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Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
Is there any research or care for this substance? And not the natural kind from your plant, the black attached leftover smoke left behind to darken your smoking peice that saves your ass at a bad time? Iv just read so much and have never found anything for rezzin. Any and all thoughts welcome! This might be dumb to some.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
don't think any real research has been done with it, though i do remember a HUGE debate about it here back when i first joined. either people loved it or hated it, not much in between.

i gotta say, im not a huge fan, but back in the day when that's all there was...


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
I feel noones an actual fan :D I think some out there might not agree. I'm just curious about any actual research what are the thc levels in rezzin compared to the bud it came from? Is it worse for you then the pot? Iv just always seen pot and hash research noone seems to care for the last solution black cousin :) and is there chemicals in rezzin pot dose not have (attributing to my rezzin naps) or is rezzin weaker and full of worse shit for you? But thank you ophiuchus your always there for my stupid questions :) I do enjoy being here :D


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
No offense when I say that if it reads like that. Seriously thank you mang :D


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Sept 2011
2 227
What do both of you actually call rezzin?


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
I call it "rezzin"(Rez-in) that's the only name iv herd for it. I used to say rezzion's. I'm interested in any other names :D I also call the air intake of my bowl (not the mouth piece or head) a rush. I know others say carb when I leave state. but in NY that's the terms. "Yo my nigga gots that fire! That shits some straight piff. Mad la-git."- a day in the city of western ny. Don't worry I'm not from the city and that's not how I talk :p


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Sept 2011
2 227
Can't you be more specific? I'm from France and i have no clue what Rez-in, rezzin or rezzion is... My question wasn't "Do both of you have other names for rezzin?" But "what is Rezzin?"

However I understood that for you a rush is the air intake of your bowl !


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
the black left over tarr junk in your smoking device, after its been used atleast three times you see it get dirty, the dirtyness you scrape out is rezzin. when in need you can smoke it. its been eatin by mistake (perhaps not) but iv never eatin it to feel anything its to gross! its nasty just to smoke it most the time :P there are some who drink the bong water /puke. whats the word for it in french?


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
20 Sept 2011
2 227
Aaaaaalright I get you now !

I never smoke that or even drink the water of the bong. For real, i'd rather put 2 fingers into my throat in order to vomit directly instead of smoke or drink such things !

However i thinks this word "rezzin" comes from the french word "resine", that is usually used to talk about hash. Hash is really common here in France.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
:D nice iv just gotten back into pressing hash myself gettin bubble bags soon. I always thought of it as a term for residue


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
14 Nov 2006
4 530
i believe the word is technically spelled 'resin', which is the dried version of a sappy or sticky substance that some plants put off (like pine trees). i do not believe that the resin we are talking about smoking is what would technically be considered real cannabis resin. i believe that would be the actual trichomes of the plant, which SF alluded to, for making hash.

but semantics aside, black resin can be smoked, and one can get comparably high off of it.

things to note though:
black resin is going to contain carcinogens from the combustion of the plant (the smoke contains this too obviously), so smoking the plant is not really going to be "healthy".
black resin will get one to a similar degree of high, but i find it not quite as pure feeling, and i find the comedown to not be as pure either.
bong water will not get one high to nearly the same degree.

my favorite method hands down for any substance is to eat it.

fuckcombustion.com has excellent techniques for properly preparing cannabis edibles.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
^That's why I say rezzin


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Août 2012
I wish I could say I never had to scrape a bowl to get by when I was younger... If I did say that I would be lying! I am not sure what the other contaminates are in the resin but the potency would be directly related to that and would be the numbers you would need to define it mathematically. There would be to many variables though, when you consider everything.


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
:( true, it'd be a different result for different paraphernalia and even for different portable flame units. i still wouldn't mind studying in depth to see what chemicals consistently differ after being smoked and if some chemicals become any stronger in a sense. example - when i smoke rezzin i get a lot more tired opposed to smoking herb. i just feel this substance gets no care or acknowledgment scientifically.


Glandeuse pinéale
25 Août 2012
Call me cynical but when they can monetize the resin we smoke they will probably research it, until then we will never know. Unless there is someone who has a lab, this would be a great experiment for college, you might even get grant money awarded! LOL

Et Alia

Matrice périnatale
11 Oct 2012
Hashish has been used for thousands of years in India, where they have many ways of preparing it. Soft black resin is the most valuable, as it is essentially the pollen of the bud being teased and rolled in one's hands until it adheres to itself (kinda like blue tack if you roll it in your hands enough). It was favoured over plant matter in ye olden days because it was easier to cut with other things - nowadays most solid around here is mixed in with all sorts of nonsense; I found a lego brick once! -and you could get a much higher yield from it in comparison to the bud because you could just shake the bud to make 'soft black' and then make regular hashish of the rest of the flower. Generally produces a longer, more powerful high.

The black sticky stuff left over in your bong is a mix of plant matter and THC that has not fully combusted, so there's a slight value to it. As Ophiuchus said, it will contain carcinogens and other nasties that you don't want to be smoking. However, you can separate the useful stuff from it by picking up some isopropyl alcohol from your local hardware store and swishing it around in your piece until it's completely clean. This stuff will remove all of the stick and dirt. If you run it through a coffee filter and then leave the remaining product to dry it will be harsh, but smokeable. If you don't care much for filtration, then you can simply leave it to dry.

I doubt you'd want to though; it'd still be pretty nasty because it's essentially just burnt plant matter.

Et Alia

Matrice périnatale
11 Oct 2012
Aye, agreed, though I myself wouldn't go near it. Perhaps I've just never been desperate enough!


Alpiniste Kundalini
5 Juil 2012
i see how it is. to good for the rezzin >.> pfft. nukka im hertin. As of when this was wrote and hopfully less so.