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Teens Use Salvia to Get High Legally


Elfe Mécanique
5 Oct 2006
Ok so i woke up this morning and turned it to fox news (i find it easier to tell when they are lying) and low and behold they are spewing propaganda about sally d. They had their resident doctor on there saying how dangerous it is. Funny thing is he nevers mentions anything dangerous except he said "it makes u have an out-of-body experience and thats dangerous". So now i'm afraid they are going to make it illegal guess i need to stock up.
heres an article about it off their website
The Internet is a wealth of information for high school and college students looking to do research, it is also the place where they go to buy Salvia divinorum, a readily available, and legal, hallucinogenic drug.

Parents around the country are mostly unaware of this member of the mint family, but the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has already flagged it as a "drug of concern."

Salvia, also known as S. divinorum, magic mint, Maria Pastora and diviner's sage, is native to areas of the Mazateca region of Oaxaca, Mexico.

Because this drug is not listed in the federal Controlled Substances Act, it can be legally obtained by anyone, mostly adolescents, seeking an alternative to marijuana or mescaline.

This herb is also not approved for any medicinal use in the United States, although Mazateca natives have used it for centuries for medicinal purposes and to induce visions.

According to the University of Maryland's Center for Substance Abuse Research, the psychoactive component, Salvinorin A, is the most potent naturally occurring hallucinogen.

Salvinorin A is found in highest concentrations in the leaves, and in lesser amounts of the stems. According to the DEA, it is most commonly chewed or smoked to get a high.

When smoked, the high lasts for about 15 minutes, but chewing allows the active ingredient to mix with saliva, inducing hallucinations that can last one to two hours, according to the Center for Substance Abuse Research.

Salvinorin A extracts can also be added to drinks, which produces a lesser effect than chewing, it is also sometimes vaporized.

According to the National Drug Intelligence Center's website, "Immediately after ingesting the drug, abusers typically experience vivid hallucinations--including out-of-body experiences, sensations of traveling through time and space, and feelings of merging with inanimate objects. Some abusers experience intense synesthesia, an effect that causes the abusers' senses to become confused. For example, abusers may describe hearing colors or smelling sounds. The hallucinogenic effects generally last 1 hour or less unlike other hallucinogens like LSD and PCP. High doses of the drug can cause unconsciousness and short-term memory loss."

Although this cousin of sage has been around for centuries, there is very little research on the long-term effects of this herb. No one is sure if this drug is addictive, although users have indicated that negative effects may be similar to that of LSD, including flashbacks and depression.

Because most adults are unaware of this substance, teenagers are being influenced by websites selling Salvia. Websites tout that it has no side effects, and while many pages have warnings and suggest adult-use only, it is still readily available for sale.

But that may not be the case for long. Australia has already criminalized this drug. Various states, including Louisiana, Delaware and Missouri have passed legislation placing controls on Salvia.

And if the federal government does not take the reigns in legislating this substance, many states have pending legislation to put regulatory controls on the sale and possession of this potentially dangerous drug.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
That's some scarry news..
This kind of propaganda is really weird. They seem to have no knowledge about this plant what so ever.
How can you compare LSD with PCP and Salvia with Marijuana or mescaline????

Why do they broadcast this information? People are warned for this "drugs" with false accusations and at the same time the public is told how to use it, how long it works and where you may buy it. :?

First of all it is not smoked to get a high.
It's to travel in your subconsciousness in a dreamlike state. It can be dangarous if people with no experience smoke this drug just to get high.
Salvia is on of the stronger entheogens on this planet which means you'll need an experienced person with you at all time. Why dangarous? You can get scared from the visions or you may go sleepwalking.

This piece of so called newswriting can mean two things. Either they know absolutly less about drugs then we thought OR they DO know and try to manipulate the public with this ridiculous "news"

Because most adults are unaware of this substance, teenagers are being influenced by websites selling Salvia. Websites tout that it has no side effects, and while many pages have warnings and suggest adult-use only, it is still readily available for sale.
AAH!! Adults don't know about this substance so teenagers are influenced by websites.. :? It's not the other way around? Teenagers are curious and want to read about it?

If the law says you have to be 18 or 21 to buy legel entheogens, websites can and must follow this rule. Now its up to the fender to do what he wants.
In holland Magic Mushrooms are sold, but the only one you can buy if from is a farmer who never even touched the stuf! Also no information for SAFE use is handed out. If you're smart you ask in the smartshop or read everything about it online. But if the news told you it is like Marijuana but it only last an hour you're deliberately trying to provoke possible instable teens to use this substance. For this information has no objective value what so ever. People against drugs see this as an confirmation of their own ideas on how bad drugs is. The same with teens and psychonauts they to can be mislead by this news, cause the only thing they really say is how to use it, where to buy it and that they don't know if it's addictive. :?

There is more in live then NO use of drugs and drug abuse..
They know there are people who want to safely USE entheogens for their own journey. Why do they so desperately want to ban mind expansion???


Alpiniste Kundalini
21 Août 2006
But if the news told you it is like Marijuana but it only last an hour you're deliberately trying to provoke possible instable teens to use this substance.

Then someone gets hurt directly because of the media. It gets banned and the media runs another report saying "I told you so"


Honestly I think salvia would keep most people OFF drugs. It's not for the average user (especially a teen who is looking to get high and have fun) and one bad experience would in my opinion steer kids away for good.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
The newest drug to kill your kids? damn your media suck balls big time. they just see a sensationable story and move in for the kill. not thinking about what would be true an right!

Edit: and they dont do any homework or they do and ignore the not interesting parts (I mean interesting for their comercial reasons).


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
18 Avr 2007
2 264
skoeip a dit:
Edit: and they dont do any homework or they do and ignore the not interesting parts (I mean interesting for their comercial reasons).
Don't worry they do their homework very well...they know a lot about the drug
they manipulate informations that is what they do best


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
Dantediv86 a dit:
skoeip a dit:
Edit: and they dont do any homework or they do and ignore the not interesting parts (I mean interesting for their comercial reasons).
Don't worry they do their homework very well...they know a lot about the drug
they manipulate informations that is what they do best

that is probably why we should worry (or at least the americans on the forum) hope that it wont fly over to europe.


it certainly will fly over to europe. SD will become forbidden in no time. LSD is not addictive, although is more "fun" than salvia. lsd got forbidden, and so will be salvia. i'd advise you to pack your things up real quick. get some cuttings. better safe than sorry.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
19 Nov 2004
1 674
could be, not a bad idea to get some cuttings, and with the mushroom problems at the moment perhaps also some mushroom spores and start growing my own shit :)


Elfe Mécanique
1 Fev 2006
fuckin americans!
always making everything illegal. i'm still shocked that oxygen isn't a class 1 drug just so they could arrest all of us. why a country would rather you be behind bars than at work supporting the ecomony i'll never know.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Avr 2007
2 290
Illegal makes it more fun :twisted: :partyman:


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
kcar181 a dit:
But if the news told you it is like Marijuana but it only last an hour you're deliberately trying to provoke possible instable teens to use this substance.

Then someone gets hurt directly because of the media. It gets banned and the media runs another report saying "I told you so"


Honestly I think salvia would keep most people OFF drugs. It's not for the average user (especially a teen who is looking to get high and have fun) and one bad experience would in my opinion steer kids away for good.

Yeah that was my question why do they give the information how NOT to use it. Why do they want psychedelics to be banned?
Why does it look like they want to say: I told you so?
It's clear that they want the People to know about this drugs, why else write something about it. And they clearly not want the people to use it safe.. So that means they want the people who will try it,to fail..
To have a fake confirmation that drugs is bad?

Every day i'm more and more beginning to think there is a very good reason why there all so SCARED of the truth...


could be, not a bad idea to get some cuttings, and with the mushroom problems at the moment perhaps also some mushroom spores and start growing my own shit

mushroom problems ? what happened ?
don't tell me that they will make spores illegal. that will just ruin some of my plans. in my actual situation i have to carry my house in my back from time to time, so i rely on online spores. why oh why can't this fucking humans have some head to think!!!


Elfe Mécanique
5 Avr 2007
Wait! Stop! This has nothing to do with "americans", this is just Fox News, the Neocon news/propaganda station controlled by the White House. Please don't turn this into a Europe vs USA thing!

And let's not forget about the good news! Visit maps.org if you're unaware of the very good news coming from the USA.

(However, I'm extremely happy to have been born and raised and smoking weed freely in The Netherlands. :D )


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Nov 2004
3 440
What I don't understand in the first place is how you can smoke Salvia "for fun".

