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2 Sept 2007
1 574
Ok so this report isnt about the use of a drug, but rather pain.

So when i got my first tattoo on my back i instantly fell in love with the feeling. but it hardly hurt enough for me. i figured i would get a bunch of tattoos in sensitive places to see if i could still handel it, and if so, then i would try out a scarification tattoo. check out the wiki if you have never heard of it.

well being an aspiring tattoo artist myself, i HAD to do it myself. i did weeks of research and watched it done many times. and having had some small experience with self harm far in the past, i knew how deep to cut. i finally got around to buying the medical supplies i needed then decided i was ready.

so i drew out the design i wanted (a simple outline of a city landscape that will wrap around my lower leg), i drew it out on stencil then laid it out and went over it in perminate marker to wear for a few days to see if i liked it.

so after mentally prepairing for 2 days, i decided i was ready. i took a shower and washed off the marker so that you could only faintly see the outline. then i sterilized the bathtub with surgical spirits, along with my leg, and hands. i sterilized my home made scalpel and took a deep breath.. then proceded to cut.

during the first few lines i found myself thinking the same things that i was when i got my first tattoo.. "wow this dosent hurt nearly as bad as i expected, its sorta like a pen being pushed very hard." but then after wiping away the blood i realized i wasnt going deep enough :ANAL:. I decided to keep going over the outline with the thin surface cuts so i had something to go on when the rest of the ink wipes away with the blood for the deeper cuts. i did the lines all the way arond my leg, then proceded to start to retrace over the allready skabbing surface cuts.. THATS where things got interesting.

i found i had to repeadly run the razor over the same line to remove the scabs and procede going deeper. and the pain for that was well.... INTENCE. half way through i almost decided to smoke a bowl of weed and take a break. but i diddnt want to stop. i was both in ageny and on the verge of practicle orgasim. the pain effected me all over. i was starting to get hot and sweaty even though the window was open, and its chilly outside. my hands started shaking, and i started getting this rushing feeling from the aderenilne. the rush diddnt go away like it usually does when you get a burst of adereniline, it was a slow constant rush. i found myself in a state of euphoria 1/4 away from the end of going over the cuts for my second time.

by the time i had retraced my way around 2 times i was completly high. theres no other way to discribe it. it was almost like a cross between really clean cocaine, and extacy. i decided to pour hydrogen peroxide over the cuts to premote scaring, then i wiped away what blood i could with surgical spirits.... THAT topped off my now fading buzz again with pain that shot through my whole leg. by the time i got the gauze on it and wrapped it in bandages i was right back where i was when i was just finishing the cuts.

I think that everytime i remove the scabs and adjitate it with lemon juice then sterilize it with the menthol and rubbing alcohol mix of my surgical spirits its going to be the same burst of aderenilne everytime. but i dont know yet. ill keep you guys posted on how the healing and adjitating process goes when i get there.


Don't forget that the best way to make it visible is to cut a lemon in two halves, dip one in sugar and brush your scar as hard as you can. ;)

I have a scarfication (make by Lukas Zpira <3) on my back, so I had to ask my friends to do this "abrasive" routine for me, was much fun, one of them nearly passed out.


1 Avr 2010
I got two tattoos from my uncle in mauritius ... He take 3 needle and begin by my hand (between my thumb and my "ass finger" :butthead: ) and, after my foot (it's verry verry verry hard) ...

But Scarification :rolleyes:
Level of game : "Conan the Barbarian" activate !


2 Sept 2007
1 574
im using a soft tooth brush and powdered toothpaste ina few days. but i think the peroxide is enough for adjitation. it hurts soooo good haha. and the alcohol i have is mixed with menthol. thats INTENCE haha.

next on my list is getting my hand web pierced.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
ahhh shut the fuck up i hate blood


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
man that sounds intense alright... so you actually feel pleasure when tattooing yourself? haha you gotta take pics of that thing


2 Sept 2007
1 574
ya the pain is a rush. and biting and scratching during sex... forget it.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
oh and the adjitation process hurts worse than cutting that shit in the first place!!!


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
trick a dit:

what is that? and why the lemon juice?? so it doesn't get infected??? man that thing most BURN


Basically, you're trying to prevent as much as possible of the scar to cicatrise.

Lemon juice helps for the scarification to have a more visible color.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
intense, i googled some pics, there's a guy that has his entire chest covered in a buddhist mural... i have a dot behind my left elbow(bottom of the tricep) haha. not a traditional brand, i mean, my friend needed to put out a blunt :wink:


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
27 Sept 2007
3 310
oh i see

i have always admired the guys who do the suspension thing... tiax, you mentioned it, have you done it? for a person to do that he or she must have MAD concentration skills and a really strong determination. i imagine


2 Sept 2007
1 574
red vinigar is said to give color to the scar too, ill have to do that soon.

how many days should i adjitate for? ive been doing it 2 - 3 times a day.


Sale drogué·e
5 Août 2009
Damn this sounds painful.


2 Sept 2007
1 574
well worth the experience though mate ;)


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
Man you're a beast, i really doubt i could do that
I've branded myself twice on my left arm and the high adrenal rush i can dig man, but im sure youre taking it to totally different places
I'd like to see the finished product if you get a pic of it


Elfe Mécanique
11 Mai 2010
If you only take a look at google, man this is quite insane! :D





Holofractale de l'hypervérité
16 Oct 2008
2 174
That last pic looks like its one of those tribal scarifications in new guinea where they scar their entire backs to imitate the skin of crocodile when they reach manhood

scarification can be pretty sweet, i especially like when they incorporate buddhist designs into them, they look real nice :mrgreen: