Quoi de neuf ?

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Je m'inscris!



2 Sept 2007
1 574
When you meet me, i come off as a generally laid back person, who likes a good laugh, and takes more risks than nessassary. That is pretty much me in a nutshell.

but get to know me closer and youl realize that i generally hate all people, and i take risks to get my blood pumping. too many people sit around all day and do nothing.. i can relate to this. but what makes me diffrent from everyone else, when i do something i do it to the fullest, wether good or bad. theres no half way for me. ethier it was fun, or it was a waste of time, ethier i enjoy something, or it was shit, ethier i love you or i hate you. but you better be sure that if im about something, im about it all the way. my mind is always made up, and im stubborn about what i allready know. sometimes to the point where im too arrogant to learn things i DONT know.

my life revolves around money, but only because im forced to make it revolve in that direction. dispite having the means to make a society completly non-dependant on money, big coorperations leach every last penny that they can. all because of the disire to have a higher status than someone else. when in retrospect, were are all just as much of a person as the next one.

i may have just started on about nothing and ended in a rambel about how the world sucks, but believe me, theres alot going on up in this head of myne that the world needs to hear. theres also alot that the worlds just not ready for. b4 i die i vow to you this. i will be remembered, and i will make a change throughout this entire planet, be it good or bad, i will change it.

The world is full of misfortune as it is, will a little more really matter? The way I see it, as time goes on, people spend more and more effort trying to make life better, when in reality, they are really shredding all hope at ever even being truly happy. True happiness lies in simplicity. Do you remember being a young child and being easily entertained by the smallest things? What makes then different from now? Ill tell you. LIFE. You can look at life in many different angles but when it comes down to it, all there is to it is self preservation and mating. Primal instincts. We have to put on a show in order to impress the right mate. Flashy cars, big jobs, expensive jewlry, and lavished living. Those are the ideal mating tools for someone in the 21st centery. But is it all really nessary? What ever happened to choosing someone because of the traits that they could pass onto your offspring? It seems like people are breeding dispite what the outcome of them producing a child may be. The result is an increasing amount of less than average joes who are nothing better than an inbred slave to the government. These “nobodies” will drink coffee and watch the news before work everyday, and gladly accept the brainwashing that telivison pours into their skulls. Thye will go on to be the governments perfectly crafted minions who will do whatever they ask in a moments notice… even if that means taking innocent lives in other countries over simple politics and money. So will it really matter if theres alittle more misfortune in the world, just because someone decided he didn’t like the current way life was providing misory??? Will it matter?

I will craft this world into what I want it be.

I had to get that out of my system. thanks for listining.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
22 Juil 2008
7 482
I don't believe what you're doing is any type of misfortune. The people that take what you have been doing, and create it into a misfortune, that inlies the problem. If you are talking about what I believe you are talking about, you are doing something that interests you, something that doesn't kill people, maim (mame?) people, or destroy lives. If it does, it is not onto you that the blame should be cast, it is societies uneducating systems in place that keep those people down. You are a product of your times, just as I am, and as long as your morals are good, which I believe they are, so be it.

If you want to change society, you do. Every day you go out and you do something that others wouldn't do, you have pulled an asymptote in society. That is my belief. Every little thing, pulls reality somewhere, in a nut shell this is called chaos theory. You go down the street and you wave, smile to someone, you change them. Be it little, you changed them forever. Whether you make a substance they want available, you've changed them. If they get sucked down into some pits by what you have made available, how is this your fault? You are the one supplying, not the one educating.

I'd like to change the world too - I just don't know where I'm going to start. Be it the plan discussed, or another, life will be different for us all. Little, or big.


Holofractale de l'hypervérité
13 Sept 2007
1 362
Change the mind frame, Change the approach...

Sheep or Wolve?

Victim or Freeman?

You decide...


21 Juil 2007
5 922
i'd say don't focus too much on being the anvil or the hammer, or even the metal being formed, while trying to forge frames of pictures or the pictures themselves. by that i mean, if you are not really satisfied with the result, either in retrospect or in anticipation, simply don't attach it to what you define(d) as "you" too much to it then. i heard once from a wise yogi man, that concentration is not just putting your attention on a thing, but putting it on a thing and taking it back to yourself again.

peace :weedman:


2 Sept 2007
1 574
That post was writtin while i was very high/scared/confused/angry

I dont even think i really had a point to it, but i just had to get out some aggravation. Pay no attention ... :oops: lmao

The feelings came from a meeting i was to go2 the following day. after going to this meeting i realized it wasnt even the day i should be worried about.

so... another 12 days of anticipation. shoot me now please? :ANAL: xD