and trying to understand spatial reality...

It's really an awesome thing we can never view because it all takes place in our subconscious.
do you think your actually "seeing" reality?
we are all blind to the objective world. all we can see is our subjective universe projected by our brains and we have no proof that this mirrors objective reality other than another person's subjective opinion
its the overlapping of our subjective universe with someone elses that creates the objective one we claim to "see"
that doesn't really have anything to do with this

look at my response to plato's shadow wall for a response to what you said
well you implied that you didn't agree with what i had to say about plato's cave
what are you talking about. thats another thread.

im talking about 2 subjective universes overlapping to create the 3rd objective dimension
i'm talking about not seeing the whole thing (reality) of something

but you're wrong, perception doesn't create reality. it's an interpretation of it
someone else's perception doesn't have much of an effect on yours. it's just that if someone sees/hears something no one else does then it's just a possible indicator that, that person is delusional.

and two subjective opinions cant come together to form an objective reality (millions of subjective opinions are a different story)

and none of this has anything to with the fact that you see in 2d as opposed to 3d
i never said perception "created" reality. you have no idea what im talking about.
just do me a favor and dont give a huge critique of my writing unless you know what im talking about.
ok.. just for you waygie.
what i was explaining is how a biassed and subjective person, which we all are, can form an objective opinion
i never said anything about creating "reality" in general. you mis-understood. we all create our own subjective reality every second of every day.

i hope you understand now. im not gunna argue with u on this shit and idc if you think im "wrong" cuz i've seen what you have to say.
EndlessEntity a dit:
ok.. just for you waygie.
what i was explaining is how a biassed and subjective person, which we all are, can form an objective opinion
i never said anything about creating "reality" in general. you mis-understood. we all create our own subjective reality every second of every day.

i hope you understand now. im not gunna argue with u on this shit and idc if you think im "wrong" cuz i've seen what you have to say.

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :wink:
reason and logic (as opposed to emotions) are a sure and clear path to an objective perspective
waygie a dit:
reason and logic (as opposed to emotions) are a sure and clear path to an objective perspective

Living without emotion is impossible... If you think otherwise, why are you thinking?
exactly, hes living in his own universe he doesnt see the real world he sees his world