I tried it a few times because I was interested and it felt rather unpleasant to me every time (the trips were kind of interesting but left me with a hollow and depressed feeling). But that might just be me...


Elfe Mécanique
5 Avr 2007
tryptonaut a dit:
I tried it a few times because I was interested and it felt rather unpleasant to me every time (the trips were kind of interesting but left me with a hollow and depressed feeling). But that might just be me...
Same here, I don't like Salvia either. Good for experiencing ego-death and seeing some weird shit, but without the ecstatic insights, feelings and visions of mushrooms or ayahuasca.


Alpiniste Kundalini
26 Juin 2006
Pinealjerker a dit:
tryptonaut a dit:
I tried it a few times because I was interested and it felt rather unpleasant to me every time (the trips were kind of interesting but left me with a hollow and depressed feeling). But that might just be me...
Same here, I don't like Salvia either. Good for experiencing ego-death and seeing some weird shit, but without the ecstatic insights, feelings and visions of mushrooms or ayahuasca.
Salvia isnt for fun.
It's for ecstatic insights, feelings and visions. But not everyone knows/experience this. 8)
The times I smoked Salvia for fun where the times I only experienced little ego death and some weird shit..
My guess if you use it for let say same intentions as you would use a big dose DMT, ayahuasa or mushrooms the trip won't and with a hollow and depressed feeling. But then again very little is known about this plant in our sociaty. One thing we DO know it's not addictive. Why? Well if you use it 2 things can happen.. One you like it. Two you don't.
if you like it sooo much you still don't want to do it again right away but want to learn from it as much as possible?

I love this plant and use it with great respect. If you just want to get high, smoke marijuana.

The thing i find very funny about this plant is that not everyone can travel with it. Most people don't notice much when they first use it. So they'll be protected against themselfs :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
2 Jan 2007
1 518
JosVU a dit:
Pinealjerker a dit:
tryptonaut a dit:
I tried it a few times because I was interested and it felt rather unpleasant to me every time (the trips were kind of interesting but left me with a hollow and depressed feeling). But that might just be me...
Same here, I don't like Salvia either. Good for experiencing ego-death and seeing some weird shit, but without the ecstatic insights, feelings and visions of mushrooms or ayahuasca.
Salvia isnt for fun.
It's for ecstatic insights, feelings and visions. But not everyone knows/experience this. 8)
The times I smoked Salvia for fun where the times I only experienced little ego death and some weird shit..
My guess if you use it for let say same intentions as you would use a big dose DMT, ayahuasa or mushrooms the trip won't and with a hollow and depressed feeling. But then again very little is known about this plant in our sociaty. One thing we DO know it's not addictive. Why? Well if you use it 2 things can happen.. One you like it. Two you don't.
if you like it sooo much you still don't want to do it again right away but want to learn from it as much as possible?

I love this plant and use it with great respect. If you just want to get high, smoke marijuana.

The thing i find very funny about this plant is that not everyone can travel with it. Most people don't notice much when they first use it. So they'll be protected against themselfs :)
Fun though that the one holy herb is for just getting high while the other isn't it? Understandable though due to the more laidback smooth high mary jane gives :)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
7 Juin 2007
1 452
All this advocates is the undeniable control that both the govornments (supposedly 'free') of the world and the media they use in order to manipulate the public, exert in order to keep the people of earth consuming and voting in kind to their destructive, consumeratory agenda.

As an australian who will most likely never use salvia in the confines of this island, i can say that the reason for the demonisation of any entheogen or non commercial substance is just another system of control; it keeps the public ignorant, closed and most inportantly to them, affraid!

In this, they can continue to put value on the materialism that drives the growing cancer that is modern human society. We are born more into slavery than true freedom; when the choices u make are a directly inflenced by the things we are being fed by both the idiot box and the various acolytes of this facist, and inhuman regime (no establishment is safe from this)

When we are no longer in control of our own lives and the choises therin, we cannot continue to both evolve and change as the nature of the universe demands, and thus if the wave of wealth driven evil is not stoped, will result in the inevitable destruction of not only our race, but the great blue orb we call home.

Fight for your power. It, like anything in this infinate universe, cannot be possesed! and should not, directly or indirectly influence the degridation of the wonder that is life. peace...