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Should i trip with open or closed eyes?


23 Juil 2010
Hi everyone, im going on a salvia trip tomorrow, and ive tried it a few times now, but only gone through to salvia land once(in my backyard)
and i really hope to get that far again someday, but im not sure whats the best way to do it, since i fell that both OEV and CEVs have their pro´s and cons.
Whats the best way to experince salvia in high doses, and why?

i know that i can go from open eyes to closed in a blink of an eye, but under high doses, i easily forget how to do so.
and for some reason, i allways fell a little scared when im coming up after taking a toke of salvia.

Ps, should i get a mindfold? ive heard it makes it easier to trip


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
When i did salvia I wasn't sure if my eyes were open or closed.

I guess they were open (so I've been told).


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Personally, I've always found Salvia to be much more enjoyable in a dark room, on a large couch with no sounds or people bothering me. It sounds boring, but comparing to the types I've had it with any other distractions, it's always been more profound on it's own.


Psycho disparu·e
8 Mai 2006
3 478
Eyes closed is better to have visions (personally!).

I never come on the english section cause i'm french, but tonight i met sally, it was 8 months since i had not seen her (lady sally).

I started a stressful job 2 months ago, and i felt anxious 'til today. In fact Salvia have spectacular antidepressants effetcs on me, and today i feel better, even more, i feel so good today (body and soul!!).

Tonight i smoked a mix of x5 extract and leaves, i didn't have visions but only a very spectacular sensation. It was like a big snake devouring me from head to feets. But it was a very pleasant sensation, a warming sensation of healing (i started laughing for 5 minutes, i still have a stomach ache this morning !).

So, i feel so good than i plan to smoke salvia more often now !

take care !


2 Sept 2007
1 574
closed eyes in a dark, quiet room deffinatly. when i did salvia around friends in my backyard things looked really far away and there was alot of giggling and this really weird firmilar feeling like i had done it in a past life... but when i did it correctly.. oh my g-word.

i way laying in my bed, sitting up agains the wall with a pillow behind me, and a pillow halfway behind my head, and halfway hanging over the top of my head. i put my blanket over the whole setup so i was left in a cuccoon(sp?) but there was a pocket around my face so i could smoke. i took 3 massive hits and was instantly looking down at myself laying in bed. from there i zoomed out into blackness in a split second then appeared standing with a group of people that were all in "gods" hand. then it zommed out more and there were these identical "gods" as far as the eye could see holding people in each hand. then i was in some sort of rocket ship with no roof where i zoomed at hyperspeed throughout my entire child hood. (but it wasnt MY childhood)

i did it like that 2 more times and the other times were even more insane. i sunk down through my bed and landed in a grassy feild and met a little girl who asked me who i am, i said *insert name here*, and she looked mad and repeated herself. "i mean.. who ARE you?" and that shit really stuck with me. a divine question indeed.

and i went on to live a full life from childhood to death from that point. when i removed my head from the covers nearly 2 hours had gone by and i was soaking in sweat. so i think if you can eliminate ALL distractions in this reality, theres no limit to how long your in salvia land, if you treat it like a dream.
the 3rd time i did it i was brought back to the SAME life and greeted by the SAME people who treated my return like some sort of birthday party.

these experiences are what eventually led me to believe in reincarnation/past lives.

so simply put. closed eye. hands down :mrgreen:
and dont forget to wright a trip report! ;)
salvia tends to provide some good ones.