some problems of grow and grow box

  • Auteur de la discussion Auteur de la discussion 88rocco
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Hello, I am new to site and glad to be apart of it. Thanks for having me.

But I was curious to know if anyone has ever dealt with the mygtech cultivation kit? I recently have invested in one and its a little unclear on when and where you are suppose to insert the spores? yes i am new to this soo i would like to get the info i need to do it as well as i can and produce a nice crop.
The site of purchase is if you would like to see for yourself.
and here is also the online instruction on how to use the kit

Thank you for your time and advice.
From what I can see, you'd need to grow some mycelium in the pre-sterilised jar, and then use that to spawn the substrate (which you will have to pasteurise)...

I'm not sure it's the most advisable method if you're new to growing shrooms... Is this the case?

You'll have to be careful to follow sterile procedure at all steps, and there is the added concern that you're merely pasteurising most of the substrate.

If you have the actual product, it shouldn't be too difficult to work out how to get the spores from a syringe into the jar. I don't have it in front of me, though.
Strange that they say pasteurization, you'd better sterilize the material.

You can sterlizie easily with a common pressure cooker, if you have one, it will give a much better effect then pasteurization...
so if u have a pressure cooker: put a little bit of water in it (3 fingers high or so), place in the bag, heat it till it cooks and steam comes out. And then just wait 30 minutes, keeping it cooking..

The temperature is much higher with a pressure cooker (121°C) so it kills every living thing (bacteria, molds, and also endospores).. Endospores aren't killed if u do the pasteurization method.
Shamanita a dit:
Strange that they say pasteurization, you'd better sterilize the material.

I was presuming the main substrate (which I think they said was in a hessian sack...) would be too large to put in a pressure cooker. Large scale grows tend to call for pasteurization when you're dealing with way too much substrate to stick in a pressure cooker.
DrGonzoII a dit:
Shamanita a dit:
Strange that they say pasteurization, you'd better sterilize the material.

I was presuming the main substrate (which I think they said was in a hessian sack...) would be too large to put in a pressure cooker. Large scale grows tend to call for pasteurization when you're dealing with way too much substrate to stick in a pressure cooker.

but on the instructions on they use just a boiling pan / stewpan. So i guess that the bag would also fit in a pressure cooker.
88rocco if you tell us exactly what you got from them we can tell you what to do .

What ever you do to sterilise it always put something between the bottom of the pan and the thing you want to sterilise . From a hardware shop you can get things to put kettles and pans on that alow them to cool without burning surfaces . If you put one of those in the bottom of the pan the heat spreads better and more evenly . With glasses it helps stop them crack . If you cant find one just put a folded up towell on the bottom instead .
I'll start,

Cubensis and sclerotia plug and grow, growkits

I wish I could add, the jars I posted about starting earlier I lost all 8 quarts to wet bacteria. But the mycelium of the shrooms fought hard, was GT strain and almost won the battle in 1 jar, I saved a sample for examination later.

I shoulda taken pics to post a good pic of lost jars for new growers/hobbiests.
I hope my mexicans will look likew that soon. Ill try to get a pick for ya alls.
As I've promised a friend of mine to let him share in the mushroom experience, I'll check back in here for pix of my next plug & grow box in april ;)

For my general information, I am wondering how to case, while being sterile. Also does anyone know of a good casing method? I remember reading that the pH has to be adjusted. I have tried casing before but it did not work because it got infected with mold. Are there any ways that are sterile that yield a good flush?

peace & love
I would imagine that you could rig up almost like a mason jar except as a casing if you have any skills at glass blowing.

Other than that I would imagine if you sterilized like proper PF Tek mason jars in prsessure cooker and than moved that to a sterile glove box with a sterile casing inside and than pour the mason jar out on to the casing.
For casings I mix peat with lime (?) . Before making the casing, I like to put it in the microwave for +-15minutes. This makes it a lot more sterile. You cal also try to mix some h2o2 through the water that you add to your casing layer.
For my experience, you don't need to work in sterile conditions when you case, the mycelium has a good resistance to contamination at that point.
But, if you really want to, you can make a glove box

For the ph, I use calcium powder and usually works pretty well
Hello all,

I have a question regarding the temperatures of each stage of the mushroom process. I am doing some research into the details of growing mushrooms as I find it interesting. I think I read somewhere that during the different stages of the mushrooms life, different, precise temperatures are needed for maximum flushes. Regarding a regular cubensis strain, does anyone know the temperatures of each stage for the mushroom? Also do you have a link. I think I read this information in one of Paul Staments books, but it is at my uncles and he is on the other side of the country.

peace & love
What I've read on FungiFun is that you should inoculate in room temperature, let the jar colonize in about 25 degrees C, and fruit in a place that is about 21 degrees C.
I'm sorry to say, but the FungiFun Pftek site says colonization should be close to 27°C, not 25°C :)
From experience I can say they also colonize at 22°C, but it might take a few days longer.

The site Mara linked to is a good pf-tek explanation, I've also been using that for my first attempts at growing shrooms, and I still keep to 95% what it says. It just works :)
Hey there,

so.. i just received my first cubensis growbox! :D
only problem is, that i didn't get any instructions on how to use the box (i guess this is because of the recent ban on mushrooms in the netherlands?)

What i got is the growbox, a plastic bag and two paperclips. How do i start? I read something about soaking the box for 12 hours...? So do i just open the box fill it with water and close it again for 12 hours?.. And what do i do after that?

I'm a total beginner at growing shrooms :oops: so any help would be greatly appreciated :lol:

Love &