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TED talk on agriculture.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Watch this. Its a video about agriculture and explains in 20 minutes why you should take the time to watch the video that takes 20 minutes, hence why it is a video and not a block of text.



21 Oct 2011
why don't you summarize it? Not every one wants to spend 20 minutes watching a video


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
tammuz a dit:
why don't you summarize it? Not every one wants to spend 20 minutes watching a video

why don't you just watch the video?
Not everyone wants to baby feed you.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
Our lifestyles are the underpinning of this whole problem, it seems one of the most inconvenient thing to face. We are living beyond what the earth can take. If everybody lived the lifestyle that we in the west do, we'd need 2 and a half earths to support that, and many people want to do live that way. I found that there is a very common desire in the Indian population that I had contact with, that is to live a western lifestyle, big house, several cars, and all the rest of it. I can very well imagine that a great deal of people in other countries in Asia, Africa and South America want to do so too. Now that is not to say that they are too many, it is to say that we are too many (excuse that divide here), or that we are living too wasteful. We are not lovers of the earth, we are needy children just taking taking taking with no regard for how our mother feels. We need to become adults in our relationship to the earth and environment and everything else for that matter. (I think there is something wrong with the idea of "becoming", but I'll leave it at that now) It is paramount for us to become responsible consumers, but it seems incredibly hard, especially for those of us who live in the city. However, buying is a political act, we vote by what we buy and what we don't, and departing from that it seems absolutely important to have an idea how and where the things we consume were produced. It seems quite hard to have an idea about that at this point, but I hope and think it should be better in the future.

I was thinking about it yesterday, it is no wonder that we as a society/species/individuals are confused, since we have no idea where our food comes from. That is something new in the grand scale of human life. A big factor of ones enjoyment of food (and thus also nourishment) lies in the consciousness of its origins, it makes a fundamental difference.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
20 minutes? are you kidding me, you are probably sitting in front of the computer for a lot more than that a day. that the video is about agriculture should give you an idea what you can expect of it, watch 5 minutes of it and if doesn't interest you, turn it off.
and may I remind you: nobody is forcing you to watch it.

also, and I can't stress it enough, this is a topic that is goddamn important to shed some light on, fucked up politics is one thing, but fucked up agriculture, that which feeds you, where your food comes from, is just as important to investigate in.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
BananaPancake a dit:
also, and I can't stress it enough, this is a topic that is goddamn important to shed some light on, fucked up politics is one thing, but fucked up agriculture, that which feeds you, where your food comes from, is just as important to investigate in.

Thanks Banana. It is extremely important. Food has become an after thought - something that is kind of 3rd or 4th in importance. We put our car payments before our food shopping. We would rather spend more on random tid bits and technology than healthy food. It is messed up.

And to reiterate my post above:




Ain't saying anyone is fat or lazy, just putting out the two extremes.


Actually, this is the news section, so a quick summary (even a single sentence) of what the video is about is strongly recommended.

If only for the sake of the homepage's looks.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
thanks for the post. great video for those who watched it. i find it strange that he didn't mention any of the specific benefits of those lifestyles. like reducing animal meat farming would reduce overall food consumption dramatically.

unrelated: the summary is in the title. it is a TED talk about agriculture. was anyone unclear of the topic when they clicked it? i don't see what all the fuss is about. it's a very broad talk about agriculture in general, so simply saying "agriculture" is fitting imo.

the point is, no one is going to watch a video on agriculture if they dont care about agriculture. and even if they do start to watch but don't appreciate the message, then i doubt they will waste a full 17:42 watching; or even 1:00 watching for that matter. that's a bit farce...

i see no issue here other than our agricultural habits, and perhaps the time management of the people complaining should be addressed appropriately too. another topic of course.

we've seen time and time again (a very brief search will illustrate) that the summaries and titles given for many of the articles on psychonaut are somewhat, if not totally misleading. not to pick on people, but to merely use the latest examples: people don't need sleep? who is troy davis? cannabis make you ill? eisteins field equations were solved? (yes, i admit i have made this error as well)

basically, why try to say better, what a person who's dedicated their life to has already said well? let the information present itself. keep personal scrutiny out of information one of the more important things i've learned from issues like this. if people can't afford to make up their own mind about something then so be it. that's not the issue here. the issue here is agriculture.

thanks for your time.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
Thanks allusion,

one quote that seems to be fitting is;

"When you summarize poetry, what you leave out is the poetry"

and in a way, a person's life work, like this video, is a form of poetry - they have mastered how to say and what points to emphasize. By me summarizing I take away from it.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
Okay, I spent 5 minutes listening to a guy, who, just as I thought, is saying stuff I have been aware of for AT LEAST 15 years.

If this is news to you you are ALL IN TROUBLE, big time

That was a lot of condescension from you all to what end exactly?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
that does NOT negate what I said, if you wanna play polemics that is fine

what I said still stands, you guys have some catching up to do if that was news to you, per-iod

Try actually listening sometime


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Déc 2006
3 774
what you just did constitutes basically an ad hominem attack. you know better

PS- you all aren't going to turn this into a circle jerk around me either, what was asked for at first was actually fair; a summary of the contents, instead of berating someone to 'just watch it'

if it had said something helpful, then that would be another story, but this was the equivalent of lecturing me on set and setting for 20 minutes= NOT INTERESTED, I am a bit past that point in my studies

and that aint condescencion, its something called honesty.

Too bad that isnt appreciated here, but why am I surprised?

spice out


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I do, which is why I deleted the post, too late as it seems.

I'm just wondering why your posts always have to be so trifling with anger, why is that? honestly, it annoys me.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
8 Juin 2006
3 374
I can understand that you don't care. but please tell me, to what shall I wake up and how do I know when it happens? and how do you know whether the person you are talking to is awake or not? you seem to assume that everybody is asleep by default, do you think that I/we don't sense this ambient wrongness? you are not the only one who's unhappy with the state of affairs.